I'm new, need some tips for a new VS player

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeathWishNZ, Sep 24, 2013.

  1. DeathWishNZ

    Hi guys, as said in the title I need some help, it seems like TR are dominating my server (Briggs) but I'm determined to meet the challenge even though I seem to be getting killed very often and it just seems like I'm being farmed

    Could I have some general tips in the game please?
  2. Bill Hicks

  3. DeathWishNZ

    What about it?
  4. Bill Hicks

    The Orion is a collection of stars that are unreachable by human kind. Use the Orion, and be unreachable
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  5. Furluge

    Buy ZOE. Buy Blueshifts. Buy Kinetic Shield. Put some points in Max timer. Revel in the fact that you never need to get out of your giant armored suit again. ;p
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  6. Snoozzzer

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  7. Morpholine

    1. According to the stats in your Sig, you're doing quite well for yourself. I'd hardly say you're being farmed.
    2. Specific advice is easier to give than general advice. Is there any particular role or situation you're having trouble with?
    General advice:
    • Very few of the weapon unlocks are pure upgrades. The vast majority trade effectiveness in one area for better performance in another. Especially as VS, our stock equipment is pretty strong for general use.
    • Early certs spent on the entry levels for a cert line, especially where it fills an empty slot (like suit slots) are far better for one's performance than those hoarded for a weapon unlock or maxing out one particular cert line.
    • The game really rewards role flexibility. While one can focus on one role to the exclusion of all else, it's better (and cheaper) to have basic functionality in a range of classes rather than every toy unlocked at maximum for a single role. Don't be afraid to switch roles when the battle requires a different focus than what you play mostly (say, engine/HA when the enemy has a ton of vehicles, or there's a real lack of medics).
    • Certs spent improving the medic and engineer tools (and to a lesser extent the AOE heal and ammo pack) are always well spent.
    • Medkits and/or restoration kits increase battle longevity, and for a single cert investment can fill a utility slot on all classes except Max suits.
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  8. ThunderSock

    -Cert into S-AMS for Sunderer (50 certs).
    -Add it to sunderer loadout, spawn sunderer at vehicle terminal in an uncontested base just before the nearest base is taken.
    -Before the enemy zerg gets to you, deploy (hit B) sunderer behind a building, or a large rock if you must.
    -Friendlies will spawn on your vehicle and defend you, your best defense is the heavy machine guns on top.
    -Before you get overwhelmed, undeploy and retreat.

    This is known as the CABFB technique.
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  9. HooWoo

    10/10 troll OP

    Judging from your stats definitely alt, gg.
  10. DeathWishNZ

    No I'm not I'm just rather good at FPS shooters, I just need some help from the massive TR steam roll...
  11. Xasapis

    Only organised gameplay can counter a zerg, sometimes. Individual skill matters little when you get hit by three people at once.
  12. Corporate Thug

    Get used to it. There will never be anything done to discourage the zerg. People want their XP for little effort and they will rage if SOE even thought about changing this game to where effort is rewarded more than sitting around and being useless. Pop balancing is only a problem because people are motivated by XP, and sadly there is little XP when you lose constantly or aren't very good at FPS games(most people here).
  13. NightmareP69

    Says the TR whos faction spams maxes like theres no tomorow, dear god we on Ceres have TR outfits who only use maxes and nothing else. 10 TR Maxes on every point, folowed by an army of engineers and medics, you can't do anything against that.
    VS uses Maxes the lowest amount, even Higby said it on twitter.
  14. Kid Gloves

    Welcome to the fight!

    Best survival tip is run with an outfit. Most outfit squads will have a reasonable collection of medics, etc - so you won't stay down when you fall down.

    One thing a fair few public outfit commanders on VS Briggs are bad at is responding to being overrun. They often give the orders to fall back and resecure another position too late, and then leave big holes in their defense. This is because for a fair while the VS were the dominant faction on Briggs, and many of the VS commanders are still adjusting to the idea of being on the receiving end of a zerg.

    Once you're in a situation where you're locked in the spawn room, you either crash your way out (this sometimes works if they've only just established the lock) or you move somewhere else. Getting farmed from a spawn room doesn't slow down their advance in any meaningful way.

    On the plus side, there are plans in motion at SOEs end to look at combating single-faction overpopulation.
  15. Vixxing

    Tank mines more tank mines and then some tankmines! Learn to fly a Liberator and take out armor from flightsealing with dalton and 2.5* zoom, Max with dualbursters+magazine extension/zoe for air zergs! Drive magrider very defensivly...

    Thats the tactics i use to slow down/farm a Zerg

    (dont forget the talkon-powder when slipping on the spandex)
  16. MrEclectic

    Since you dabble in Heavy Assault, I'd suggest considering the Lancer. It may seem expensive, but the thing is a cert machine, besides being an effective AV weapon. See this post in the thread about the Lancer. Also the Nemesis, the G2A Rocket Launcher, is not a bad weapon to have. Locks on aircraft, and can be dumbfired versus infantry and vehicle, with high projectile velocity. It makes for a versatile RL when soloing. And if you ever consider picking something else than the Orion, SVA-88.

    Also, as others have said, consider looking into joining an outfit.

    And if you ever consider playing Combat Medic more, get the H-V45.

    But, damn, you are good! You should be giving most of us tips. I know I could use them.
  17. Vixxing

    NONONONONO! NO LANCER! (dont listen to that BS!) Invest in tankmines and an AV turret instead and ambush Tank zergs! (unlimited ammo and 3*Lancer damage!)
    Lancer is for poor poor teamplayers who just dings tanks for XP but contribute nothing....
  18. hansgrosse

    This post is opinion and not to be taken as fact. Imo the Lancer is an amazing weapon which, thankfully for the TR and NC, is tragically unerappreciated by the VS at large.

    AV turret and AT mines are solid investments as well, but not nearly as versatile or viable in many situations.
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  19. Xasapis

    It comes down to what class somebody wishes to specialise in ... or if he wishes to specialise at all. While an AV turret is a solid investment, it makes less sense for somebody playing primarily a heavy and vice versa.
  20. Andy79

    forget tank mines, you want those ressources for MAX, grenades, or AP mines to cover your blind area while manning an av or other turret