Improve medic life

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Halkesh, Jun 29, 2014.

  1. Halkesh

    Actually, the medic is fine, this thread isn't here to ask for buff or nerf, it's just here to ask for something that make the medic's life easier.
    -Better description for everything (other class than medic also need that)
    -Easier use for shield beacon
    -Grenade improvement

    SoE should change the description of every medic item to show how many HP / sec it heal.
    Item that need this improvement :
    -Medic tool
    -AoE heal
    -Shield beacon
    -Heal grenade

    The shield beacon should be a physical item (like landmines), player should be allowed to drop them intaid of deploy them. We are playing Planetside 2, not "find the place where the beacon is green".

    Sometimes Often, when you throw a grenade, it bounce randomly and you miss your shot. but in some situation, you may need a bouncing grenade.
    Rename Healing grenade to "Bouncing healing grenade"
    Rename Revive grenade to "Bouncing revive grenade"
    Add "sticky revive grenade" and "sticky healing grenade".
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