I'm Really Tired of Continent Locking

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by William Petersen, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. William Petersen

    I logged in, was glad to see Esamir-Connery unlocked, get myself over there and realize 70% Vanu pop and 80% control meant it would be locked soon. It's just been locked and I logged out. Maybe tomorrow I'll actually get to play.
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  2. Flamberge

    Yeah, same here. My favorite continent is Esamir, because it runs so smoothly, but alot of times, it's locked. So I just have to suck it down and go play on Indar or Amerish (Which are not that bad). However, if only Hossin is unlocked, I just log off.
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  3. SerasVic

    I'm tired of continent NOT locking when there is not enough pop (ex: late night) and half of them are busy ghostcapping the 3 other continents.
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  4. The_Blazing

    I believe that this happens because you are supposed to play on all four continents regardless of what is your "favourite" since SOE invested millions on making a game with four of them.
  5. Stargazer86

    Then they should've invested time in making three of them not suck.

    Indar is relatively well varied, with open spaces and a decently balanced routes of attack.

    Esamir is horrible due to there only being a single tech plant smack-dab in the middle, leading one faction to gain a huge superiority in terms of armor. Couple that with bases that are mostly all walled in and it just becomes awful to fight there.

    Amerish would be alright if it weren't for the huge, ungainly, circuitous paths it takes to get from one base to another. It's an utter chore getting around that place.

    Hossin is just too cramped with little space for any sort of maneuvering, lots of annoying undergrowth, and lots of areas where your attack can get funneled and destroyed.
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  6. BlueSkies

    I wish Esamir would stay permanently locked.. I swear I start going snow blind during the day on that damn contient
  7. NinjaKirby

    I also hope Esamir is unlocked when I log on, for it's a favourite of mine. I will still play though, for as long as there's a good fight on one of the continents. Usually there appears to be zerg/chaotic fights (96+ battles) across the front lines of Indar due to the continents popularity. Amerish can sometimes be a ghost town and Hossin tends to fair okay, so these two are my alternatives - even though my gaming rig on max graphics settings handles massive fights quite well, it's the sheer chaos in cramped bases which is usually just not appealing.

    This is from someone who nowadays plays infrequently on Cobalt.
  8. Pikachu

    You weird people and your weird eye problems. :confused:
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  9. William Petersen

    It's a graphics setting issue I think? I play on lowest of the low, and I sometimes get UBERGLARE. Staying inside facilities usually 'fixes' it, though. =P
  10. NinjaKirby

    Actually, I haven't tested it but raising Lighting (In the Graphics settings) to High compared to Minimal might be quite a disadvantage.

    The engine produces great world lighting but sometimes on Esamir your screen can be heavily flooded with a hazy finish, and given the white landscape backdrop the illusion kinda makes you want to squint due to impaired visibility.

    But I love it still, because the world seems more dull and fake on low lighting.

    Although my comments would conflict somewhat with this Gentlemen. I guess it just needs some systematic testing to know for sure :)
  11. TheKhopesh

    Yeah, late night when the population drops down to 1/20th of what it is normally all but one continent should be locked, and the timer reduced from 2 hours to 45 minutes.

    That would allow you to cycle through continents regularly while still keeping everyone actually fighting instead of ghost capping.
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  12. BetterFasterStronger

    They can't please everybody it's all personal preference, myself I love all continents except Hossin.
  13. volth

    Im tired of continent locking when alerts ends :/, continents should only lock when your faction own 94% or more of the map not when you have 40% controll and win a alert.
  14. Ronin Oni

    I like Hossin the most! lol

    But yeah, everyone has personal favorites and continent locking and rotation ensures everyone (and every continent) gets a share.

    Beats the ever loving Higby outta ol Indarside we used to have.

    I don't mind Indar that much anymore really (Still think it's too easy for tank zergs to spam into too many fights there. Also too many bases... and too many bad ones at that) but holy hell was I sick and tired of it by the time Cont Locking finally arrived.
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  15. Ronin Oni

    They should just put a minimum requirement on alerts, like 50% (so you have majority).

    That combined with anytime 94% for a lock would be a good system IMO.
  16. Whiteagle

    Indeed, this at least makes the Lock a true Accomplishment instead of just a lucky draw of the Population.
  17. Germaux

    Alerts are pretty boring now its just about capping continent ? They should change it... Like most kills or most vehicle kilss. Or maby like a smal alert where u cant use any vehicle except flash or somthing, somthing fun like the pumpkin alerts.
  18. Paragon Exile


    But OT; the irony of this thread is laid on pretty thick. Continent capture isn't really fleshed out right now, but it's leagues ahead of playing on Indar day-in, day-out. I'd have preferred it releasing with continental lattice, but as that was impossible... meh.
  19. Degenatron

    I look forward to a day when we have 12 continents again, and we might not see a single continent get unlocked for WEEKS.
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  20. K2k4

    I get uber glare with hsnv scope for months now. It was worse on esamir than any other continent.