Incredibly Good Aim

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Andy04, Jul 5, 2018.

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  1. Andy04

    So many low rank and even high ranks have just such fast and incredibly accurate aim from a split second reaction, I find it very suspicious how these players seem to Ding head shots so fast and consistently from random angles and Jerky maneuvers, Nearly every battle I've been in it's just constant death on a 1 v 1 basis and I'm fairly good at the game but it's like they already have the moves pinned and already aimed in that exact spot ready for my head to come bouncing along.
    it is rather annoying and it is nearly unplayable in this state (For the ones that don't get the advantage of said latency or server jerks) ,
    If the servers suck when will this issue be addressed ? as I don't claim they are all cheating but it is really bad!
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  2. PlanetBound

    Your client updates could be coming in slower than your opponent. If that were the case, what seemed like instant to you amounted to the enemy shooting at you a couple of times.
  3. LtBomber

    You see the game in the past. standing still and moving when under fire makes you die fast, because the other player still sees you standing. Wrel has a vid "ttk vs lag compansation" on youtube on that topic
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  4. adamts01

    But the thing is, someone experiencing consistent good aim from the enemy is a sign of something else. Typically player/server latency.
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  5. Scatterblak

    There are definitely cheaters - there always have been. All you have to do is watch the boards and see when the new cheats are out, and you'll be able to tell a difference on the server in a couple of days. Many of the newer cheats are much harder because they're a lot more subtle than raw aimbots -- things like damage reduction by a variable percentage, reducing cone of fire, etc. Very annoying. What makes it worse is that it's often a particular group that will get the cheats and share them (I saw a public message on server from a member of a pretty large clan complaining that their cheat proggy had failed - was meant to be a private tell I'm sure - the guy logged immediately after).

    Best time to play is right after patches and the offsets are different - it takes the coders a while to adjust the cheats, and you'll have a few days of cheat-free play.
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  6. Silkensmooth

    There ARE cheaters.

    But there are also some guns that are amazing.

    The Tanto for example. The NS15m1.

    And then muscle memory.

    Before i used the tanto and ns15 i thought those people were cheaters.

    On the other hand one only need google planetside2 hacks to see that there are plenty of sites selling hacks for this game TODAY.
  7. Robert Patrician

    There are entire outfits notorious for cheating. Nothing is done.

    The NS soldier update and new continent will not save this game.
  8. WinterAero

    Another thing with latency, is that you can be having a perfectly good run - great connection - and it makes it VERY apparent then, when you lose your normal latency advantage (as per wrels videos).

    Rushing into a room should give you the upper hand (assuming no motion detection) but certain outfits are NEVER surprised and do the whole 'chunk damage' thing EVERY time. Which confirms the 'consistency' argument above.

    Sometimes these servers run like hell. And thats a very universal effect on your gameplay. But when its certain outfits only - and you can look them up and they all share strangely identical KD and weapon accuracy across the board (lol). Yeah, then it gets rather old. When you've played the game for years, especially as the population dwindles, its sure easy to spot a legit player or someone regular from the leaderboard - with the renowned 24/7 elite downloads dude, with apparently superhuman reflexes and zero fatigue.

    The game won't recover quite simply because of the way the cheat developers work on many forums (easy to check on google). You'll find they have many threads saying that they will release something new for ps2 - if popularity/demand increases. Which is ofcourse standard business practice.

    There are plenty of cheats out there for the game but they are a little risky I'd imagine without a friend in the 'know', to help you get a good one thats virus free. An increase in players for this game - increases cheat demand and puts the paid cheat pages back on the map supplying one regularly. Increasing the amount of them you'll cross and stemming any potential player base growth.

    The big flaw of this game, presumably why it has no competition, is the easily exploitable nature of the coding and clientside. It won't be changed. Really is a case of put up or shut up unfortunately. After a few convo's this week on Trident and the odd slipup, I'm inclined to now believe that a few leaderboard players are boosting with the odd subtle advantage.

    ESP and no recoil mainly, with some body lock/hitbox adjustment. Explains the instant headshot reactions from them at 150+ meters away with their hilarious supposed lack of a scope or actual clue where you are.Their immediate reaction is just way too fast, it's basically locating an infil with reasonable camo and distance from them in under a second an returning fire when they were running in an entirely different direction seemingly oblivious. They have essentially zero seconds target location time/aim and no relevant implant for spotting/range negates minimap.
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  9. PlanetBound

    Some people are using aimbots and radar hacks. Others are lucky or good.
  10. Lord_Avatar

    Cheaters? Few and far between. Lag and hit-reg? Happens.

    You know what else?

    Players, who set their mouse sensitivity very low, have large mousepads and got really good at the game.

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  11. JibbaJabba

    That is *exactly* what they are doing. I'm glad you recognize it's not just cheating like everyone else seems ready to do.
    Those players are keeping crosshairs right at face level constantly (see: Yellow bar on inside walls of every base) and they check their minimap constantly. When you round a corner, you are placing your head exactly in their crosshairs and all they do is pull the trigger.

    To the recipient of this it feels like they have a wallhack and an aimbot. In reality all they have is the same minimap radar as everyone else, and they pre-aim to anticipate.

    They'll also be the one to initiate line of sight so the network gives them a 150ms advantage.
    There are two questions you can ask:
    How are they cheating?
    How are they so good?

    The first question will just earn you bitterness and you'll keep asking it forever.
    The second question will make you get better and you'll eventually stop asking it.
    I see a LOT of people in this thread asking the wrong question.
  12. adamts01

    Every modern shooter uses clientside hit registration. And the recent wave of modifying files just means more validation needs to be done on startup.

    I can't remember if I mentioned it on this post or not, by Battleye isn't running anymore. I'm curious if the devs will ever mention anything about that.
  13. Person7man

    I hopped on this thread just for the fun of it but whatever it's entertaining to see so many people wearing tinfoil hats.

    As someone who has close to 6000 in game hours total, yes, there are cheaters in this game. but NOT as many as you expect.

    I used to play CSGO where cheating is actually rampant, and headshots matter so much more. However, playing legit, I can accurately get 40-45% HSR on most guns if I'm trying with 35%+ accuracy. There are others like me who exist in the game. Those are the majority of players that are dunking on you, the 0.1% of the population playing against the rest. And because this game has no matchmaking, it is perceived, somewhat rightfully, as unfair.

    Aimbots are very uncommon. Straight up aimbot hasn't been a cheat since aimjunkies shut down, it would have to probably be privately coded. Hitbox cheating DOES exist. But, the client checks for that every 30-40 minutes. Once it discovers a file value is wrong, it kicks you off the server. So the guys you see tearing it up for hours aren't running it.

    What people have already said about clientside is the bulk of your problems. DBG's servers are ***, and there are people playing on your server that lag like hell. Be that brazilians on emerald, asians on connery, russians in miller etc. People are seeing you 300/400 milliseconds early, and shooting you. Because it's so laggy, all their bullets get "chunked" into one bullet, making it seem like you died instantly.

    So to /thread this, yes hackers exist, no the guy that killed you with all headshots is *probably* not cheating, and blame the servers/lag and hit reg for your ******** deaths more often than the player that killed you.
  14. WinterAero

    I recall this being mentioned in overwatch and battlefront, and they certainly don't use the same systems as ps2. So whatever system more modern games are running, it certainly doesn't have the client breach this game experiences. They also deal with exploitation of game/user regulations. Which Daybreak/SoE have always forgone in the interests of money.
  15. WinterAero

    And this is hilarious nonsense. Cheat developers for this game have confirmed endlessly, that bone/skeleton auto aim and assist is one of the most popular and demanded features of programs that have been bought since launch. Its a core feature of every advertised cheat bundle. One can only assume you are a cheat apologist trying to play dumb, or just utterly clueless and unable to use the internet.

    Aimbot with head % works with 100% certainty. Currently have my TR alt in 3epg as a spam/random add they sent me - and the crazy loons are actually willing to demonstrate it being used lel.
  16. JibbaJabba

    I'm sure cheats exist out there, and he never denied them either.

    What he said and what I agree with is this: The guy that dunked on you wasn't a cheater, he's just really good.

    People sink a few HUNDRED hours into this game, get to battle rank 100 or whatever and think they are experienced. There are players out there with thousands of hours logged into this game and while you've been practicing platoon level tactics these players have been using planetside for pure deathmatch and nothing else. Thousands of hours logged, using techniques that you've never even practiced. When you come across them, they'll cut you down. They'll be the guys with 20-30 kills on the board when everyone else is in the 5-10 range. They are not cheating, they are just good.

    I know nobody wants to wrap their head around this, but try.

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  17. Person7man

    Dude I think you have some serious reading comprehension issues. I never said that it doesn't work. It most definitely does work. However, because of lack of demand, the major retail cheats don't and haven't sold them for years. (I literally just looked, the last one of them stopped supporting in 2016 on their site). So, it is probably a private cheat you are talking about, which I specifically mentioned.

    If the cheating is so rampant, where is your evidence? If these people are showing you exploits, why not record? I have recorded obvious cheaters and they were banned. If it is "endless" confirming, why can't I find I single paid/released cheat for bone specific aimbot, even after looking for it for half an hour? Wouldn't these people make their cheat easier to find if they want money for it?

    And, if its a private cheat that people are willing to share, as you seem to suggest, where is the evidence of them "showing it off?" the outfit you say 3epg has thousands of members (and looking through their stats none of them seem good enough to cheat, they're abysmal). You don't think that if they're so willing to share with all those people (including you) that one of them wouldn't simply screencap it and send it to the devs?

    The evidence others have given is compelling. Flying maxes, teleporting under the ground, noclipping through objects, ALL recorded on video. And it seems like after those videos came out, those accounts were banned. It's so easy to record nowadays, why have you avoided it? I'm fairly certain at this point that you're a troll trying to bait people into responding, but oh well.
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  18. Gen.Drake61

    If Your ps4,i dont use a mouse/keyboard,a regular controller and 50% infantry/aim sensitivity,as far as headshots go,that has to do with my skill level at hand eye coordination,and i still dont get them every time,if i had to guess,15 percent are headshots and the rest are cqc body
  19. adamts01

    Most of the time when people complain about "clientside", they do so because if hit registration. And that's the same as other shooters. Every game separates takes between the server and the client, so you really need to specify what process that's taken care of by the client that you have problems with.

    Daybreak is easy in cheaters, giving them 3 day bans for example. But they don't seem to take money in to the account. SOE used to brag about how much some banned players spent. I really with DBG kept that up. Same with their name and shame policy. That type of thing really makes you feel like the devs are fighting for you. But, DBG did implement a pretty solid auto-ban in the past, which that sadly gave up on for Battleye. They are trying, we just can't tell.
  20. That_One_Kane_Guy

    First of all, I guarantee there are hackers in this game, but that will never change as long as there are bored kids who have nothing better to do than ruin other people's fun. All you can do is report and let the system do its job.

    Personally I am extremely hesitant to call hacks on someone who kills me in the game, simply because I have been playing long enough and seen enough skilled players to have a good grasp on what is possible and what is not. I have had enough occasions where people have accused me of hacking to know that probably 50% of hackusations are simply salty BS. I know I am not the bleeding edge of FPS skill, therefore just because I can't hit the broad side of a barn with my Gauss SAW at 40m, that doesn't mean MLGTryHardMcPants can't take my head off at 100m with his.

    A good rule of thumb to follow when deciding if someone is a hacker is to see whether or not what they are doing is theoretically possible (Gauss SAW example), and if it is seeing how often it is repeated. For example I have played against some very good CQB Bolters who will delete me 8/10 times in a random encounter scenario, but every so often they miss and I get to return the favor.

    Dealing with whole outfits who are coordinated and in communication is even more tricky, because your "rushing into a room to get the upper hand on a guy" scenario goes out the window. Just because there is no motion detection doesn't mean one of his mates didn't see you run in and call you out in TS. Some groups have a Stalker whose job is to provide passive intel to their squad on the point while giving zero notice to the guys about to blunder in.

    In many of these cases a newer player won't know or simply won't care that the other guy or group are probably legit, they'll reach for the easiest explanation and Alt+F4.
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