EMP Grenades don't seem to do enough compared to PlanetSide 1 that is.. Here are a few things I think the EMP Grenade should do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vehicles: Sunderer: Shorter Gate Shield Diffuser Timer Interrupts / Disables Deployment Shield Prowler: Disables Anchor Mode Deployment (Not Undeploy) Slows ROF of Anchor Mode (Almost to Regular ROF) Magrider: Disables / Interrupts Magburner Vanguard: Disables / Interrupts Vanguard Shield Harasser: Nerfs or Double drains Turbo General Vehicle: All round HUD corruption Utility and Defence Slot Disable (i,e Fire Suppression, Nanite auto repair) Slow Seat Swopping Delayed Zero to Go Acceleration Slight Top Speed Nerf Infantry Utility: AV MANA Turret: ROF Nerf AI MANA Turret: ROF Nerf Over Heats Quicker Implants: Disables Implants (I checked this, it appear Implants don't actually turn off when EMPed, it also still drains IE) Turns off Implant, delay to turn back on. Ability Slot: 100% Drains Ability Energy Delayed Energy Recharge Weapon: Attachments: Disables Dark Light Disables Lazar Sight MAX: Ability Slot Disables abilities before use Recharge / Reactivation delay Interrupts Abilities, even mid Charge. (Execpt Anchor mode) Anchor Mode RoF Nerf / Reload Speed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not sure how much of this is actually possible with the number of different areas involved.. This may seem like a lot on paper, but I believe this should be the general coverage of the EMP Genade. It's really not that different to what it was like on PlanetSide 1, other than the EMP Grenade is exclusive to the Infiltrator.
It's good to see some reasonable suggestions for EMP improvements instead of the usual "stun-lock vehicles and MAXes." My only complaint would be that your suggested EMP effects would hurt some factions more than others. For example, it would be pretty easy to EMP a shielded Vanguard, but really, who's going to hit a Magburning Magrider? I'd also add that EMPs should disable the HA shield. I don't know why they get special treatment, here, when every other class ability is affected.
Not sure about the fairness of it all, that's for the Devs to sort and balance but with the HA half way down I put the following which disables things like that for LA, Medic and HA that have Ability Energy, no Engery no Shield " Ability Slot: 100% Drains Ability Energy Delayed Energy Recharge"
I've Requested to have my second post deleted, as people seem to think it's a suggestion.. It's purely a bit of Trivia from PlanetSide 1..
I'd be happy with just EMPs affecting HA overshields as well as getting actual hitmarkers so I know if the three EMPs I just hucked into a room actually hit anything other than a motion detector.
Great ideas! Instead of affecting Engineer turret's RoF or rate of overheating, they may as well immediately and completely overheat them. Considering a frag has a decent chance of killing the player / deployable entirely. Credit to REZistance for that idea. Possibly. But people complain about the shield being more useful than magburner and it could turn out to be quite a small asymmetrical balance aspect, rather than totally unbalanced. In any case, the EMP changes add a good amount to gameplay that it's worth finding out. As for stun-locking, I really don't think it would be as OP as people think. For a start, it wouldn't be true stun-locking like it is in other games because players carry a limited number of grenades and they cost resources. Most of the time it would be a single EMP. Plus, if it only lasts a couple seconds without doing any damage it would be about as useful as an an anti-vehicle grenade (which could probably do with a little more damage).