Okay, so... we know how control points work. There are two kinds. - The ones that you can flip by yourself and which control the allegiance of a small number of terminals - say, 4 inventory, 1 ground vehicle pad, and maybe one kind of shield generator. - The other kind that are 'lettered' and are the keys to larger bases - A, B, and so on. They accept more than one person 'working' on them. The more people nearby, the more quickly control is relinquished to the attacking faction. A majority of these control points must be held by the attacking faction's soldiers for the ownership to be transferred away from the defenders. The suggestion is this: Infiltrators may use their hacking skills to speed the process even further -- for their part -- on either type of control point. Hold down the 'use' key while facing the control point and the usual hacking progress dial comes up. While actively hacking, their "weight" towards capture progress is increased according to double the Infiltrator's certifications in Advanced Equipment Terminal Hacking. For the unaware, each level of this skill adds 10% to hacking speed, up to 50%. So, at max hacking skill (681 certs for 1.5x hacking speed), each actively hacking Infiltrator is worth two (that is, 2x, or +100% flip speed) ordinary infantry at a control point. The trick to balance here is they're busy tapping the holo-keys and unable to actively defend. This works towards their glass cannon motif, as well. Of course, active hacking should grant XP in the manner of healing faction mates or repairing equipment. What do you think?