Implants will promote kill farming

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by axiom537, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. axiom537

    Implants will now be generated based on in-game activities, such as scoring kills, destroying vehicles, etc...

    The core of this game is about killing the enemy, however our general motivation is to capture territory from the enemy. If implants are made into a pseudo-loot system, then the unintended consequence is going to be that our motivation to kill the enemy will shift even farther away from capturing territory, but to farming the enemy.

    We have multitudes of threads about people complaining about spawn camping, loilpods, vehicle spam etc. etc., why because these tactics are the best way to farm certs. If Implants become a lootable item, then this will create an even greater motivation to spawn camp or farm the enemy for both certs and implants.

    "Cheese" Tactics will be rewarded even more then they currently are as will weapons and vehicles tactics that maximize the kill farm.
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  2. GhostAvatar

    They should tie the implants into the capture and defense ribbons. Problem solved.

    Also if you have to give them for kill, then give implants from kills only with certain weapons i.e. Scout rifles, battle rifles, burst weapons, slug shotguns (non-cheese or general purpose weapons).
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  3. WyrdHarper

    Agreed. We don't know enough about pricing and drop rate to evaluate pay2win-ness (though I think it has a lot of potential for it). But this, this will be a problem. We've all seen how the game goes into a fugue state during 2xp weekends, where everyone is in farm mode and the map is a mess. It's annoying, and I'd rather not see it become the new norm.
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  4. doombro

    You mean, it's not already like this?
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  5. Hicksimus

    It should be tied to teamwork!
    Gave out 8 tons of ammo - Reward!
    Necromancer - Reward!
    Lord of the AMS - Reward!
    Come at me Bro!(Defend lots of bases...or more effectively, kill enemies near your cap points) - Reward!

    Unfortunately this thread makes it sound like it's going to be tied to selfishness and 1990's first person shooter ideals.
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  6. MasonSTL


    "The Highest Power Level implants will only be available from special unlocks, for example from the WDS or Directives system"

    You can probably bet that they will reward you with implants in the mission system too.
  7. HadesR

    Should make it so newly spawn players have no chance to drop them .
    Could also make it so they are not dropped from kills made while within the spawn room.
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  8. axiom537

    Great! The highest level drops will be tied to the WDS. So the faction with the greatest population imbalance, will have an advantage over the other empires. And once one Empire starts to pull ahead of the others for whatever reason, we can expect the 4th factioners to further reinforce this Empire, since it will have the greatest chance to Win top tier Items.
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  9. WyrdHarper

    *Until SOE changes the rules in the last week and renders the efforts of the previous weeks entirely pointless.
    Anything, from alerts to WDS, is heavily tied to faction imbalance and population imbalance. Rewarding the overpopulated factions for farming and ghostcapping will definitely make gameplay worse.

    Not to mention with directives and missions, what's to stop me from giving super easy missions for outfit members to farm implants? Or to create alts on another faction, and put them into whatever territory/vehicle/objective you need to win the mission to farm implants, since I can create characters on other factions for free with no cooldown? Any grindable system is extremely prone to exploitation, especially in a faction-based game.
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  10. axiom537

    Implant pseudo-loot drops will also cater to those player that have the most time to spend in game, it also favors those that are more experienced. This system will also promote 4th functioning. 4th Factioners will naturally gravitate to whatever weapons system gives them the greatest advantage to farm implants.

    It will also contribute to faction switching during Alerts, especially if the top tier implants are won through alerts.

    I understand we can try and create all sort of requirements and rules in an attempt to minimize these adverse effects, but in my opinion just keep it simple and make the implants purchasable via Certs or Station Cash, and get rid of this consumable idea, because that simply compounds this issue, since implants are going to need to be constantly re-purchased or farmed.
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  11. Nocturnal7x

    I don't think we have to worry about this getting put in. EVERYONE hates the idea.
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  12. MasonSTL

    Well, actually, making super easy missions would grant you less XP than hard missions in high pop areas because you are gaining XP while actually fighting... it's the same when people camp at a biolab away from a fight for the ending of a Dome Domination for the extra 20% XP when in reality you would get more certs if you where at the fight and get a few kills, and I seriously mean a few. For some people hindsight isn't 20/20 so why should you use them as an example of what the game should be based around? I mean you would get the implant all the same but with less XP. XP that could be used to just unlock the implant.

    This is more of the hyperbole BS that people are using to shut this idea down, and arguing using information that is false or nonexistent. It's like arguing with Nancy Grace.
  13. DukeFlash

    I already said as much in the roadmap thread but more specifically that people would stay in their vehicles farming infantry since they don't have to loot bodies, it's automatically given to them.

    I was thinking maybe you keep the auto-loot BUT your side has to win the battle.
    Meaning: if there is no active battle (AKA a point conversion ongoing) you can never get an implant drop.
    Furthermore, if your side loses, you get no drops. You have to get kills, in an active zone, and win the battle.
    (gonna go re-post my thoughts there)
  14. EmmettLBrown

    If they won't remove XP from farming kills from inside spawn rooms, they're probably not going to limit drops from this either.... :(

    WHY? I'm a good engineer! Why would you do this?????
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  15. Paperlamp

    Non-outfit play has been like this since the beginning of the game due to certs and KD/SPM farmers which I'll admit to being to some degree. I don't think this will change anything, objective play will remain less rewarding stat/item wise and anyone playing for objectives now is doing it for their own reasons not for anything in the game's reward system.
  16. CrashB111

    Two issues here.

    1. If you tie implants to nothing but base capture / base defence then underpop factions will get steamrolled even more, if you are getting stomped by 3 times your numbers and can never capture anything, you will get rolled more and more as they get more implants.

    2. Everything should have equal chance of giving implants, I know infantry hold a burning grudge against anyone who drives, but all styles of play should be equally rewarding for this system.
  17. GhostAvatar

    So on point number two you are advocating spawn camping and spawn room warriors etc. But if we were to take that logic to absurdity, why don't I get the same kind of XP for repairing and healing pre tick as I do for killing someone. Why dont I get the same kind of XP for killing someone as taking a major base. Why dont I get the same kind of XP for winning a major base as winning a dominating victory on an alert.

    Reward systems are designed to reinforce a desired result. And as such are scaled accordingly. Now if the devs want the result to be spam, spawn camping, and spawn room warriors with no meta game. Then this is the way to do it. Now if they want the result to be oriented around some kind of metagame and that territory actually has meaning, then they need to readjust it to something other than who is the best farmer.

    Point one though, you are correct for a basic simple mechanic that I suggested. But that doesn't mean it can't be tweaked with balancing factors, just like the later stages of WDS was. As I said, they should tie it into base capture and defended ribbons. Thats doesn't necessarily mean that its a straight, do this that many times and we will give you this. Try thinking outside the box for a minute.
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  18. Astealoth

    I like where this discussion is going. I think it would be excellent to see implants have the best drop rates from healing, repairing, resupplying, motion sensor and spot assist, sunderer spawns, base captures and defenses, etc.
  19. Rift23

    This idea is flawless and there's no way it could wrong.

  20. Tuco

    We're already doing that now.