Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Bastid721, Jan 31, 2014.

  1. Bastid721

    hosted by BOtoSAN.....whenever im drunk an bord..ITS INDAR WArPgATe PARty....past few months have been quite hilarious....wished there was video.....but anyways...bored of the grind, bored of the militaristic outifts, come join my drunken *** to let loose and shake our booties!!!!!

    INDAr DANCE does happen..u wont regret it!!!!!!!!
  2. Bastid721

    btw this is VANU connery vanu being the best faction ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Bastid721

    kinda sucks to get muted by SOE scrub moderators and CS GM whatever they wannabe a dick
  4. Bastid721

    almost ashamed to have Luperza onfrens i do ever do is play music at warpgate..pparently this is NAZIIIIIIII behavior they need to mute worry tho INDAR DANCE PARTY SHALL LIVE/.
  5. Bastid721

    yup SOE hates me...muted my **** for no reason
  6. Armcross

    I'm in TR faction, but still can I join the party. I'm wishing social activity.