I'm gonna go ahead and copy my response from another thread into here as well, because I find the HA shield nerf to be silly.
Heavy assault is primarily a heavy assault unit. Also, the shield is two shots. Infantry gun shots. People need to get a grip. More generally speaking, I dislike the general theme of moving from toggle-able abilities to cooldown. I have never been a fan of cooldowns, as they remove micromanagement that is (in my opinion) essential to maintain the competitive gap. Cooldowns also remove some of the immediacy of the experience, if that makes any sense. They're also everything-or-nothing which is kinda boring. In PS2 specifically, with how fast everyone dies I really can't see why the game would benefit from HA shield on a CD.
Higby put in his twitter in Jan he was going to try nerfing them against inf, it's not there role, L.A is intended Anti-inf, only reason heavy does so well is cause overshield protects against 45% of ANY type of damage, he could easily change it to flak and splash only and nerf you entirely (which was his original idea) but people would complain as it would mess around with nanoweave values considering the overshield buffs over them
Nano 5 heavy with resist kit and resto kit combo is the most powerful player base health in game 3000 for 6 seconds ( that's a max and a half) which is extremely o.p
That's rather dramatic and dishonest of you to sum up the task of surviving the first fight, popping an RK while not getting hit, switching back to weapon, popping the second RK and then switching to weapon again all while not getting shot and shooting everyone that tries to shoot you. As opposed to MAX where you just stand there and absorb.
trust me, you're vanu right? try it with a pandora or orion, you could wipe out a squad in seconds, it sounds stupid reading it but try it alot of pro players and farmers use it
i have both auraxium'd and you cannot 'wipe out a squad in seconds' with those weapons. are you high?
you clearly haven't read what i wrote, i don't know if this is a troll or real Before you enter a room pop a resto kit then pop your iwin shield then start shooting with whatever and watch and try it with pandora extended mags or an smg or whatever man idgaf
I don't mind the shield at all. They don't have it up all the time so it doesn't affect me headshotting them at 100m+ with an XM98 that much.
First off I main as New Conglomerate HA most of the time. I do use the other classes and have a good idea of how they work and what each classes strengths and weakness's are. Most people in these kind of debates forget that balance is more then " A vs B" scenario's. Especially when it comes to such a massive battle scale such as PS2. More often then not neither you nor your enemy are alone in your endeavors to murder each other. Every time you round a corner, peak your head over a ledge or hill, drop from a pod and etc you are likely to be target by more then one set of crosshairs. If we were to balance this game based on solo encounters then this game would never seem fair. Am I to get upset because yesterday as an HA I got the jump on a LA and he used his Jetpack to boost out of the way of my ADS shots turn around and shoot me? Would his ability not qualify as a "instant win" button since I was able to ambush him and put quite a few bullets into him before he dodged the rest to headshot me? No it would not. So how can this same argument be used against HA's shield and be valid? Because people have this mind set that fairness is about the one on one encounters. Whether one class can take out another just as quickly. This is not the case. Fairness is about everyone having the ability to choose the right class, equipment, vehichle, position, and countless other things to perform the best in the ever changing needs of the moment. If I am in a biolab as a medic I should be throwing out res grenades and picking up max's. Not wandering around with my weapon drawn hoping to get some kills on HA's (or any other class for that matter.) If I am in a small group engagement where most of my squad is not sticking together but free roaming the current region for kills then it is likely not a good idea to be engineer unless I am sticking with a max or someone who needs ammo packs like crazy. If I am in an open field as an HA and there are tons of enemy ESF flying around I better find myself an engineer so I can target them more effectively. The point is that in order to create a teamwork environment you need to create symbiotic relationships between the class's. Medics heal and revive those that need it so they stay on the front line longer. Light Infantry get into hard to reach area's that other classes can't so that enemies do not get tunnel vision. Engineers repair machines and give out ammo as well as use various equipment to lockdown area's from infantry and/or armor. Infiltrators hack equipment and take out enemies the quickest quietest manner possible. Heavy assaults take the the brunt of the damage from incoming bullets, grenades, cannon, missile, and any other weapon you can conceive of so that the others can do their job. Nerf the HA and you nerf every other class that he is suppose to protect.
The Reality is that this game is a 1v1 shooter most of the time. The problem is that people want to hide behind the false-hood that its a team game. Most instances where HAs win... even in HIUGE fights, they are using the shield to instantly survive a 1v1 encounter... no smart HA is turing on the shield and running in to engage 5 enemy soldiers... they turn it on to kill 1 enemy... 1v1... that is the problem and that is the TRUTH... stop acting like that is not EXACTLY when it is used and why it is used. Also: Anybody claiming that the Medics Heal-Aura is anything like an HA's shield and that the Medic class will be the go to substitute for HAs after any nerf is a complete moron... period.
1. How is it a problem that a primary frontline fighter wins in a 1vs1 fight with a SUPPORT role class? He is suppose to be stronger in CGC then the other classes. 2. Never met a person who could take a +48 section on his own. This is a teamwork based game. Sitting in the open field of indar with just a small hill between you and your enemies and holding it for half an hour with no sundy nearby and just the medics and engies keeping HA's and Max's alive iand iring is not a solo act. 3. I use my shield for many things including but not exclusively to 1vs1 engagements. So does every other class. The shield is geared toward mitigating/reinforcing inbound damage. The light assault is geared toward avoiding it entirely. The medic is geared toward recovering from it, the engineer is geared toward repairing damage from it. 4. So no one is acting like HA does not use it for 1vs1 engagements. We are just pointing out that no one has point out how it is wrong for an HA to be stronger then an inf, la, med, or engy when it comes to these types of engagements.
Yeah, the HA shield is meant to win 1v1 engagements...your right, that is exactly why and when its used. Just as the Medic ability is used to heal lost health exactly when its needed. Is it a replacement for the HA shield? not in a million years, can it work as such? Sure, just not half as well. The HA's whole point is to take more damage then other classes. Take away the shield and the HA is just a machinegun toting dude with a big tube on his back. Not really...heavy..assault. The name should then be changed to Heavy Weapons Specialist or something. The shield is what makes it Heavy...Assault. He can assault, heavily and take a bit more damage then the other classes.
Assault does not have to mean you get 2x Health... that is also the silliness of the current situation. As I said before, and apparently - again - everybody wants to just ignore... Rockets, Concussion Grenades, and LMGS (Yes, these are not medic rifles, but in mass [which is when you should be using an HA] they are brutal because it is continuous fire - other classes can do that). The HA has a role with out "Super Fantastic Kiddy Health"... and Maxes should be leading the way into "impossible" fights most of the time... and in reality that is how most well run platoons operate. The MYTH (yes the MYTH) that HAs need the shield AT ALL to remain the front-line "infantry" choice is the real issue... they don't need it... The Suppressing Fire, Rockets (to stop MAXs, Turrets [base and ENG], and Concussion Grenades (if you don't use these you are simply a fool) win the fights, the shield just lets you win the occasional 1v1. That's how the game currently is. And it is only a delay (simple minded folk think this means the end of HA... you can't fix stupid), you can still turn it on and walk into a room, LMG blazing, you don't just get double HP when a LA or an Infiltrator gets the drop on you... and you SHOULD NOT GET THAT. Now sure, maybe the Adrenaline Shield could be reworked so that it could be the 1v1 shield, but be FAR less effective in attacking bases, maybe a reduction in explosion damage or whatever... this would still let little kids feel shotgun rampage power with out actually letting them be that useful in the team aspect of the game... similar to Stalker Cloak.