[Suggestion] Increase valkyrie's resistance to AI vehicle weapons

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Luke15g, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. Luke15g

    AI vehicle weapons, specifically the PPA and to a lesser extent the C85 Canister, do a ridiculous amount of damage to the valkyrie considering how easy it is to hit. One clip of either pretty much takes it from full HP to death, with the PPA obviously being able to do this at considerably longer ranges.

    I don't think increasing the resistance value to these weapons is an unreasonable request considering that their intended roles are as AI weapons. Currently the PPA is more dangerous to valkyries than the walker or ranger.
  2. EGuardian1

    Technically the reason certain vehicles like the Harasser, Flash, Valk and ESFs are weak against AI weapons is because their armour isn't designed to take heavy rounds. In fact, they hardly have armour at all on their hulls unless you equip composite. It's not like a tank that's designed to take tank shells and rockets.

    AI Vehicle weapons are meant to cause major damage to a non-armorer target. Tons of pellets or searing plasma make perfect sense to cause huge damage.

    I've only ever been shot down in a flying vehicle by PPA once, and it was yesterday by WycliffSlim. We both LOL'ed our ***** off because he managed the LAST shot on my burning Reaver. I've NEVER once been killed by canister or PPA in Valk on any side. Frankly if you let a Canister get that close to your Valk, another weapon is going to put the hurt to you as well.

    Edit: Oh and PPA isn't exactly easy to aim at a moving target, which you should be doing since you're y'know, flying.
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  3. WTSherman

    This is actually intentional, vehicle AI weapons were buffed a while back to give them a secondary role as anti-harasser and light AA, though apparently a lot of people missed the memo and don't bother to use them as such.

    Of course before the Valkyrie "light AA" just meant swatting ESFs, and they weren't particularly good at that due to ESFs being a small target and the weapons (other than the Kobalt) being unable to aim up more than a few degrees.
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  4. KiakoLalene

    Valks are hardly useful, as anything they can do an ESF can do better. Add in the fact that you have to land in order to drop them off somewhere... well, a guy with a jump-pack could do it faster.
  5. Luke15g

    The valkyrie is the slowest aircraft and is twice the size of an ESF.
    Its weapons are only passable within an extremely short range and the thermal range on all of its weapons is 50m... On an aircraft!
    Every other vehicle in the game has a thermal range of 200m.

    The result of all this is that the valkyrie is nearly always relatively slowly moving at practically point blank range just to function.
    It is not difficult to hit it with PPA at all and it should not be so easily destroyed by weapons designed to fight infantry in the first place, whether intentional or not.
  6. Tasp

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Flying a valkyrie without squad logistics is next to pointless. Also, who has ever said a valkyrie is supposed to be good at shooting things? ESFs cannot transport 6 players and cant manuever as well as a valk, they also cost more to pull.
  7. Frostiken

    How about we just make the Valk more resistant to everything, including immunity to small arms fire?
  8. Maljas23

    I agree with this. You should just be able to shoot out the side door passengers, not dmg the vehicle itself. Would make it some what more viable.
  9. EGuardian1

    Wait really? You guys think the Valk is useless?

    What about when I drop 2 engineers on your sunderer because you didn't hear me sneak up to you? Then I get away because you weren't expecting it, and you can't switch to bursters because my two kamikaze engineers blew up your Sundy and respawn in my Valk quickly.

    Or if you have the capture point at Red Ridge with about two squads worth, and my passengers drop in with shotguns and bouncing betties and wreck you, all the while i'm spawning and dropping people in, eventually ramming my Valk into your sundy killing a Max and some more infantry as we save the day? (I have video of BOTH of the above)

    Valks are as powerful as you make them - don't underestimate the power that a good Valk pilot can give his coordinated teammates, and please stop thinking it's a gunship. It's a transport that has a gun for self-defense, not offense. (though a few pilots/gunners are good enough to attack with it.)
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  10. Luke15g

    Please stop taking the thread off topic.
    This thread is focusing on a very specific issue with the valkyrie, its excessive vulnerability to AI weapons, specifically the PPA.
  11. FateJH

    A stock Valkyrie currently has 0.5% more resistance to small arms fire than a MAX unit with Kinetic Armor 5.
  12. PsSeras

    and 10 times the size, so no miss.
  13. OldMaster80

    The Valkyrie has 2 big issues:
    1) It still takes too much damage from everything (so most of players go for Stealth hoping to avoud fights completely).
    2) Without Squad Logistics System in the tool slot it turns into a rat trap for passengers.

    This greatly limits variety of possible loadouts and makes the Val fail both as transport vehicle and as flying platform for infantry combat.
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  14. PsSeras

    full small arms resist now SOE plz
  15. Lord_Avatar

    Why not give the Valkyrie a certification that makes it immune to small arms fire?
  16. OldMaster80

    Because it would go in the defensive slot, forcing people to forget Stealth. Which is not viable at the moment.
  17. Dramaticus

    There is an upgrade to the Valkyrie that makes it immune to small arms fire it is called the Liberator option
  18. Lord_Avatar

    It wouldn't force anyone - it's an option.
  19. EGuardian1

    Why not give ESF's full small arms resistance as well? I mean, it costs more nanites, only holds one person and is designed to stand toe to toe with Libs and other ESFs, who cares about pesky small arms?

    There's this whole thought process that the Valk is a mini-gunship, which it's NOT. If you want to be able to stand toe to toe with enemies, you go with a Liberator. If you want agility and firepower, you get an ESF, if you want large squad logistics and close air support, you grab a Battle Galaxy.

    Even if you mount pelters or VLG missiles, the Valk is simply not going to stand toe to toe with anything except maybe Basilisk Harassers that stand still or Flashes. Anything else that fights back is going to do serious damage to it since it's a squad logistics vehicle first, cheap transport second, and close air support third. It's lightly armoured and slow because it's CHEAP - It's the Huey Gunship compared to the ESF's F35 and Lib's AC-130 - guess which is cheaper to build and there were PLENTY more of them?
  20. OldMaster80

    Of course. But as I wrote here:
    Stealth at the moment is not really an option for the Valkyrie. A few days ago a guy was asking for suggestions about Valkyries loadouts and it came out Stealth is the most popular option. The reason is simple.

    The Val takes so much damage most of players prefer to remain unspotted as long as possible. If you get spotted with a Valkyrie, you're like to be dead unless you carry at least 2 engineers, 2 HA with lock-on rocket launchers and they all wear Flak armor.

    I would never make myself more visible to ESF, Skyguards, ground troops and base turrets just to be immune to small firearms.