I'm Really Tired of Continent Locking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by William Petersen, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. William Petersen

    Every single time I log on? Alert on Indar? Doesn't matter. VS on Esamir locking it.
  2. CNR4806

    Valve must have been too bored when they made the map selection button and all the other maps that are not de_dust2, right?


    I see continent locking as a good thing, mostly as a result of playing Indarside for way too long. Indar is incredibly boring after over a whole year of non-stop playing on it (and that's just me, not the entire PS2 history).

    True, Connery is mostly Esamirside these days, but at least whatever the premier continent is at the time, it WILL get locked from time to time and force fights to occur on "less popular" continents... except Hossin, which never seems to be popular unless it's the only continent available, which is something that almost never happens on Connery.

    If anything, the current criteria for opening up extra continents are too lax, which results in the population being too dispersed.
  3. axiom537

    I am tired of continents being locked the way they currently are. I would be ok if one faction pushed another faction off the map and then could gain control of that warpgate.

    I do not like how one faction wins an alert then all of a sudden everyone gets kicked off the map and most of the time it was a good fight ...
  4. William Petersen

    I don't so much have a problem with alert locking. Even though continents generally stayed locked longer, they also generally stayed open longer. And at least a fight had to take place for it. With non-alert locking most of the time continents are locked because one faction has enough pop to outnumber both other factions and just one-sides all the fights. 'cause that's super ******* fun.