[Suggestion] Infiltrator recon dart to tag enemy vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by pnkdth, Jul 27, 2015.

  1. pnkdth

    Minor update for infiltrators to improve their recon role, and while not physically able to destroy the vehicle the infiltrator would act a support role versus vehicles:
    • A tagged vehicle would disable stealth, and it would count as being spotted for the duration of the darts activity cycle. This require a direct hit and will only affect the vehicle hit.
    • A tagged sunderer would have its cloak disabled for the duration of the darts activity cycle. Might need to be tweak for shorter duration due to max level dart lasting quite a long time. Perhaps 5 seconds on first rank, 10 seconds on the 4th, and 15 seconds on max rank.
    • A similar role could be attributed to the Sensor Device, and upon deployment it emits a single pulse which spots vehicles for 5 seconds(within its radius, of course), and disrupt sunderer stealth for 5 seconds(10 seconds at max rank). Remember this would be only a single pulse upon deploying it. Obviously you wouldn't be able to tag a vehicle in a manner of the Recon Dart.

    This would add to the intelligence/counter-intelligence role of the infiltrator. Given the short duration, requiring line of sight to tag, and limited range this would not be possible to be used to effortlessly find vehicles(since the sensor device require a resupply) I do not think it would be OP. I mean vehicles have access to very powerful radar cert lines, and this would be on a class that has no direct way of dealing with vehicles bar hacking.

    Feedback from fellow infiltrators and vehicle users would be appreciated!
    • Up x 1
  2. FateJH

    I like the idea but am not sure the application would be as useful as it seems. The lifespan of the darts are short, even you admit that, but I am concerned they don't act long enough for it to be worth the effect. The infrequent desire to implement a Tool akin to the PlanetSide Classic Laze Pointer exists (ignoring the counterpart Flail), so there is the consideration.

    In any case, would you suggest that the dart that acts on the vehicle not exhibit the usual minimap effect to make it less obvious that stealth is temporary disabled, or would the normal effect still be fine?

    How about interaction with implants such as Counter-Intelligence? Does the Infiltrator who lays the dart get spotted as if it were a Q-spot?
  3. breeje

    let the darts that we have now stick to vehicles