really? sure people love to bash indar because they don't like it, people don't like hossin much ether so why should one continent be treated differently in regard to VPs? making one continent easier to cap is just shortchanging people that like/indifferent that continent just to content those that hate it. need to stop listening to extreme forum warriors who think anything they don't like should be nerfed six feet under the ground. i hate hossin will devs please give super snowflake special VP treatment because i no like hossin? maybe we should change victory points into snowflake VIP points instead. have it scale to the number of special snowflakes that designate the conts they hate and have the average affect the needed VP points per continent, cause we'll get stuck with only hossin or amerish that way.
I love Indar but you have to understand how much harder it is to lock Indar. On some lower pop servers Indar is open for days. Some of these problems aren't quite as bad on larger pop servers. Really it's another admission by the devs that Indar lattice is broke. They already admitted the "Indar T" is a real thing. This is a bandaid fix; just not sure if we'll ever get a real fix. Another step in the right direction is the current base modifications of moving [A] point out of the rest of the towers on Indar. That will help some choke points.
Why even waste any more developmental time? Just sink the continent back under the ocean, seabed and green pastures both, and add it to patch notes under Miscellaneous: "resolved a continent switching issue that has was never implemented correctly."
they just need to create some more varied lattice patterns for the continents then every time a cont is locked the lattice configuration cycles to a different one. though i think they might have to modify some of the terrain so some bases are attackable from the new configurations by land vehicles.
I wouldnt mind Indar if they did something about these extremely boring 5 hour back and forth stalemate battles. I usually just log off when it happens. Really disheartening to log back on a few hours later and see that the map hasn't moved. At least on the other continents you have a chance of it not happening. Unlike on Indar where its guaranteed.
Most of the playerbase likes Indar thats true, but you have to remember this. If only the same continent is open 24//7, then people will get burned out quite quickly. Personally I welcome this change and hope it fixes Indarside somewhat. I would like to actually play at bases with a decent layout
Clearly they have an idea on how long a continent should be unlocked on average. And I guess that according to their stats they concluded that Indar stays open to long and they toned it down. The VP system only just began, they are still balancing it.
The VP changes to Indar were imperative, and it's good to see the Dev's care enough to make these kind of changes. Also a big thumbs up for doing away with locking continents by linking both gates. This was something very much needed on Hossin.
This! That's a very good idea I haven't seen yet in other posts. If it's yours Kudos! If it's not yours stll Kudos!
why stop with lattice lines? why not upgrade some bases to major facilities (pull MBTs/aircraft) and downgrade major facilities to outpost level terminals for some of the new configurations. design some of them to make fights push towards bases almost never fought over.