What I idea am I getting exactly? That posting figures off a nerd site does not validate anything?... yeah I got it. Yes, clearly the weapons that don't require any skill and the long range camper weapons would be at the top of a list. Not sure what else to tell you here, you are the worlds greatest detective right behind Batman, Sherlock homes, and Scooby Doo? "OP" is probably the wrong word to be throwing around here because it is clearly causing mass confusion. Winning 1v1s does not mean that any LMG would be at the top of the list... at all... I'm sure I could go into a long-winded lecture about how that magically works with "numbers"... but, I'm sure that would just lead to possibly permanent slack-jaw on your part... I'll do you a favor and pass. Now there is no way to research the amount of wins that HAs do actually get in 1v1 situations... but, enough organized team players were obviously tired of it and SOE was smart enough to take note... that is really al you need to know about the entire situation. It is the 1v1 instances that are simply being removed, you can still run into rooms in an organized fashion with your Shields up still and perform the task that HAs where meant to perform... and of course "think"... but, you don't just win 1v1s anymore. That's all it did, and that is what needed to be fixed. And yes, these kind of fixes do cause double-chins to jiggle and nerd-rage to flare... a small price to pay for a better game.
Eh, for me, shields have always been unreliable. I can activate an overshield, see the glow come up, engage a second later... one pump action to the rump and i'm down, with 90% shield remaining. The activation delay is nothing new, Now there's just more of it - the eye searing glow draws enough fire that even when it does work, it gets you squished faster anyway. I typically play HA as though I dont have NMG / Resist / whatever in the first place, and i'm typically surprised when it actually functions well enough to stop a round or two.
I like this fantasy world of yours. And you call me ignorant... And the flaming! Such flaming! You are a true son of Youtube. Wow, proclaimed abilities to mindread and supposed gaming high-horse. Amazing. And here I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger.
You were ignorant of the facts... ignorance is not a negative term... it just means you did not know. It has nothing to do with mind-reading, the context clues you dropped obviously lead to the point that you are overly concerned about the fact that you wont be able to 1 button win anymore... that has nothing to do with my ego at all... it has to do with that you typed... and back to my earlier point, that I don't think you read or think about what you post.
Thats the idea you should be getting. And you got it! Amazing! HAs are NOT OP. Again, you have no evidence to back this up. The Infs and LAs get a tool to help then gain the Flanking position. The HA gets a tool to help them when flanked. This is perfectly fair and balanced. Then there is you other comment, the Overshield is not designed for running into rooms. You cannot play this game by "running into rooms". Anyone that suggests that is the purpose of the HA is deliberately lying. Even MAXes get shredded if they play like that. The HAs Shields are designed to be used in a Reactive fashion and if for whatever reason the Devs have decided that is no longer the case, then the ability needs to be changed to something completely different, not nerfed so it cannot be used the way it was designed. ps: I don't think YOU should talk about nerd rage.
the HA can do headshots just as well and will take you out twice as fast. there's no reason for him to miss either.
Is the shield Iwin button? Not really. I die plenty of times after I pop my shield and win plenty of times when I forget to turn it on. I think half the time I am reminded to use it after I take a hit...almost never is it on first. Sometimes I see a guy, duck, hit F then go to town....I think more often then not I forget to use the thing really. I know I use it plenty though...so idk. Is it really OP? Not really. What really hosed and making HA look tougher then they are is the horribad hit detect and lag making guys take 10x the amount of rounds. Ive run into Infiltrators who take as many rounds as a Shielded Heavy and Shielded heavies who drop like infils. Its all a matter of lag, hacks and everything else besides the shield. In reality that Shield only adds like 3 extra bullets to your life.
If he turns on his shield, he will strafe slower than you, that means he can not match your strafing to sync up with you, and thus has to move his mouse more to aim, which makes it easier to throw him off by changing direction often. While a good aimer can make up for it, when talking about equal-ish skilled players, it'll be a bit harder for the HA to hit headshots than the other player, at the exchange of being more durable/allowing for more mistakes. This is especially notable when using hipfire or weapons with 0.75x ADS movement speed.
I salute you sir and give you all my upvotes. A heavy assaults JOB is to be the meatier of the soldiers, the shock troopers and yet they are always called out for doing their job. We literally have one purpose in life, kill stuff, yet people rage over the fact we do it? Our only utility is a shield with a rather respectable cooldown, and our only tool is the ability to damage vehicles. We can't provide for our team in any other way than to lessen the pressure from the enemy units. I can't heal them, give them ammo, repair or revive, I can't hack and I can't disable a bases defenses. The only thing that I as a heavy assault can do is clear the way for my team, and scare off or destroy pesky vehicles or try to come at us yet people rage at heavies for using the one tool they do have for their advantage (not to mention it slows them down quite a bit too as an extra downside). I still die all the time to regular fire, I still get killed by vehicles and I can still lose trades with other infantry members, the only real advantage that I have is in the scenario of a 1v1 and that is not what planetside is about. In the bigger battles you are getting shot at like crazy from a multitude of sources, and in that situation taking an extra three bullets means squat. Thank you for the post and thanks for still trying to explain to the masses why we have the shield.
That has nothing to to with FPS vs MMO. In tribes for example we had light/med/heavy suits, armored in increasing order, that could pack more weapons in increasing order and were slower in decreasing order. Sensible role balance in FPS game is nothing to be ashamed of. It isn't 2004 and this isn't Call of Duty.
Not quite true. While running the Overshield the HA suffers a movement penalty. While that does not make it harder for him/her to land headshots, it does make it easier for their opponent. This is why my Engineer smiles when an enemy HA pops his Overshield.
You mean like the movement penalty that HA have when the shield is up ? Maybe you missed the giant glowing guy? Or the certable "adrenaline pump" that allows LA and Inf's, the two least utility classes to run faster than anyone else, if they choose? While being able to fly or cloak on demand. Just because you wish to ignore the balancing does not mean it is not there. Also you do play in squads and stay together correct? I mean this is a team based game and a squad roaming and moving together is downright unstoppable. So you must be using this simple coordination that is way OP, right?
. In a "head-on",I understand that the HA has to come out on top.But when I shoot him from behind,he should not be able to turn around to kill me.However,because of 'dat shield the HA is able to survive my whole magazine and then turn around to kill me.It should not work like that.
If you empty a whole magazine into a HA and he stills get you you must have missed alot of shots I think it would be fine if they made the HA shield directional instead so it protects the front and sides but not the back.At least that would be far better than adding a delay to a shield that already is unreliable.
What I am trying to say is, LMG's Have suppression, therefore your accuracy with the gun you are using is lost and you are forced to run away (and die by Netcode behind a wall) or stay and die by a limitless stream of Bodyshots/Headshots. Unless this is just a Bug for me and me only because every time I fight a Heavy assault (mainly VS) I die by Headshots, even after putting 20 rounds into their skulls with all hitmarkers showing.
Everyone knows how hard the shield will get "balanced". It will get a SOE style nerf => shield gets useless maybe it will have a much too high charge up or it only gets charge up but no other buff for the charge up Shield would need higher duration and durability or the resist shield will be the only "viable" one left.
I don't understand how anybody can claim the shield will be useless with a delay. You turn it on when you are walking into a room or area you know is a hot spot... it will remain perfectly useful for team oriented players. You just don't get double HP when somebody gets the drop on you anymore (it's sad how kids really don't mentally grasp how unfair that actually is). Does the shield save you all the time 1v1... no... but, more often than not it absolutely does. This is basically just asking a bunch of silver-spoon kids what color is the sky... "its red"... no its blue.... "ITS RED I SAID!!!!!!!"... oooook...
Lolz. If you are going to make a post like this, it helps if you get your numbers right. Hint: You haven't. Also that reminder that LAs and Inf have class powers that aid them getting the drop on people plus a movement boost power. The HA gets a power that aids them when people get the drop on them but it comes with a movement and camo penalty. Perfectly fair.