I'm done with dumb teammates who runnig across me sights. I always face the situation when i occupy a good spot and some guys just desides to start to standing in a few meters unfront of me and share this spot. Because of it i missing frags anf even get killed, because my bullets run to thee teammate. If i see someone standing in a good spot i'm trying to not stand on the same one. A call it in-battle politeness. But not even 10% of players pay attention for your position. Just saying.
So, you're not going to teamkill anymore? That's good. If the lane of fire is so easily blocked, how do you call it a good position?
So many players have 0 situational awareness and 0 understanding of using cover or even covering fire. Ducking in and out of doorways in front of friendlies that have a great firing lane is annoying for sure. If they put their head in my sights while I'm shooting at an enemy I just mow them down. I love it. It's so stupid they deserve to die. Seriously. That guy was so eager to run out in front of friendly fire to try to get a kill he paid for it with 4 bullets to the back of his dome. I don't shoot them on purpose but I don't stop shooting either. Standing in a doorway trying to shoot something is a sure fire way to get shot by friendlies and enemies. The other one I love is when you have a great spot covering a lane and some guy tries to squeeze you out by standing in front of you. I kill them on principle. You see me here, you don't think I have this spot covered? Find another spot. Don't be a ******. Yes is a great spot. It's why I'm here. Same thing, if I come up on a friendly covering a great spot, if there isn't room for both of us I move on, or even better and more tactical? I cover the approach to his spot so he doesn't get shot in the back.
I just treat "friendlies" who run in front of/through me while I'm firing as if the enemies put up destructable cover. They do it so often that I can't force myself to care any more. The game really needs to hand out Darwin Ribbons to players who do this. No experience per ribbon. Just a way to keep track of how many times they do it, and maybe give them a hint that they should stop.
Right and also, Someones gotta be the one to take more ground I E PUSH THE OBJECTIVE how about you not hold the fire button down the whole time and realize that friendly units Are going to need to pass you. i love being the One, the unafraid, rushing forward to the enemy sundy, tossing my mines and I GET SHOT IN THE BACK by a friendly
Sometimes you have to defend an objective. Guess what, covering entrances and pathways to the objective is what needs to be done. Friendlies running in an out of defended positions do they can be the guy who gets that 1 enemy that ducked around the corner doesn't help ****. He gets shot by 3 enemies or 3 friendlies shooting at enemies and now you have 1 less guy to help hold the point. That is far more often the case than actual defense. They flip the point and then try to go death match. Meanwhile you got 6 minutes and 30 enemy soldiers converging on you... Be an asset not a frag.
both cases occur, im just btching about That specific case when the point needs to be rushed/ the sundy needs to be killed, and you cant/risk death by friendly because of all the kill happy plebs. even when defending its not a bad thing to push the enemy back via corner pieing and "bunny hopping", but that requires the person in front to stop firing for long enough that the person behind him can pass him. other wise yeah i agree people need to stay on the damn point.
I stop firing if someone gets in my line of sight. If it happens a lot I move. But it is intensely frustrating so I sympathise. The thing that really bugs me is when infil, being cloaked and in a good sniping position, then someone comes and stands on me, starts shooting and we both get shot by return fire. I tell ya...........some fights I wonder which side I'm fighting. Those are the ones I log out of unless they are the only decent fight around. I haven't TKed anyone for a long time but I do remember it happening and then the dumbo who gets himself killed rezzes and kills me! Once this happened when I was medic, a guy committed suicide by friendly fire so I rezzed him, he killed me and issued a load of abuse before logging off! Just part of the great game I'm afraid. You can't really do anything about the hard of thinking except make allowances for them.
I learned. So can they. Run in front of friendlies covering a spot in a massive battle and get shot in the back, after a few times, You should learn not to do it. Most of the game is how to move and where to move. It's a battle with hundreds of players shooting at ****. Some of us had combat training so we know how and where and, most importantly, when to move. Others learn through trial and error, usually by dieing to friendly fire. It's the guys who think it's your fault they got shot. I teach them a few times 8)
Remember the Two Laws of Friendly Fire: - If you run into my fire and die, you should have known I was there, and you are an idiot. - If I run into your fire and die, you should have known I was coming, and you are an idiot.