[Suggestion] Improve the lives of construction workers!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RiP0k, Jul 7, 2024.

  1. RiP0k

    • Bring back Skywall damage to shields and Vehicles.
    • Return the shield module to walls and structures.
    • Make the No Building Zone the size of +20% of the No Deploy Zone.
    • Bring back XP for using Vehicles terminals.
    • Add XP gain from ammo towers.
    • Add 1 more cell to all structures that have 2 module cells, give 2 to those that have 1 cell, and give 2 to those without cells. Let's put a blocking module in all structures.
    • Give ANT a pumpable passive ability to repair all structures in an area while the driver is driving.
    • Change Orbital Strike to Orbital Support which changes the explosion to create an area of support for allies with a diameter of 100m with random mode, duration 1.5 min.
    For example, a set of buffs:

    1. Health-related, random choice: increased health/regeneration/rebirth every 10 sec.
    2. Related to shields: increased capacity/accelerated reloading/instant full replenishment once every 15 sec
    3. Related to repair: increases the strength of vehicles, equipment and turrets, affects structures, works with MAX (makes it possible to revive them as well)/ increases received repair and speeds up the reloading of the engineer's tool/ permanent repair at 0.5-2% of health
    4. Ammunition-related: increases the magazine capacity of infantry and vehicles weapons/ gives weapon shells a fire effect (sets enemies infantry and vehicles on fire)/ speeds up weapon reloading.
    We get a set of random buffs for example: regeneration/accelerated recharging of shields/permanent repair/fire effect for weapons.

    As a result, the OS will become useful and help.

    • Remove Flail and Glaive IPCs or convert Glaive IPCs into regular turrets that can deal damage to the bastion like the Colossus cannon with vulnerable spots illuminated. Flail delete.
    • Add to the construction a spire that blocks the deployment of equipment/beacons/routers with a radius of half the Silo radius, prohibiting both enemies and allies.
    Also in the game there was somehow a Cortium Tap that reduced the consumption of Cortium, you could make it as a weak point like in the bastion, Cortium Tap is placed in a certain radius from Silo in the amount of 3 pieces.
    Cortium Tap blocks any damage to structures associated with Silo.
    Destroying all Cortium Taps within the Silo radius makes all structures vulnerable.
    In order for the Cortium Tap to start working, you need to replenish it with Cortium, which would be burned.
    This will get rid of the damage spam on the main construction structures and there will be no OP when building in combat zones.

    With these changes, the Construction System will become a Strengthening, it will be a strengthening itself, and with changes to the OS it will become a strengthening of allies at the game bases.
  2. RiP0k

    The simple changes you can make are:

    1. Make vehicles terminals a cell for modules and make a vehicle terminal module.
    2.Increase repairs from 0.5% to a more reasonable value.
    3.Add one cell for modules to all structures and those that currently do not have them. The bridge should generally have the same number of cells as the Command Center.
    4.Return XP for using vehicles terminals.
    5.Give the opportunity to install the Skywall module in Silo.
    6.Give the opportunity to install a shield module in Rampart Wall so that it is also double-sided.
    7.Reduce the cost of purchasing drawings by 2 times.

    I don't think these changes are very big.

    And they will at least allow this sandbox to exist, now it is a frustrating system that has become even more frustrating than before the Fortification update.
  3. RiP0k

    Remove the system with a module altogether. Make the strength and repair values passive for all structures by adjusting them to adequate values. Also make Skywall shield a passive property of the structures that you think should be in them. This is an extra burden on the builder, and an extra opportunity for trolls to overload them. Add infantry terminals to structures. Make all terminals either unhackable or destructible and repairable.

    Some builders simply ignore installing modules because of the tediousness of this task.
  4. Baneblade

    Indeed, and the projectile shields should be on all buildings that have windows/doors by default. And bring back the one way ability for defenders to shoot through them.
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  5. RiP0k

    The most necessary change for the Construction System:

    1. Reduce the No Building Zone to the size of the Sunderer's No Deploy Zone, a maximum of 30% more than this zone. Because players in 90% of cases ignore player bases located close to the hex with the current NBZ. This change will at least improve the distance between Construction System and the rest of the game.

    2. Remove the modular system completely. Simply by making repairs a passive feature of the structures. As are Skywall, Shield and Infantry terminals. By adjusting the strength of structures and their resistance to damage (it would be nice to have an adaptive system that could adapt to the ratio of the number of enemies in nearby hexes, due to the possibility of shelling the base from a distance). Make the terminals destructible, so that when hacked, the entire structure does not change, but only the terminal, which can be destroyed and repaired as in regular bases, but it is better, of course, to make the terminals unhackable due to the extreme vulnerability of the player’s base.

    A decent number of players do not install modules. Because the placement process is too boring and because any enemy can bother the builder by constantly overloading the modules.

    And hackable terminals are the biggest evil of construction.

    3. If you follow step 2, then remove the Infil backlight from the structures, thereby you can easily fix the Infil backlight error where there are no structures. And remove the effect from structures that appeared during Fortification, which envelops the structure in a masking field, which probably reduces performance, because there are many structures with this effect. If point 2 is fulfilled, Infil will become the least problem for builders.

    4. It is also important to either remove the Glaive IPC, or convert it into a turret that will be like a Colossus cannon to deal damage to Bastion. BUT under no circumstances should she be repaired so she can clean up the Skywall again. Because it is not possible to resist it with the current large buildings.

    5. It is also important to restrict the installation of either Rebirth Center or Command Center in the area. So that it is impossible to build two structures side by side.

    Please do not leave Construction System in its current state.

    This is pain and suffering for the builder in the current realities. And there is no need to update only for the Construction System.

    It is enough to complete each point with each new update more important for the game than the Construction System.

    I love this system, even though it is ignored by the players, and there are plenty of players ready to annoy us builders. But in its current state, it is simply annoying and does not bring pleasant moments for builders.
  6. Baneblade

    6. All structures and walls need to have the original one way projectile shield back.

    7. Let the Command Center pull MBTs.

    8. Bring back AI Turret Control for AA Turrets.

    9. Let us put any combination of turrets we want instead of being limited to one of each type.

    10. Bring back the HIVE, but have it act as a buff or debuff on the territory it is in:

    Friendly Territory:
    - 100% HP boost for Phalanx Turrets (Construction Built and Normal Base Turrets) plus nanite auto repair.
    - Base and territory acts as if all boost modules are installed.
    - Double capture timer for enemy factions.

    Enemy Territory:
    - Negates Enemy HIVE in same territory

    OR if no enemy HIVE is present:

    - Halves capture timer for friendly faction.
    - Burns out installed outfit module boosts twice as fast.
    - Reduces effectiveness of all enemy sensor abilities and sensor deployables by 50%.

    HIVEs will only appear on the map for friendly faction members, or the territory owning enemy faction.

    The idea being that the HIVE either severely inhibits an attack or forces a invader to take the time to remove it.

    11. Bring back the more forgiving placement system from before.
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  7. RiP0k

    Agree. Like minor updates appearing gradually. Also, so that players complain less about AI, add new armor that protects against AI to the Vehicles and Infantry armor slot.
  8. Baneblade

    Can just have Stealth reduce its activation range. But I meant AI for the AA turret only. Not the AI or AV Turrets.
  9. RiP0k

    Need a new Bunker structure. Holds players like vehicles, max 50. OS protection.
  10. RiP0k

    Increase Rebirth Centre's Fortress Shield radius by 20-30%.
    Make MAX at a discount using Cortium.

    Fortification update needs some tuning.

    Let all the construction haters who say that construction should be ignored go to hell.
  11. RiP0k

    With the addition of passive Stealth from Sunderer, it will further worsen base defense. When will you start adjusting the balance in relation to the Construction System?
  12. 23rd enigma

    These updates aren't thoroughly thought out. They need to scrap the Stealth module buff Idea. It would be bad not only for construction.
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  13. RiP0k

    This is only good for making it harder to detect the exact location of the Stealth Sunderer, and that's a good thing. But it's open to a lot of abuse.
  14. 23rd enigma

    I don't Understand why it has to be cloak. Why can they not just provide a Counter-shade buff instead. Counter-shade effect. "Killing an enemy will conceal your radar signature from detection devices for 8 seconds. Triggering this implant while underwater applies this effect until you resurface."
  15. RiP0k

    Probably because the players in this game, if they see something, they want to break it right away. The same Construction System, if it had stealth, would be more viable and perhaps a little more in demand.