Infantry medical kits should not cost resources (nanites)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AFK1, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. AFK1

    Infantry medical kits should not cost resources (nanites). This makes it inconvenient to play anything other than a Medic. Making them be free to use would also lead to less random deaths in this game, toning down the frustration, and increasing player retention

    A simple cooldown on use, and/or restricting the number you can carry to less than 4, could stop them from being spammed
  2. ColonelChingles

    This is why no one except Engineers can carry ammo packs, why no one except Heavy Assaults can carry rocket launchers, why no one except Infiltrators can hack terminals...

    Sure it would be "convenient" if a single infantryman could do everything, but what a terrible lone-wolf game that would be! If you want a convenient source of healing, try playing with an organized squad of people who have full-time Medics. Remember, on Auraxis everyone has free healthcare!
    • Up x 1
  3. FateJH

    In Planetside Classic, you could have:
    • a rocket launcher (Anti-vehicle)
    • a faction-specific special weapon
    • a repair tool (for your personal armor; think non-regenerative shields)
    • a medical tool for your health
      • a medical kit for a minor no-put-away-weapons heal (no certifcations required for this)
    • a thing that hacks (REK)
    • a thing that: (you had to earn the CUD to a degree)
      • does enemy recon
      • EMPs away enemy defenses/advantages
      • calls down a massive wave of death
    • an implant that let you run around at break-neck speeds (Surge)
      • when the game first came out, you could even shoot your weapons while moving many times faster than anyone else
    • a mine, turret, sensor, or triggered explosive, all in one tool (ACE)
    • grenades (with some of the smallest of inventory sizes, you could carry two of three kinds easily)
    • all at the same time
      • depending on your armor type, you could even have four of these things in quick slots at any given time
    With just the thing that hacks at the right certification level, you only needed an Infantry Terminal and you could switch to another loadout that does exactly what you need at the moment, and then go back to whatever you needed in the longer run. No use-to-use cost. You'll grant me that this is an expensive, completely non-Vehicle loadout customization in terms of personal progression; but, really, how much do you have to take away from the above list before it stops being overwhelming on an individual basis? Basic Vehicles cost either 1 or 3, followed by another 2 for a more advanced version, so that's just one or two things knocked off the list.

    About the only thing you couldn't stack too high upon were the MAXes. The Infiltration Suit had a very small inventory and only a sidearm slot but it still had REK access. MAXes could be used as pack mules, if necessary, but couldn't wield things so they only could personally benefit from having a MediKit on themselves; and, of course, they couldn't hack.

    You think carrying medical kits that cost resources is "too restrictive?" You don't know how crazy you sound.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    You TAS guys have medics? I'll have to look for your open squads...

    This is my typical experience with Emerald NC medics:
  5. ColonelChingles

    No guarantees with our open squads ;), but if you somehow worm your way into an outfit op squad then we actually have pretty decent Medics who will try their best to get you up (assuming you aren't goofing off in another hex or something).
  6. Imperial Sect

    Dear SOE, why can my IWIN Heavy Assault not do everything? I'm a HA ffs!!! I should be able to do it all and all at once better than everyone else.
  7. Klypto

    I play medic and even then I still carry medkits.
  8. Joexer

    Nah I just want an infantly cloaking, fast flying, self healing, vehicle repairing, 2 ton armored, IWinshield-equipped infinite ammo spawn beacon soldier of death carryinging an lmg,smg, 2 decimators, a sniper rifle, and Flak and nanoweave armors. And 8bricks of c4. With Lockdown, ZOE, and riot shield. With a PPA,saron ,Lasher, A mini chain gun, banshee, vulcan, , the canister, ravens and a jackhammer. Also lolpods for good measure. Seems balanced to me... I mean... How else could I take out a few infantry?
  9. AFK1

    You've obviously never played in competitive squads if you think that medics always have time to sit around clicking heal on everyone. You either need to stay grouped up for the AoE heal(s), or catch a break in the reviving and shooting where they have time to actually heal everyone (max rank revive tool revives you at 100% hp)

    90% of the time if Medics aren't reviving, then they should be shooting (ARs are pretty much the best weapons in the game afterall), and you can't just have everyone completely stacked up or else you lose entire squads to explosives