[Suggestion] Infantry weapons use reward?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jube, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Jube

    We all have our favorite Infantry weapon and I think we can all agree that we wish there were a way to improve that weapon, beyond attachments.

    Here's my suggestion to improve your favorite weapon.

    Use the medal system as a skill reward for that weapon. As you gain medals when using a particular weapon you may choose a category to improve that weapon. Vertical recoil. Horizontal recoil, or reload speed. You may only choose one category and once chosen it can not be changed.

    These changes would be slight and take a lot of medals to make a change.

    My reasoning for using the medal system instead of certs is that you can not purchase these changes. You have to get out there and kill people, a lot of people, to get this.

  2. IamDH

    Well, one problem i see is the "im a higher level than you therefore i am better equipped".

    This will increase the frustration for new players and make them feel terrible. This is the whole point of having weapons as sidegrades and not upgrades
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  3. phreec

    I don't like the idea of giving more advantages to the already experienced players.

    Instead of stat changes I'd rather see something like alternative ironsights or more reticles options for optics used on the gun. Maybe even extend it a bit more for different model suppressors, grips and laser sights but all with the same stats as regular, cert locked attachments.
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  4. Jube

    Level doesn't matter here. How many people you kill with that weapon is all that matters. You don't get this reward on ALL weapons only the one you medal with.
    It doesn't matter if your a BR 100 if you have never used say a T32 Bull when you start with it you get only the base rifle with attachments.
  5. ST4LK3R

    No stats because you don't need better stats on a weapon you've been using a lot! JUST GIVE ME MY GOLDEN WEAPON CAMO!
  6. Xebov

    I dont like the idea. If you use a gun for a longer time you get better with it anyway, without the need of getting "permanent attachments". The "permanent Attachments" are big negative aspect, as they would stop players from being able to fully adapt to situations.

    What could be done to reward players for using weapons would be special models for the weapon and Attachments themselves. So they can show off there Kills, but im not sure if the work needed to do this would be justified by the result.
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  7. Frazzle

    I think that would cause people to flock to one weapon. It would hurt variety. Bad idea.
  8. Ribero

    I concur with Xebov in that rewards for weapon useage/achievments should be largely cosmetic.

    The unique titles for getting the Silver Medal on certain sidearms are good examples of this- It gives people a little extra thing to work for, the reward not giving them any advantage over those who don't try for it.
  9. Revanmug

    It's not like certain weapon are balance around certain stats which could be completly negated with your idea.

    Gauss SAW with increase ROF or maybe with a better on the move COF. Sound like a brilliant idea.

    A TAR with 0 horizontal recoil sounds great as well.
  10. huller

    personaly I'd go with an experience boost when you use a heavily used weapon. For example let's take 5% bonus for every 1000 kills with a weapon, I haev (almost) 7k kills with the T9 Carv, that would give me a 35% Xp boost on kills and assists I make with the Carv
  11. Mastermind

    No. No. NO.

    Stupid idea this would just further the gap between new and veteran players. ALSO. PLEASE TAKE THIS TO SUGGESTION FORUM
  12. IamDH

    Higher levels tend to have higher kills. Thats pretty much the main source of XP to leveling up and even if it isnt, it plays a key role
  13. TheFamilyGhost

    Widening the gulf between people that have played longer than others doesn't sound like a good idea.