Being a veteran Infiltrator (2 years), I've always thought the class was lacking something. Yes there's the cloak but also a decrease in overall durability/survivability (-100 shields). Sure this is there to help balance the class but when you think about it the Infiltrator is the lightest class but has the same movement speed as a Heavy Assault. Even a simple 10% increase to the Infiltrator's sprint speed would be great for the class and its playstyle. Why should a class with 100 less overall shields be as sluggish as one with +100 and an over shield system? Visually this makes no sense either, no armor vs A LOT. Then again this game isn't based on a lot of logic of course . Thoughts?
I actualy never understand why infiltrator don't move faster, see this again this morning, stupid HA with pump action running at the same speed than me, i mean we are supose to be the light armor class (we actualy having less hp because of that) and after that you telling me that heavy assault wich is the strong armor class and have extend shield for that can run at the same speed than me. It's ******* common sense than infiltrator should run faster...
What? you don't like chasing heavies around? </s> An intrinsic speed buff for infils (or remove the shield penalty) has been proposed since day one, but SOE ignored it. Dunno if DB will have a different stance.
To this I counter with: Pick up a rifle designated for long range. They're frikkin' heavy. Mine weighs QUITE a bit (and I pity the fool that thought it wise to bring a .50 caliber to any sort of long-distance stamina training session). Cloakers are also more slight of frame, so we may not have the muscle mass to swiftly carry something so bulky and weighty. I personally think the speed boost should belong more to the LA, rather than us. Carbines are typically built with weight in mind, and their class should scream "We move fast!". But, that topic regards my views on how the entire class system needs to be tweaked, so I'll save that for another thread xD. Just my $0.02, and something to think about -Stay Frosty
Sorry but that counter argument is the dumbest ive ever seen... Yeah a high powered rifle weighs alot. But not as much as a LMG, and certainly not as much as a LMG AND a frikkin rocket launcher. Also theres scout rifles,smg and stalker cloaks that only use pistols. Btw the current running speed needs to be the fastest running speed (or hit detection will be a thing of the passed), and a movement penalty should be added based on what they are carrying. I suggest adding weight modifiers to all weapons and gear.
Underneath all their armour, Heavy Assaults would also have the muscle mass to bear all that weight. With Infiltrators, you can see their frame clearly; not much muscles. For the closer-ranged weapons, it's still about the same, really: Sure, they'd be a bit lighter, but it's all about the muscle mass. Just because one is lithe doesn't mean they're quick.
Following that logic, which I dont support... Then Heavies would have more health aswell due to their muscle mass. Yet its their shields that make them stronger, and its the shields that infiltrators have penalty to. And more muscles (muscles to carry 2 very heavy weapons along with equipment) usually means that your slow compared to a smaller person. But really all the infantry use the same body, they just wear diffrent equipment. The only class that uses "avatar driving" is the vanu MAX, which is a engineered alien body. ALIEN!!!!
I would also love to have a bit more haste. But i think in combination with the Adrenaline Pump that would be overpowered already (Just imagine being able to knife people that walk away from you...)
I think you're all putting too much thought into this. It's simply the fact that a light class should and usually is faster than bulky/tanky classes. Infiltrators are just light cloth, spandex and a cloaking device. Where as a heavy you're heavily armored and have a shield that can deflect massive ammounts of damage. To whoever is talking about a rifle being heavy and that somehow justifies the argument, just stop. I almost always use an SMG. In conclusion I believe a 10-15% increase in Sprint speed is fair. I often use adrenaline pump but because of the -100 shields I have moved over to nano weave.
The M249 SAW (used for this example for being an iconic LMG) weighs around 22lbs when fully loaded. The Barrett .50 cal (used for this example because the RAMS .50's name implies the caliber of the T3 rifles) typically weighs around 31ish pounds when loaded. To be fair, I hadn't even bothered to take into consideration the weight of an SMG loadout, or the rocket launcher, my mistake xD. Overall, I don't think that we need a movement speed increase. I DO think that all the classes need specific movement speeds, however, along with specific health, shields, and stamina. But, I feel that anything that may be perceived as a buff to our class to the community as a whole would turn around and result in a bash across the head with the nerf hammer. I think that if anything is to be changed, then all classes should be changed at once. -Stay Frosty
IMO, stalker cloak should come with built-in rank 3 ammo belt, and the nano-armor should come with built in adrenaline pump. The stalker removes an entire weapon (with vastly superior ammo killing potential), so the ammo belt is really needed due to that if you plan on getting more than 2-3 kills. The nano armor cloaking has reduced duration, so you should be able to move faster to take full advantage of what little cloaking time you do have.
I can agree with Stalker cloak getting a passive Ammo Belt (but ya don't run outta knife though, son!!). I don't Stalk much though, so my input on that may be skewed a bit. I'm probably the only person on Forumside that uses the NAC for mid-long range sniping. My aggressive playstyle suits it well, since my cloak cycles and times between shots are normally pretty short. The non-flashiness is nice for being hit with stray rounds, and at reasonable ranges, it can allow you to survive countersnipers' headshots, if they're lucky enough to hit you while you're cloaked. I'd like to see a passive Adrenaline Pump added in there, I think it'd make the more aggressive snipers start to see how useful it is. -Stay Frosty
I was using NAC for awhile. I usually play VERY aggressively with the cyclone, NAC did help in some situations. Ultimately I found hunter cloaking the better option though. Longer cloak time and recharge over a +35% dmg reduction while cloaked, seems to compliment my playstyle more. I'm not always shot at while cloaked so the - duration and recharge didn't help at all. If I could move faster (built in adrenaline pump), I would take another look at NAC.
Eh no. I see no problem with giving a 10% speed buff to infils. A bullet can move significantly faster than a person even if they are 10% faster.
So wait....are you telling me that if i change the classes the soldiers change too??? It is the same soldier -> SAME MUSCLES BUT OTHER EQUIPMENT -> LIGHTER STALKER -> FASTER Your argument is proven invalid
Use your sensor tools. Someone with intel is already much faster than someone without. Shortest path between two points, disregarding the teleporters and warpgates, is a straight line and Infil is expected to find those.
Wouldn't even need AP. In theory it may sound reasonable and appropriate but that tiny speed boost is a huge advantage. For escaping, once the user knows they're being chased, if they have any sort of cover to weave around they're getting a flank or redeploy done because the opponent needs to rely on their target to close the distance for them. For knifing, cloak synergizes with knife to begin with, from being able to activate and/or be in viable range before the target gets any feedback. More speed means also ignoring the target's attempts to evade if they become aware. They can't simply back away anymore. If a simple movement buff is given, it needs to be isolated from other mechanics that are affected by movement speed. I suggest removing or severely reducing Infil's jump cooldown. That increases their ability to 'infiltrate" much more literally and is a unique trait. Indirectly that increases their movement speed in any case of going over obstacles like rocks, rails, windows and walls.