Increase the server Populations Limits

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BloodMonarch, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. BloodMonarch

    Server population Limits have clearly been official mention of it if we wouldn't notice!!
    Indar on Miller currently has a queue, as is the case every night now, and yet there is only a couple of battles with 48+ That's just ridiculous.

    So from each continent being able to hold 2000 players, we're now down to what 600 per continent?

    Is this supposed to be further 'performance enhancements'? Not exactly a good direction to be going, in my opinion!
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  2. Pikachu

    Then everybody can be on Indar yay.
  3. BloodMonarch

    Not exactly the point, or a reason to reduce pop limits
  4. CEGrif

    its 600 per empire per continent
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  5. TacosWLove

    Its not 666 per empire anymore, they clearly axed it for OMFG. Seems closer to half that now. I dont mind if its only temporary, but it needs to be a focus with OMFG2 to turn it back up. I prefer having more then just one (mebbe 2) 48+ fight to choose from. This is why we play PS2, big fights that just dont compare on any other platform. Yes its nice to have fights on other conts now as indar fills quickly, but what is needed to eliminate indarside is cont locking and sanctuaries, not dropping the pop cap.

    No one else is sick of the constant 3 ways on almost EVERY cont? Any here ever seen a 2 empire fight on a locked cont? Cyssor used to get flak for being the constant 3 ways as its where most of the 3 home conts met up, but now we have it on every cont? Really getting lame and sick of constantly having to factor in the 3rd leg that doesnt want left out of the fight...
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  6. that_darn_lurker

    They're going to have to raise it for before continent locking is introduced.
  7. that_darn_lurker

    It seems lower than that. Where did you get your information?
  8. MFP_TK_01

    We could ask the same of all these people who keep saying its lower.
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  9. BloodMonarch

    Look ..come on SOE...there is not one single 48+ v 48+ fight on Esamir (Miller) ...and there is a queue. OK maybe the pop limits before were too high before, but this is ridiculous. You've reduced them too much!!!
  10. Pikachu

    Esamir and Amerish were locked today on Ceres. Currently Amerish is locked. o_O I think SOE is cutting the population limit to make us think the game is having higher pop than it has.
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  11. Kunavi

    As a Woodman player(Even during Saturday Alerts), reading this : What is this FABLE you speak of? :confused: They should add a Vanu Limit for our Server.
  12. Riku

    I vote for this:
    • optimize Esamir & other stuff (OMFG 2)
    • Raise population limit; allow 2 more platoons per empire on each continent
    • Merge servers so that during prime time, both Indar and Esamir are full
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  13. gigastar

    By the time continent locking arrives, so will have Hossin.
  14. keez

    Almost everyone has a queue on Friday now; a needless queue that didn't exist before.
  15. Axehilt

    Which is why it shouldn't happen. Not because I dislike Indar, but because everyone being on the same continent would dramatically increase Global Pop Imbalance problems.

    Instead of most players ending up on a 33/33/33% full continent, a high cont pop limit means most players would find themselves on one continent which has 40/33/27% pop (or whatever the global pop happens to be,) which makes the game really frustrating if you're on that 27% empire.
  16. Pikachu

    We could shrink continent size to 2/3. :D Cut off an outer "circle".
  17. Zombekas

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  18. Axehilt

    Yeah that could work. It's really just a matter of making changes that don't overtly piss off players though, and which don't require a ton of work.

    Across game genres, players frequently fixate on map size ("How big is the game world in square km/miles?") without understanding that size is almost unrelated to fun. Certainly if PS2's maps were 10x larger, the game would feel eternally empty and boring, just as an example. Meanwhile, implementing a new continent with a smaller size would let a level designer invest more time per square km/mile into the creation of that continent, resulting in a higher quality end product.

    There are exceptions of course (games about exploration tend to benefit from map size, even if it means a watered down empty world,) but certainly for me I prefer games where all the content is rich and high-quality. Which usually means lower quantity.

    For PS2 I don't think it'd be worth the time to tweak existing continents by reducing their size, but certainly when building new continents it's something I would consider.
  19. Liquid23

    gotta remember too the queue will pop sometimes even if the continent isn't full... the log on servers can only handle so many... just because a room can hold a few thousand people doesn't mean they can all fit through the door all at once...

    I don't think I've ever actually hit a queue when trying to change continents other than at the very beginning of alerts when the spawnrooms are overflowing with people also trying to get there
  20. Nocturnal7x

    Well when there is a queue people just sit in the queue, no one goes and fights on the other conts unless its like 30+ min.

    So if their idea is to get people off indar this is the wrong way to do it.
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