Seeing a lot of this lately, Liberators,Galaxy's self repairing while taking damage. Now unless I missed something this is not possible unless you are out of combat for 14s or so with auto repair system. So is it a hack or is it not because when i'm unloading 294 rounds of flak I really don't want to see a repair shield on the target while i'm bloody hitting it.
Are engineers now wing walking? Could just be using fire suppression, it does repair when used if the vehicle is critically damaged (red and burning).
It's fi It's "Fire Suppression". At max rank it heals the vehicle by 12% over 4 seconds, I believe. And since the vehicle ability is tied to the driver and not the vehicle, you can swap seats with your gunner and have them use it right after you used it.
only if the vehicle is on fire, i'm talking about soon as you pout dmg on them they have a repair aura.
Fire Suppression was changed, it now heals over time when activated whether the vehicle is on fire or not. The seat swap exploit is what you're most likely seeing.
Fire suppression can heal your vehicle at any point, you just need to activate it. If your vehicle is on fire, then it also stops the fire. They are 2 different effects.
Ohh so this is new, might have to check that out, have it maxed but never used it if they changed the dimensions.
3% per level of FS is the repaired damage. I use FS on all my lightnings and with NAR is quite useful.
Ok thanks all for the heads up, added this to my Reaver and Lightning+ Nanite auto repair and i'm impressed with the results.