Inf Utility Explosives

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Izanagi, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Izanagi

    So I thought people were exaggerating when they said the claymore was the worse of the 3, so i decided to pick them up myself and try it out. Sure enough they're almost impossible to miss, but hey what they lack in concealment they must make up for in damage right? nope.

    Decided to do a field testing of the explosives between my 2 inf's, 40 claymores laid and exploded, of them less than 20 kills. compare to NC's bouncing betty which netted 32 of 40 kills, it becomes quite clear something is off here. Anyone know what the "balance" is supposed to be with them?

    Overlooking the less than impressive damage of the TR scout rifles, the fact we don't naturally blend with most surfaces in the game like NC and vanu, you'd think there would be SOME equality between the three. It kind of seems like each empire has 1 class specific thing that works out better for them than the others, TR's heavy wep (chaingun) is amazing, NC's bouncing betty is far superior as is it's Inf's starting weapon, and vanu's heavy tank and general weapon strength is amazingly strong with it's default gun, but still given how much of an investment you end up having to make into a single character be it SC or time, you'd expect 1 char to be comparable in any role you want to play it in, not just "oh I'm x empire so I'm only really good at y role"
  2. Monnor

  3. Fafnir

    Claymores are too visible and don't work like real claymores. Fixing just one of those issues would put TR proximity mines back in line with other empires.
  4. Village

    Claymores should require someone to walk within 5 metres infront of them and have a cone of fire so they actually work like real claymore and become viable.