Infantry to vehicles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mechwolf, Apr 28, 2022.

  1. Mechwolf

    Been noticing this a lot in the forums, on how Infantry has little to fight against tanks and aircraft, these are what I'd want to improve on the current rocket launchers to help...

    Velocity improvements on all three ES rocket launchers, they need them to fight air at a half decent distance.

    The lancer, despite being a "laser rocket launcher" has less bullet velocity than most guns, and is terrible against aircraft unless they're hovering around a tower. You would still have to lead your target with the old lancers, but they at least had a chance to hit aircraft that was moving away.

    The striker should have a select fire function that can lock-on to ground units with reduced damage and a loose lock similar to the swarm, and again, should be able to hit an aircraft moving away.

    The Phoenix should have a flak feature to deal damage to aircraft instead of needing to be pin-point accurate and then 1-hitting an ESF. And have their rocket velocity adjustable to either target aircraft with higher velocity, or target ground with less velocity and easier turning.

    In addition to the phoenix, being able to explode after being shot instead of drifting off would be more satisfactory to the operator who can start shooting the next rocket, and the player who gets to watch a rocket explode and dealing a little bit of damage to the surrounding area the rocket was shot at. Given the current changes to friendly fire, this would be a great improvement.