Incoming massive GK Nerf thread.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. TheRunDown

    I've caught wind of a plan that a couple of Vanu Zerg Outfits might be starting a GK nurf thread out of spite because Zerging AMSs isn't working any more against the TR.. Literally a spite thread. (Like what happened to the Striker and various other weapons that were made useless because of ForumSide crying.)

    So if you want to add your opinion or defend the GK in anyway, expect about 100+ Vanu's to gang up on you, even if what you are saying is fair and would be a common sense way to change the GK.

    Thought I'd put this out there before someone with a meaningful opinion gets bullied in to a corner to make them quite.

    Expect, Flaming, Trolling, laughing at you're opinion, calling you stupid and basing the value of you're opinion on your KDR..

    Just saying.

    P.s. I have no proof of this, and is all hear say from multiple sources, but here's to an attempt to put them off. :3
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  2. DooDooBreff

    or you could just not care about some silly "vanu GK conspiracy" or them pelting you with words. GK needs a slight adjustment, and will probably get it. but ill never give a hot shart about some #vanulivesmatter movement

    this is a decent troll post however. 7/10
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  3. Savadrin

    I mean, we are part of the problem. We killed a lot of Vanu sunderers last night with the harrasser as they came out in trios and quads. But we didn't only use the Lolkeeper, we also used the Vulcan and even I got a Walker sundy kill for luls.

    And Moridin somehow managed to kill my rasser with his flash when I attempted to crush him with it. The sadness.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    Take it from someone whos been in forumside...... for far to long & seen so much.

    Stuff like what the OP is saying has happened before.
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  5. Taemien

    All you gotta do is post a **** image in the thread from a throw away account from your phone. That'll get the thread locked before they get any steam.
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  6. Imperial Sect

    It's already being "looked at"..which is dev lingo mean NERFEDTOTHEGROUND!!!!!!!!!!!
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  7. AlterEgo

    It just needs a change. Seriously, turn it into a Panzerwerfer system. Aim at ze sky, and it falls down on ze enemy. KAPUT.
  8. Scr1nRusher

    And its starting to happening..............
  9. GhostAvatar

    As long as it is going to happen soon™, I am happy with that (cus we all know what that means).
  10. breeje

    well let the vanu come i'm ready to fight for my stuff
    oh wait i play also as vanu....................... nerf the GK in to the ground
    no buff it for when i play TR, i am so confused right now
  11. Liewec123

    gotta call you out there, old striker was complained about for a year and a half and with very VERY good reason

    it had ridiculously long range
    (the kind you expect to see lancers sniping from nowadays)

    once lock was acquired it would not break
    (even if you fly behind terrain/buildings or the guy with striker looks the opposite direction)

    the missiles were extremely fast and agile
    (you could not outrun them, you could not outmanoeuvre them.)

    the missiles would go through all terrain in their way until they get you.
    (they didn't feel fear, pity or remorse and the absolutely would not stop until you were dead.)

    for a year and a half any territory (or neighbouring territory) with TR presence was a no fly zone for VS and NC.
    i think Gatekeeper is good, maybe a little too easy to use, but it's nowhere near in the same hilariously OP state that old striker was. ;)

    TL;DR dare ye' not mention old striker in polite conversation! the beast was an abomination!
  12. Scr1nRusher

    Those 2 were bugs that affected all Lock on Rockets back then, not just the Striker.
  13. Jubikus

    Gatekeeper needs tweaking not nerfing. Nerfing would imply that its just blatantly too strong but its not it performs in line with its counterparts the weapon just leaves a poor interaction that isnt fun to play against.
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  14. Jubikus

    Before daybreak i would agree with you but since Daybreak they have shown alot more caution when tweaking weapons. The strikers has been buffed but its not OP the burst weapons have been buffed but not OP and the .75 ADS weapons were given appropriate buffs to compensate for the stat loss and they arnt OP or UP.
  15. Orakel

    QQ more TR and pls DB nerf VS moar ...
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  16. Azawarau

    A small nerf is still a nerf

    It doesnt imply anything except to the very many who fly off the handle at the mere mention of the word

  17. Liewec123

    but they weren't fixed, and it only took 2 HAs with strikers one clip each to kill an ESF, combined with the other things i listed it made for a year and a half of hell for VS/NC.
    those bugs were mediocre on NC/VS, annihilator was still useless due to hilariously low damage.
    striker had everything, damage, ease of use and being nigh unavoidable except for flares, but even flares went through a phase of being bugged and not working. (during striker's reign of terror)
  18. Jubikus

    its usually in the eyes of the beholder lets say you put a max range on the projectiles of the gatekeeper but eliminated its small COF and buffed its fire rate a tiny amount some people would say its a straight nerf but since is both nerf and buff i would label it as tweaking instead of nerfing.
  19. Azawarau

    Thats a rebalance
  20. Jubikus

    everything is a rebalance.