[Suggestion] Incoming patch - No love for infiltrators

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Nehemia, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. bluEyedillusions

    Infiltrators who want to actually infiltrate are definitely lacking things to do. I mean, occasionally I hack a phalanx turret and am able to kill a few tanks, which definitely makes me feel pretty good. If I've been able to do that, I'm better than a HA at destroying vehicles.

    However, aside from flipping terminals and turrets, what incentive is there to infiltrate? We need things like doors and such again.

    I am, however, now questioning whether or not infiltrators should have access to SMGs. Last night, I was telling everyone that they definitely should. However, I've thought a lot about it and I'm starting to think they shouldn't. As an infiltrator, I don't think I should be able to kill an assault class in a 1v1 equal confrontation without getting the drop on him. Infiltrators shouldn't be focused on killing people; they should be focused on completing little objectives. They should be avoiding confrontation, and if they're spotted, they should merely have the chance to fight back. I think the automatic scout rifles allow exactly that: a chance to fight back (but not an EQUAL chance against an assault rifle user).

    How else can I say this: SMGs are not the change infiltrators need to infiltration. SMGs may just create a wave of infiltrators aimed at killing people inside enemy bases. While SOME infiltrators will use the SMG as a tool to better assist them at completing their objectives, I fear most infiltrators "infiltrating" will really just be trying to wrack up kills in CQC.

    What infiltrators who want to infiltrate really need are things to do; hacking doors, uploading viruses to defense, maybe have a better way to destroy generators. I would like to see big buffs to EMP grenades that could perhaps disable turrets or even generators temporarily.
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  2. JudgeDeath

    Snipers and stealthers are both classes that can wreck a game for everyone else.

    Let me break it down to you .. your not supposed to be killing vehicles, air, infantry while radiating AOE autohack all vehicles withing 100m of you.

    Snipers are useful as they are .. and for assault the hacker guys are superbly important and have saved multiple attack efforts solely with one skillful hack and sundyspawn.
  3. f0d

    im not really interested in infiltrators unless they make them more like infiltrators and less like the "sniper" class

    something similar to ps2 with the permanent cloak and being able to kill people with a pistol/grenades/mines and NOT have a freaking sniper gun

    infiltrators in ps2 is just a sniper class - lets make it a true "infiltrator"
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  4. HeXedBlade

    "Nuclear Missile Launched!"

    wtf why is there a red dot on the ground in front of me....
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  5. OldMaster80

    One big issue is the lack of sensible targets inside bases. In the best case all we have is tanks shields generators and infantry shield generators. But everyone can take those down, and LA are much faster and more effective at getting close to them: jumping over base walls is easier than using a cloaking device that runs out of battery every 10 seconds. WIthout mentioning that in PS2 is possible redeploy inside enemy bases, that was totally forbidden in PS1. Redeployment of Amp Stations for instance often makes drop pods fall very close to the one of the generator rooms... Why should Infiltators try to overcharge generators, when everyone can fall from the sky that close?
    And even if we manage to find interesting targets (like a deployed sunderer, for instance) we don't have a decent way to mark coordinates for the team and no way to blow it out because we cannot deploy C4 (even Medics can do that!!).

    All this class is good at is sniping. All the rest is poo. And if you don't believe this just check the Infiltrators forum and see what other players have to say.

    Yes sure. Wreck the game. That's why Infiltrator has been working so well in PS1 for 10 years.
    No one is asking to destroy vehicles. We just want our weapons do to what their supposed to do: EMP grenades should disable vehicle weapons for a few seconds, so that the job is easier for HA and the rest of the army. It's a tactical weapon, not a nuclear warhead.
    Role of this class should be recognition, spotting, lowering enemy defences, blowin out sensible targets, jamming enemy sensors and communications, paving the way for an effective attack. This does not exist in PS2.
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  6. VoidC

    Infiltrators are lacking currently in CQC/Infiltration.

    Hunter cloak is okay, maybe some adjustments, but at the end it is a good cloak for long range sniping. What we need is Stalker cloak: http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/hunter-stalker-cloak.75292/

    Another things is that our Scout rifles have very limited ammo and comparable low accuracy in hip fire.
    +10 for Auto and +5 rounds for Semi scout rifles, is what we need. + A bit better hip fire.

    EMP grenade should disable vehicles /turrets for couple of seconds (~5-10). Also be able to disable mines/C4.

    Exp gain via sensor dart. Longer duration for sensor dart.

    We need more weapon attachments:

    Balancers, Night vision scopes etc.

    And there is a need for overall scope sway balance not only our sniper rifles ... something per attachment that reduces the sway, balancer (infiltrator weapons) or advanced grip (other classes).[/quote]
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  7. Choggo

    Ok, to address the cloak and thermal issue, I'm a regular lib pilot and my zepher has thermal, I must say my friend has no problem seeing cloakers, BUT, to complain its OP and cloakers should be able to mask thermal is just dumb, you can have you thermal cloak the day my engy turret gets a fully enclosed protective shield.

    Night scopes have a very limited range and are only good at night, they limit your FoV so its not like people are just running around searching for cloakers, if you don't want to be spotted don't run around in the open, use what everyone else uses, COVER and LoS.

    As for vehicle thermal, well its also got limited range, expensive, and takes the place of having a zoom. Again, dont want to be spotted, don't run around in the open, if you see aircraft, just expect him to have thermal and hide for a second until he's not looking.
  8. Xiphos

    That is what stalker suit means.
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  9. Pachins

    JudgeDeath you are confused. You are describing a heavy assault class buddy. Kills all vehicles/infantry. Can snipe just as far with a rifle as a sniper. Oh and they have more shields/health then an infil.

    Guess we should nerf or get rid of them since they will wreck the game.
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  10. Trinith

    I dunno, I run my infiltrator kit with the semi-auto and do medium to short range stuff and really enjoy the class. Hacking should give a bit more XP bonus, and a vehicle hack would be really good but I get why they didn't.

    There are enough ways to kill vehicles in this game that I don't think we need more, especially ones carried by invisible players ;)

    The only thing I'd really like to see is the ability to get rid of my 7x scope on my semi-auto rifle and throw a 2x or a 4x on there.
  11. LameFox

    Vehicle hacking would be funny. I can picture so many empty AMS sunderers changing hands in the midst of a group of people who didn't notice the infiltrator there, then suddenly enemies start spawning instead and everyone dies (probably including the sunderer).
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  12. Xiphos

    1. Stalker Cloak: invisible when standing still (except with NV/IR vision), regenerates when standing still, rifles not allowed.
    2. More sabotage and hacking objectives in bases, including some that are only acessible to infiltrators.
    3. Explosives or some way to mess with a deployed Sunderer which is often #1 objective in a base assault. It would be silly if the class meant to cripple bases from inside couldn't do anything about one of the most important things in a defended base.
    4. EMP & decoy grenades are somewhat lacking and too expensive.
    5. Semi-auto sniper rifles and sniper rifles with close range scopes and how they are affected by breath and sway needs to be looked at. My feeling is that the breath mechanic was made for and is balanced with long range bolt-action rifles in mind.
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  13. Pachins

    I think the argument is that you still offer nothing to your squad when doing your CQC. You would be better off playing another class in the situation you explained.
  14. Pachins

    This has been talked about in the infil forums. Several of us liked the idea of hacking a sunder only causing it to be disabled. Can be repaired by engineer or infil.

    Disbled meaning - Not a spawn point, unable to enter, can not change class/receive ammo
  15. Xind

    Give me my invisibility and my hand gun. You forget. I also have a knife.
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  16. OldMaster80

    Nothing more, nothing less. No one is asking to turn Infiltrators in killing machines. We want something to do but sniping.
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  17. LameFox

    hm... in that case, I think a lot of people would just think their vehicles had bugged while they were away.
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  18. Haddos

    All i want is to be able to shoot a tank with a a sniper rifle and it does damage from long range.
    it could be 1 damage i don't care i just want my hit markers XD.
  19. Hagnar

    I would trade all of my weapons for that suit RIGHT NOW! And I would like to see a cert for the knife.
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  20. Xiphos

    Things infiltrators don't need:

    1. One-hit knife kills. Reason: would be overpowered.
    2. Better bolt-action sniper rifles. Reason: they're good enough.
    3. XP for sensor dart usage. Reason: 1 XP per radar blip = 900 XP per sensor dart in a good bio lab fight with maxed sensor dart.
    4. More glowy bits on their armor.
    5. Ninja suits and katanas.
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