infiltrator class is to strong

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by catabolise, Jul 17, 2015.

  1. Jubikus

    Infiltrator has to have something for CQC how else are we supposed to work with a squad the cloak tho good still doesnt compare to an extra 700 health in the form of an overshield with HA with weapons that kills just as fast with larger mags anti vehicle options you know your front line soldier. We get a cloak that might make people not see you in CQC but not likely hell you cant shoot while cloaked you can shoot with an overshield.

    Infiltrators arnt a bad class but i don't get the reasoning of how people can believe its overpowered. Really can somone give a good reason other than i cant see cloak very well? thats not a flaw in the class thats just people not knowing how to counter properly its really easy just listen and as soon as you see that shimmer shoot you have the advantage they have 100 less shield and a delay to come out of cloak in order to shoot.(yeah infil cloak isnt instant off and on like heavy shileds its not a long delay but well half a second matters)
  2. Jubikus

    Because the game is combined arms the cloak is necessary for snipers to get to where they need too be simple moving from cover to cover doesn't do the job with tanks harassers and aircraft rolling around they arnt the standard infantry they dont move with a pack they are by themselves and they need something that can get them to where they need to be.

    The downside to that specific loadout is range you have to have it to be effective if someone gets within 20 or so meters of you well its not likely it will go well for you. Light assaults can do this with ease. If no light assualts bother you will get plenty of kills with few deaths however thats just how it works Sniper specifically is a low risk low reward loadout you typically get slower kills from a distance and die less.
  3. MarkAntony

    5 pages...

    paging u/mustarde
  4. Meeka

    If you come across me as an Infiltrator, you're very right, the class will seem OP, and you'll never be able to 1v1 me unless you are a very experienced player, or just shoot me in the back while I'm engaging another experienced player. And this is in Close Quarters Combat, I'm even more dangerous at a distance. ;) If I go distance and take a hill top, it's mine until I decide I don't want it any more... or you send in air support or a whole squad to take it back. :p
  5. catabolise

    infiltrator downsides

    infiltrator 100 less shield/health is not really much of a downside or (NURF) considering your only shoot players unaware of the infiltrator anyway. an using a max or vehicle to deal with 1 infiltrator same could be said about all infantry and this is not a realistic option. the dark light is a straight (nerf) to the player using a darklight

    infiltrator upsides

    Total killing machine, proper powerhouse,all round badass

    with such power weapons as-
    nearly totally invisible cloak's,snipers, proximity mines,portable infinite uav kill streak reward aka recon tool with no counter,just to name a few

    Point being infiltrator always wins at a low population outpost. very nearly un-countable with very little downside aside from his inability to damage vehicles
  6. customer548

    Let's talk about HAs ? Let's talk about Medics and pre-firing Nano regen Device ? Let's talk about engis and turrets ?

    - "nearly totally invisible cloak's" : Can be countered by listening to the game's sounds, by Darlight flashlight, by the fact of being aware of what's happening around you ( Infis need a delay to come out form invisibility before firing...and this delay may be buggy sometimes ).
    - "snipers" : Can be countered by moving. A moving target will be hard to kill with a sniper rifle.
    - "proximity mines" : Can be countered by simply having a look at what you're doing.
    - "portable infinite uav kill streak reward aka recon tool with no counter" : Can be countered by the fact of sticking with your teammates, by using crossbow with detect bolts, by looking at your minimap and by avoiding Infis' scan aeras.

    FPs are based on Shield and Healtth points. In a 1v1 fight, the 1rst guy reaching 0 Shield + 0 Health points will loose the fight. The guy with only 0 Shield +1 Health remaining point will be the winner.
    Fun fact : Infis starts with less Shields points, have the same amount of Health points than all other classes.
    Most of Infis weapons have lower rof, smaller clips than other classes weapons. Most of them require not to move, or to move just a little while firing ( due to the small clips sizes ).
    Infis + Smgs can be countered by their -100 shield points, sounds and way not perfect invisibility.

    Infi are shy and peaceful people, that's why they hide. Don't hurt them !!! :eek:
  7. Campagne

    Infiltrators have pistols for CQC. I'm currently using the Desperado for the b*tches directives, and while I certainly don't prefer it, I simply cannot deny its incredibly fast TTK in CQC. I don't see why TR players ever change their pistols from anything but the godly TX1 Repeater.

    As for squad support, the Impetus/ES variants and SAS-R/ES variants work very well, as even with a single shot one can tear down an enemy's health/shields, Impetus even more so, being a semi-auto. (Three bodyshots to kill!)

    I don't think that infiltrators are OP by any means, not in the least! But I do believe that SMGs give them a very strong and unfair advantage that is just simply not available to any other class, and just plain isn't needed.
  8. Mustarde


    Good run OP. You got further than I expected
  9. Ximaster

    Its curious,because i think that the mortal enemy of every infiltrator is a HA in cqc. Every time when i play my stalker and i have a HA around me,i usually go to take longer position,this and because i have a long range weapon (Blackhand),with longer range i have better chances to win versus a HA,but HA usually win versus a infiltrator in cqc if the infiltrator has been spotted,so i think that the most strong class was the HA in cqc. And infiltrator its the best class in long ranges. So its depend the situation.

    Oh,and cloak have changes this Wednesday,so infiltrators can be better now.
  10. Ximaster

    Im an user of pistols too,because im stalker,and i have the Vanu clone of the Desperado,the Spiker,but im better with the Blackhand,usually i take longer positions for take down my enemyes. With the Spiker i get some kills,but caused my FPS are low i cannot do much. So im only good with stalker with the Blackhand. Maybe if i have the correct FPS i will enjoy the Spiker,but atm Blackhand is God :D
  11. Campagne

    Yeah, I'd definitely recommend avoiding direct conflict with the Spiker/Desperado if you have lots of lag. Though it could still be a viable stealth weapon depending on how much you're lagging.

    I've never used the Blackhand myself. What about it makes it so good, do you think? From what I can tell, it really only seems to excel when getting headshots.
  12. Ximaster

    3 body shoots can kill a LA for example,4 or more to a shielded HA,for longer distances u must go to headshots,so yeah. But its depending on situation.
  13. BIllyGG

    you have a bunch of powerful pistols of 2 hit to 1 hit kill pistols, if anyone gets close and you can shoot a sniper rifle pretty accurately at close range at the hip

    it's a low risk high reward...not low reward. because people do it for KDR

    you can get 15 kills in 30 mins...and it's still a KDR of 15-0. Which is what people care the most.
  14. BIllyGG

    don't just insult say it... stop being a fanboy cause you want all the benefits and nothing taken away.

    of course there should be a outline to see you when you move when you're cloaked are you a ******* to think it's fair you should be completely invisible?

    who's the ****** again?
  15. placeholder22

    The infiltrator class is the most useless class. It doesn't have the staying power to be an effective attacker, it doesn't have the firepower to blow up incoming sunderers (which is what constitutes 80% of defense) or their tanks (10% of defense) or the maxes on point (10% of defense)

    There only 2 things that matter in the big picture- One it can do is "infiltrate" - hack terminals, turrets, pull a sunderer right from the enemys base and shoot their armor with their own base turrets. But doesn't warrant more than 1 in a 96 zerg.

    The other powerful ability it has is the motion spotter and the recon darts which are basically giving a wallhack for everyone on your team. Now that is crazy powerful. Still don't warrants more than 1 in a 96 zerg.

    A squad of skilled heavies and engineers can completely devastate an armor zerg. A squad of medics and heavies can take and hold a point. Light assaults can do better than infiltrators at harassing and removing unwanted personnel, forward taking of points, and they are great at vehicle removal as well.

    Infiltrators are the most useless class. But you knew this already, realizing all the useless people play infiltrator to pointlessly snipe people from behind spawn shields or mountainsides when they're back up by a sunderer or a medic in seconds. It's useless people that don't realize that they're useless that are playing infiltrator, because they have no sense of what is useful, they just want to jerk off to their XX:1 K/D ratio.
  16. Campagne

    Hmm. the Blackhand's damage seems comparable to a Commissioner's, but with a lower damage dropoff. I think I'd personally prefer a Commissioner due to its capability in CQC as a well as a slightly longer distance.
  17. Jubikus

    a good kdr isnt really a good reward more XP for more certs is. Snipers can contribute a great deal to a battle but most players arnt this sniper. Most of the more experienced players ive come across realise that KDR like many of the stats are pointless as depending on the persons play style a stat could easily be bad but they contribute tons to victorys. Also im a good sniper and the things i kill the most are enemy snipers and ill tell you what BR100 snipers are very rare.

    Pistols tho good in their own right and can kill in only a few shots still dont compare to a carbine,assault rifle,smg,lmg,or shotgun they are a its my best option because either primary is out of ammo reloading or it just not effective in the current situation like a sniper rifle unless your barrel stuffing them but lets be honest most situations arnt that close.
  18. ShineOut

    Think I've seen it all now. What's next guys?
  19. BIllyGG

    BR100 aren't rare at all wtf you talking about? Tons of mofo's don't play the objectives more people play this game just to shoot. and a heavy pistol at close range is better than any of the rifles you named unless you're going up against a heavy with a shield. a lot of pro players, switch to pistol if they know they're going to engage with an individual close quarters.
  20. Ximaster

    Yeah,but the Commie cannot kill targets at more than 100 metters,and that excels the Blackhand,ive killed a lot of enemy hunter infiltrators that they are quiet in more than 100 metters,so i aim to the head and in two shots they die,and the advantage was that from the first shot to the second,the enemy havent time to react. I have the Underboss too,but since i test the Blackhand,its another level,as well as my survivality increased.