Improve battle rifle accuracy at long range

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Halkesh, Jun 10, 2014.

  1. Halkesh

    Actually, battle rifle are as accurate as standard AR (0.1) and less accurate than long range AR (0.03 to 0).

    Improve Battle Rifle accuracy to 0 so they can be more useful for their intended role by counting only on the skill, not the chance.
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  2. FillyFluttershy

    Easily agreed. All for buffs to any battle or scout rifle right now.
  3. Halkesh

    Semi-automatic Scout Rifle don't have 0 accuracy ?
  4. FillyFluttershy

    Unfortunately, no. 0.1, same as Battle Rifles. (According to the PS2 wiki)
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  5. Halkesh

    Ah. It suck.

    Meanwhile, Reaper and Tross have 0 accuracy. Thanks PS2.
  6. Nakar

    Battle Rifles have an on-the-move accuracy of 0.25, which is better than almost every other weapon in the game (tied with VS defaults and things like the TORQ, worse than the Burst variants of the defaults). Strafe while using the Battle Rifle, and force your opponent to move too. Once they start moving, now you have the accuracy advantage. If they stand still, headshots.
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  7. Erendil

    While I certainly wouldn't object if they tightened up the Battler Rifles' ADS CoF I don't really think it's necessary to make it 0. I'd be happy with .03 like most of the 167-damage bullet hoses.

    TBH tho I see that as a minor tweak at best that wouldn't have any impact for the majority of encounters. It's true I still feel BRs could use a tweak or two, but this would not be my first choice since most players can't reliably hit targets at the range where this would make any difference anyway (>150m).

    I'd much rather they'd do the following:
    • Remove the recoil bias to the right so that BRs recoil straight up like almost every other semi-auto weapon in the game (the only exception is the Vandal, which I think should be changed to kick straight up as well). Recoil drift to one side is too difficult for most players to reliably correct on a semi-auto weapon. This forces them to slow down their RoF by using the "fire, settle, fire, settle" method at all ranges which makes the BRs' DPS even lower than it already is (IIRC it has the lowest DPS of any weapon in the game outside of pistols and BASRs).
    • Give BRs a .75x ADS movement multiplier. This will give BR users a little more much-needed survivability at short-medium range by making them a harder target to hit, while at the same time not increasing the BR's long range ability which I think is currently good enough. It'll also encourage players to take advantage of its .25 moving ADS CoF that Nakar so graciously pointed out.
  8. Halkesh

    Personally, I can't use BR while moving due to VS bugged red dot scope that never show the exact center of the screen.

    I would like to see a x0.75 ADS on BR but I have to admit I prefer to see long range buff than short range buff.
    For the recoil kick to the right, remove it is a good idea. If the BR have the same horizontal recoil than Corvus ( = no horizontal recoil at all) it would be perfect.

    If BR really need more short range buff than long range buff, why not simply increase the maximum damage range ? It will lower the TTK by far.
    Something like 250@ 25/30 m (the actual 250@8m isn't that good).
  9. Takoita

    That jump to the right the thing does at the third shot or so really cuts down on the effectiveness; BR doesn't have enough punch to not spam the shots but at the same time discourages you from spamming shots because of its recoil. -_-

    Semi-auto scout is better in about all regards but has problems with bullet velocity.
  10. Halkesh

    What if we do theses change to the BR ? (having both could be cool, but SOE certainly don't allow it)

    Long range buff :
    • Increase accuracy to 0.03 (from 0.1) [also apply on scout rifle]
    • Add advanced forward grip attachment
    • Forward Grip don't reduce the recoil but instaid allow to fire +1 (+2 for advanced one) shot with no horizontal recoil at all.

    Short range buff :
    • Increase max damage range to 15m (from 8m).
    • Add advanced laser dot attachment

    I don't have place the x0.75 ADS because I think it will change too much how BR work, plus BR aren't that bad at medium distance. Instaid, you have 100% move speed with advanced laser dot for short distance.