[Suggestion] Infiltrator implant: system breach.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HAXTIME, Jun 2, 2017.


    Rare, Infiltrator-only implant that allows spawning the original empire-specific vehicles from hacked terminals at +60% +50% +40% +30% +10% Nanite cost (depending on implant level). Only the Infiltrator hacking the terminal can pull, and only while the Infiltrator keeps wearing the implant.

    (yeah I see no way this can go wrong, lol)
  2. FateJH

    Why an Implant?
    • Up x 1

    What else would it be?
  4. LordKrelas

    Wouldn't the vehicles then be stock ones?
    Which would be inferior to the infil's vehicles, if they unlocked anything.

    I was thinking about this, but there is virtually nothing stopping the feature also allowing unlocks on the enemy faction vehicles. Not sure who would invest that much in it though, but still, should be possible. Or NS weapons only, where applicable.
  6. LordKrelas

    Then you could pull Fully-certed Vanguards or Magriders... which makes Infiltrators able to pull whatever faction's tanks would be superior in the situation for their entire side, whenever they find a heavy vehicle terminal.

    You'd have NC & VS infils, pulling Prowlers certed for long-range assault, to reinforce their lines with TR firepower.
    NC's Vanguard to be en-massed & reinforced by TR or VS firepower, providing a meat-shield.

    At least with it being Stock, they can't pull the other side's best simply by being an infill at a base terminal.
    With coordination, this becomes instead of lacking in usefulness / value to incredibly strong by allowing the use of Vanguards by opponents in closer-ranges, Prowlers for Long-range or rear assaults, and Magriders for raiding.
    All easily supporting or being supported by the Faction's actual MBTs - Which they would be equal to, and paired with.

    Also MBTs have no NS weapons for main cannons - They are all geared for the Tank's specs.
    Sure the stock will be inferior, and lacking Fac abilities, but at least that limits the combinations...
  7. Demigan

    Rather than pulling them at terminals, just allow hacking of empty (non deployed Sunderer) vehicles. It prevents the questions of "what to cert in" and "how to prevent them from accessing these vehicles" because its kinda hard preventing enemy Infils from using stealth flashes and reaching terminals. Especially when using tower bases you have immediate access to terminals to switch to Engineers afterwards.

    Just be sure theres a vibrant color scheme change upon the hack. You protect the faction because you'll always be able to tell at a glance if an ES vehicle is friend or foe. You also protect the hacker from friendly fire.
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    Or maybe this kind of vehicle hacking and the possibility to pull stock ones from a self-hacked terminal.

    Now if the Infiltrator was only capable of hacking empty vehicles, another implant that enhances the EMP grenade could come into play.

    Disruptor Implant
    1. Increase EMP grenade radius by 5%.
    2. Increase EMP grenade radius by 10%.
    3. Increase EMP grenade radius by 15% and reduce its effect on friendlies by 20%.
    4. Increase EMP grenade radius by 20% and reduce its effect on friendlies by 30%.
    5. Increase EMP grenade radius by 25% and reduce its effect on friendlies by 40%. Direct EMP grenade hits against non-moving vehicles eject occupants for 4 seconds*.
    *this could be countered by e.g. a level 3+ of the Ocular Shield implant.
  9. DeadlyOmen

    It's nice to see ideas for more content.

    You'll have to find your way around the Candylanders.

    There was a time when infiltrators all looked the same when they were cloaked. After a flood of tears, each infiltator got their own empire-specific identifiers.

    The salt coming from infiltrators driving around in something other than their own empire vehicle will produce Candy like mad.
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  10. LordKrelas

    So Candyland, since allies wanted to no kill every single moving flicker.
    Friendlyfire onto allied infils was horrid.

    Like dear lord idiot.
    Not everything is "Well, it was pathetically done since complaints"
    More content? PS1 had this.

    As well, more content is not possible by your requirements - And is exactly inside the "candyland" as it isn't keeping everything identical.

    EMP spam made safer for allies...
    And then ensuring drivers had to have Ocular Shield 3+ to prevent being randomly ejected for 4 seconds...
    Which is 4x the time to die.
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    Just keep in mind that:
    • EMP now costs 75 for an ultimately unconvincing outcome
    • continent-lock Nanite cost bonuses are in the process of being dropped
    • you are sacrificing an entire implant slot for a single niche task (which, considering the new epic implants on the test server, is something to consider)
  12. DeadlyOmen

    Is English your first language?
  13. LordKrelas

    75 nanites to kick someone out of an entire tank or two, to kill them with an invisible unit is pretty cheap.
    Their tank is worth hundreds after-all.
    And they need the niche implant to stop it - Cert payout is grand to use the EMP related one.

    Is logic your nightmare?
  14. Demigan

    Emp's remain one of the most powerful and useful grenades in the game.
    They explode-on-contact for extreme accuracy, they go through obstacles which nullifies all the times when a grenade AOE is blocked by a tiny corner or twig and there is no dropoff to the effectiveness. They instantly halve enemy health of everyone in the blast, which is mighty damn powerful, and they seem to have buffed the distortion effect when EMP'd making them similarily effective as Flash grenades (less visual impairment but longer duration and more certainty that it worked).

    Even "just" disabling the vehicle for 4 seconds is a death sentence. People think the 6 second Vanguard shield is making you invincible? Just wait until an infil can kick you out for 4 seconds. Especially considering vehicles have a standard exitpoint (rear left of the vehicle) it would be extremely easy to throw a grenade and be hosing down the occupants before they know they've been kicked out, if you dont just throw 2 mines and see if they survive.

    This type of implant would easily outperform any other. For the price of one emp grenade you can basically murder any vehicle, or stop entire enemy advances. Add in an implant to hack vehicles and you are sacrificing nothing when picking them. Its simply a vehicle hack configuration! Nuke a vehicle for half its cost, steal it, get back and then swap out for a different class.
  15. CommodoreKeen

    Great new fresh idea!
    Hacking terminals and spawn enemy vehicles sound like a lot of FUN!

    Of course there will be punishments:
    - only classes with this implant can enter the vehicle. Since it is infiltrator-specific only they can use it.
    - repairing too is only possible with this implant. So these vehicles cant be repaired.
    - these vehicles can be upcerted like just another cert-sink.
    - But operational-time is limited to lets say 10 minutes.
    - Maybe another implant can nullify these limitations ;-)
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  16. No0T

    One implant per empire. More money.
  17. No0T

    Exactly should be a suit.. and should be engineer's **** not infiltrator's and they should be one per each other empire.

    Also.. Remember if you give some little **** to one class then you have to give little **** to all the other classes too...
  18. No0T

    I vvould like an implant to have a minor heavy assault shield better.
  19. DeadlyOmen

    Is English your first language?