Infiltrator needs rework or team-oriented improvement

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lausk, Jan 26, 2013.

  1. Lausk

    Yeah render distance is making infiltrator very useless in big battles. Sometimes a huge chunk of guys will render and you can just gobble them up with your sniper, but most of the time you are about to shoot someone in the head and the unrender
  2. Lausk

    Yeah render distance is making infiltrator very useless in big battles. Sometimes a huge chunk of guys will render and you can just gobble them up with your sniper, but most of the time you are about to shoot someone in the head and the unrender
  3. TheBaronofSD

    things infiltrators should be:

    fastest foot soldier. trade armor for speed. infiltrators should have 100% movement speed while ADSn with their stalker type autos and soon SMGs. LA speed boost should be given to infiltrators. typically in shooters (and really other genres) fragile classes make up for this weakness in one of (sometimes both) two ways, speed, or extreme firepower. take the tf2 scout as an example. the scout is the most mobile and fastest class in the game. it also has situationally some of the highest firepower.

    backstabs should be considered. however there should be a decent penalty. maybe cert into a 'shiv' that you break off in their back and takes idk 15 seconds for the nanites to form a new blade. my reasoning here is TF2 style spy flanks where an entire team is laid out ... that is really fun for the spy but not so fun for his victims.

    the radar detector beacon things should fire silently. IMO the roadmap feature of map call ins should become more accurate if called into an area where an infiltrator has shot one of these detectors. possibly make a new type of 'ammo' for this that is more suitable to outdoors with a significantly larger radius but only spots vehicles. possibly allow a call in to have accuracy against a single vehicle if one of these radar darts is stuck to the vehicle?

    also the cloak decloak sound ... really? not a massive deal but really ***** the infiltrator much more than the sniper.

    i wouldn't mind if while within your own detector dart's radius your IFF is removed.

    just my $.02.
  4. SeniorChief

    Excellent commentary, agree with all you have said , but you missed a few, 1 a weapon that will actually do something,other than 1 claymore, without being loged out for inactivity or falling asleep!!
    2. On the probe it works great as a decoy device!!! it has never revieled an enemy however.I think this should take second place to the lack of mini map radar on hostals that are not cloaked or does max for vs and nc have cloak have to go check the stor on that.
  5. TheBaronofSD

    idk, i do well with the rams and longshot. parallax is gimped imo by the worst scope in the history of ever. triangle ... really? functionally it is identical but that scope just sucks.

    i was on a rampage yesterday at the allatum biodome, all relatively close range shots harassing the attackers on the ground. shoot move shoot move shoot whip out pistol kill move etc etc. idc if i influenced the fight much other than piss some people off but i had a blast and racked up the certs. dont underestimate the OSHS rifles in relatively close range. if you are quick and the somewhat buggy hitbox for the head doesnt screw you they can be really effective in ambush scenarios.

    if the infiltrator moved at 100% speed while ADS i think the stalker type weapons and SMGs would allow the infiltrator the ability to survive indoors, especially if you had the LA's speed boost and it didn't suck.

    the radar thing though ... idk if that can ever be good. if it fired silently, were invisible, didnt make a pulse sound, and lasted significantly longer then it is a start. if it had optional ammo to hide your red triangle or work with the roadmap call in feature then we're getting somewhere.

    might be nice to have an implant for 'force jump' (jedi knight ftw) that had an exceptionally long cool down and allowed you to jump on a wall or something. i'm thinking a 2 minute cooldown is a good place to start the discussion. just something that allows a sniper the ability to get to a few places he currently cant go without infringing on the LA's role too much. would make for an interesting trade off with the speed booster, if it were to ever be given.

    although there really isn't much to hack that is useful. most of the outposts ... ok big deal you hacked the vehicle terminal. now you can spawn a sundy which could be usefulish. towers ... if you can hack the turrets the enemy are either extremely bad or there is so little resistance that it really doesn't matter anyway. hacking larger base turrets can be situationally useful but rarely game changing.

    maybe if EMP nades could temporarily disrupt the spawning ability of a sundy. idk how long.
  6. Flharfh

    I don't think infils should be able to use C4 / mines, more instagib explosions are a bad thing.
    What I do think they should get is an upgraded cloak that takes their rifle slot. Doesn't lose charge while still, completely invisible while crouched + still, perhaps makes you invisible to night vision optics. That would give a choice between sniping and infiltrating.
  7. TheBaronofSD

    but now you're useless in CQB. no main weapon ... ? great you can hack a terminal and kill maybe 3 people with your pistol. awesome! what have you accomplished?
  8. Lausk

    Yeah we are missing cloaks that favor the cqc infiltrator.

    To give any properties like complete invisibility, you have to remove the main weapon or the sniper will just use this cloak instead.

    Hunter cloak is still viable for a CQC person using an SMG

    but we are soon expecting new faction pistols (ie shotgun pistol for NC), in which case these weapons have close quarters assassin abilities that can work in tandem with a more 'specialized' cloak.

    I think it's about time we saw some more specialty side-speccing for the infiltrator- the class is very one-dimensional, and is limited in ways to branch out effectively
  9. ent|ty

    Your burden is great. Surely you will overcome the weaknesses of this class and turn it into a master killing machine. You'll do fine, soldier - hang in there.
  10. Lausk

    The way I see it is a scenario where you are trying to retrieve bread.

    You can either go to the store and buy bread
    You can make it from scratch

    This is analogous to classes in planetside and their ability to get points and get kills

    You can roll Heavy assault, where they nearly have all the tools they need to dispense death and destruction to all forms of enemies.
    You can roll Infiltrator where the odds are heavily stacked against you in almost every way

    Yes there is a great satisfaction in making your own bread, but sometimes you come back from work and just need bread right away. The disparity between these two things is too great, and sometimes you're asking yourself why you're wasting your time.

    To cap off this thread, the infiltrator is incomplete, and underdeveloped, and we're all going to need to play a different game like Dishonored or Assassin's creed to get an infiltrator fix and the heaps of strategy that flow from these kinds of games.

    Right now SOE is very focused on balancing what they have right now for the risks that come from implementing new class features and new weaponry that isn't similar or the same to what already exists.

    This is a double-edged sword

    On one hand you are securing the features you have now. You get it working you solidify a base from which you can build things on in the future.

    On the other hand you are creating an environment that lacks dynamic gameplay for a lengthy amount of time while the game is initially out and exposed to the maximum playerbase.

    Fights on indar are almost as predictable as the weather until they just rotated the gates.

    For that I consider taking a break until GU03 because GU02 is still groundwork while they try to figure out which direction the game needs to go.
  11. sosolidshoe

    You can see LA's with Drifer jets dropping C4 on the roof of your tank from 50m up? :rolleyes:
  12. Bambolero

    Obviously not but that happens too rare to even mater.
    I've lost a tank to C4 maybe two times total (Indar of course, SE canyons heh ) but that's maybe because I don't drive tanks often and my main class is LA so I know their tricks and where to look for them.