So, to clarify, this system now in my opinion isn't bad, but it isn't good either, it's just decent. It has a purpose and can give you a goal, but it has it's flaws and it's quite a grind to get it (Which is good and bad, since you get that "Muh specialz!" feel after you get it but it takes a looooong time...) So first, make it a XP based system instead of a kill based system for directive weapons. This will make weapon directives more possible, because it will reward squad play and helping people instead of rewarding only kills and punishing you for helping out. This will reward assists, vehicle assists, vehicle and MAX kills, headshot kills, kill streak bonuses, bounty hunting/high threat/extreme menace (So if you kill that one ***** who wiped your squad, you get rewarded more for it)... This will make directives shorter, so to make up for this the amount of XP necessary it could be increased from 116000 XP (1160 kills) to 135000 XP (1350 kills)/150000 XP (1500 kills) A thing that I wholly dislike about class directives are terrible directive conditions. I mean, who the hell auraxiums MAX punch to get a MAX directive? Or grinds Savior kills for his Combat Medic? Or kill 1160 people with a knife? Some directive conditions are just stupid. I'd more than appreciate if they were removed and implemented something actually meaningful and less crazy. Thanks for reading? What do you think about this?
Agreed on everything you said. Also agreed, some of the demandments are ridiculously easy/difficult compared to others. DBG, please do this.
i'd be happy with that aslong as they make the ones gained under the original system gold/different colour or something to make them look a little more special. grinding over 5000 kills (were YOU got the final shot in, in a massive team based game) is a real challenge and took me months upon months for shotguns. if there were to increase the kill requirement it would have to be alot higher than 1500 to make it equivalent more like 2500 assists i think. making it xp based, or counting assists would be 100 times easier than the current directives, so it'd be cool if they differentiated between the 2 so ours are extra special XD
I think they're allergic to updating the Directives System because of an anticipated negative reaction. When they first introduce the system they couldn't migrate all the data that they were now tracking, because there were some things that were not previously being tracked by the API; and, thus, a lot of people complained even though SOE couldn't do anything about it. Unless experience or assists are currently being tracked via weapon, that's a lot of data getting thrown out. It'd be even worse if they choose random things that "sounds like it'd resolve in experience/assists data" and everyone argues over which metrics they should have used instead. As an aside, though I can not formally list this as a reason it should not be done, the suggestion generally rubs against my "trophy for the sake of a trophy" distaste.
Only if the raw XP is applied. So if you use boosts or there's an alert etc, this XP does not count towards the directive.
Bump! This suggestion is perfect. XP given from assisting, saving, killing >> Getting the last shot to kill something.
I hadn't seen it for some time, but the last few days I've had at least 7 vehicle kills stolen from me by players who just waited for the vehicle to be near death. I must have missed out on at least as many kills, as there were some MBT's among them with both pilots killed... And no XP for me for those kills either! I lost my tank in one occasion, fighting as a HEAT Lightning against a full AV MBT, dodging, weaving, firing, hasty repairs as it hunted me down. Then when I finally got it to burning... the ESF that I thought didn't have any AV weapons that had been hovering around fires his Rocketpods and kills it. Well thank you! You hung around for 5 minutes during my fight, watching it happen while occasionally firing a few rounds at some infantry, and when I miraculously won the fight you swoop down and steal the kills! (and then a Heavy finished me off, hence me losing my Lightning). This kind of behaviour needs to go. If you deal 99,99% damage against a Liberator and someone else finishes it off even though you are still firing at it, you should still feel rewarded rather than cheated! Give me those kills I deserve! Give me the digital numbers that fill my empty voi... Anyway, you play a game to get some fun out of it. I feel cheated in a bad way rather than fun when something like this happens. There's enough games where I feel cheated and that spurs me on to get better, but this is simply demotivational at it's core.