Infantry VS Infantry combat help?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kidou, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. Kidou

    I don't understand this game sometimes. Nearly every time I try to fight on foot, even if I'm quick enough and sometimes even if I have enough time to shoot first, I almost always lose out on infantry fights. The one exception being when I snipe. Tanks on Tank and Aircraft are easy enough to me.

    According to my stats I have an average of about 20-25ish% accuracy with my infantry weapons, and I usually hit about 90-100 ping on my server. I'm VS too but infantry weapons seem similar enough to each other to not really call it faction advantage.
  2. NC_agent00kevin

    I have a similar problem; so I tend to fight at med-long range if I can help it. I have no idea how some people are ridiculously good at always knowing where enemies are or so twitchy and accurate when shooting. I can play any other game and dominate but I almost struggle to win 1V1s in PS2. Even newer players nearly kill me when I go face to face with them. I just dont get what the deal is. Ive played a lot of this game and still dont understand where Im messing up.

    And so, I play around it. I stay at range where I can pull back to cover if Im going to lose. I try not to bum rush into rooms, especially cap points. I use a lot of thought and positioning instead of somehow being a miracle player who can run in and slaughter 8 guys before dying.
  3. Paragon Exile

    The enemies are abusing latency, usually not knowingly, to give themselves an advantage.

    Typically, fast or erratic moving targets are vastly harder to hit because of the way the game is designed. Even though hit detection is on the shooter's side of the equation, this fact will often make or break 1v1's. This is why the 0.75 ADS multiplier is so powerful.
  4. Kidou

    Well they have to deal with the same issues I do don't they? How is some guy managing to deal with all this and get a 4.1 KDR?
  5. Paragon Exile

    The best players ensure they are always the one being aggressive, which gives them 0.2 seconds or so advantage over their enemies, or roughly half the theoretical TTK of most weapons. This is a huge advantage. They bob, weave and pwn their way through cover.

    I wish I could say more, and I can, but I'm not good enough at the game at the moment to say it with confidence.
  6. Schizomatic

    I ask myself this question every day of PS2. It just baffles me. I have a .8 KD, and routinely lose face-to-face battles with Carbine and SMGs as a Shotgun user, even with first shot.
  7. Kidou

    Well at least I'm not alone. I thought it was just some stupid thing I was doing wrong, like gunplay in Counter-strike.
  8. SerasVic

    shotguns are a bit special to use.

    one thing that 'ld surprise most people inexperienced with them is that shotgun actually needs GOOD AIMING skills.

    No lies, coming from an NC.
  9. Pacster3

    Shotguns are the easy way out for people that can't aim(unlike what shotgun users claim. It still is much harder to land 7 shots than to land one...that is simple logic). One lucky hit close up=enemy dead. So you obviously don't do it right.

    The trick is to be the first to attack, to never stop moving, to never follow your victim(always come from a direction they don't expect)...and to land at least 2 headshots(yes, aiming for the head is important. Or actually, aim for the upper chest and the second or third bullet will likely hit the head). All of that is no magic.

    Having a bad connection seems to help too...I at least tend to increase my killrate by 100% when I visit my parents.

    Last but not least they may be wearing nanoweave which just makes them survive a bullet more than you do.
  10. Utrooperx

    The enemies are abusing latency, usually not knowingly, to give themselves an advantage.

    Having a bad connection seems to help too...

    Yep...that's pretty much it.

    I go up again a Oriental-sounding name...and always lose...must be that additional 5,000 miles worth of latency...;)
    • Up x 1
  11. Iridar51

    Check out my Gunplay Guide, it is the biggest resource on infantry combat. Link is in my signature.
    Without a video of your gameplay we can't say what exactly are you doing wrong, so I guess you'll have to read through the whole thing to find that out.
  12. dezusa

    How does one abuse letancy? it seems like the opposite for me, I get fired on, run around and head through a door and just die when im inside a building. Try to knife someone in point blank while moving, doesnt work, but instead they knife me 1 feet away.
    Im still glad i got 18,400 kills with it 190~290ms letancies :eek:

    The first gun i bought was an Eidolon battle rifle, saw a few gun reviews on it and knew that it was for med~long range fights, which helped me try and get a 'feel' of the game, like proper positioning, aiming, how others usually behave, getting 'the jump' on to others advantage, etc. my kdr went from 0.6 to 1.5ish. (havent rechecked my gameplay records)
  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    SHOTS FIRED!:eek:
  14. _itg

    What classes are you playing? weapons are you using? What attachments? Most weapons in the game are viable, but it's important to use the right weapon for the right situation, and the wrong set of attachments can do more harm than good to your performance.

    Do you like to hipfire? Some weapons are good for this, some are awful. If you're hipfiring with the wrong weapon, your performance will suffer.

    Strafing ('ADADDADAA') is key to not dying in combat. You probably know from experience how much harder it is to hit an evasive target.

    If you're trying to beat heavies in face-to-face combat with a non-heavy class, keep in mind you're at a real disadvantage. They have near double health with the overshield, so you pretty much need to shoot first AND shoot better.
  15. Liberty

    There are a bunch of little things you can do to help you out.

    Reset encounters, when you run into a target head to head, try to break LOS and slip back into cover if only for a second. If your opponent has high latency, when you come back around the corner you will be shooting them before they see you.

    Get in the habit of ADADA'ing, most people struggle as is to track targets.

    Know when to hipfire and when to ADS, which depends on both what weapon you are using and the situation.

    Know when to sprint and when to slow to a walk when approaching corners where enemies might pop around. That extra split second that you would need to stop sprinting to fire accurately can make a big difference.

    Pie corners while ADS rather than simply strafing out. Don't be afraid to quickly duck back into cover if you miss a foe even if he doesn't seem to be shooting back right away.

    Beyond all the little tips and tricks, it also helps to be able to outshoot your opponent through either head shots or superior weapon control and target tracking.