I'm calling it. Upcoming Vanguard Shield Nerf.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by teks, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Klypto

    But that's the thing, it's only mildly annoying because it nerfs running away (which isn't a common thing in a Vanguard), but moreso overly hilarious. Now every time sends me a tell that the shield is OP I can tell them back that it's OK now because it's been nerfed by 20%*! Enjoy!

    I've always like the resist shield idea because of the psychological affect it would have of "oh I can damage them now", and not so much of the practical effect. With how high the vanguard resists are now, adding a long resist shield like that would probably be worse as shots would be barely damaging the tank and it would become impossible to win a 1v1 vs a Vanguard.

    It works on a HA because the TTK on infantry is much lower.

    Also, if your proposal doesn't let me still survive 2 C4 brick choobs then I wouldn't be interested in that.
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  2. Flag

    Except this nerf to the shield is more or less meaningless in the grand scheme of things.
  3. WetPatch

    Anybody play UT2004 back in the day?

    If you did you might remember the Paladin Tank they introduced.


    This is what the Vanguard Shield should of been, its secondary fire creates a large energy shield coming from the front of the cannon and only in the direction the cannon is facing and could not fire its cannon, so basically it forms a temporary wall, the shield also needed to recharge before it can be used again. This was a defensive tactic.
  4. WTSherman

    Well, right now my preferred alternative would be an energy-based dome or half-shell shield that the tank and its allies can shoot through. It would keep a very high durability if the enemy is just trying to shoot through it, but it would have several key differences that I think would make it more fun for everyone:

    1. More uptime. It's HP/energy-based rather than duration/cooldown based, so you don't have to wait for a full charge to activate it and you can keep it up until it runs out of HP. Though of course, a half-charge shield won't survive as long as a full-charge shield.
    2. More utility. It doesn't just protect you, it protects the engineer repairing you and the sunderer supplying you too.
    3. More counterplay. Sure you could try to dakka it up, it could even be given weaker resistances than the tank so you can ask your non-AV friends to contribute. But you could also counter it by positioning (get inside/behind the shield to kill the tank) or with mines/C4. This also makes the shield's size a direct double-edged sword: the more units it can protect at once, the easier it is to get inside and render the shield worthless.
    4. It looks awesome, especially in large groups.
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  5. Clockwerk

    Well, since Vanguard can't damage other tanks when they turn on the shield, they have to think of other alternative when their shield is popped. I doubt it'd be impossible to win 1v1 vs a Vanny. In fact, it'd be MUCH better, since the Vanguard CANNOT deal damage while the shield is up. That just seems so much better to me.
  6. Klypto

    I would just jump out and repair the tank.

    It would cause a temporary stalemate where neither side could do anything but maneuver and repair and then the battle resets. On the more comical side, you might see both crews jump out and start repairing as soon as they saw the shield go up.

    But again, if it is important to you, you should note that it still negates flanking. By the time the shield is up the tank would be repaired and facing the enemy (ghost turning). In a head on fight with the reset, the flanker would probably loose.

    All this is theoretical stuff, but discussion of it to the point where something interesting that worked for everyone became of it would be nice.
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  7. RenegadeHelios

    The lack of one is the poor performance of the Vanguard to start with. .-.
  8. KnightCole

    No, return it's blast radius to that before the radius nerf...then nerf the shield. So I dont have to fire 4 rounds at one infantry cuz I didnt direct hit him....
  9. Flag

    Still does not justify having the shield in the current state, even after the "nerf", laughable as it is.
  10. Mianera

    Oh go to hell, the Vanguard Shield is OP or getting nerfed?

    - It's NOTHING like the HA shield, the VG shield has a insane cooldown. Where deploymode in range dominates and with a Magburner you can just escape from any fight pr kist dodge every shot.

    So honestly, all you whiny tossers that take a Vanguard in close range 1v1, it's your OWN DAMN FAULT. That's where the VG is strongest. I mean come on.

    If anything they should lower VG shield cooldown to 30 seconds. And don't even get me started on the insane reload speed of the main guns either.

    Honestly, shut... the...hell...up....
  11. PastalavistaBB

    So is there any solid info if they changed the IwinShield on the PTS?
  12. Nody

    Duration changed to 6s for all ranks; higher ranks have lower cooldown.

    Hyperbole much? First of all the Mag burner pushes you forward (or strafing if you know the trick) which means either you turn your *** to the enemy tank (great plan!) or you boost towards your enemy (even better plan!). Secondly you can only dodge visible shells at around 300m+ range at which point any tank can disengage with out problem (or you serously suck at driving). Third the Mag is the slowest tank in the game; it's only equal to a Vanguard in speed if both put on a Racer 3 chassi but not only that it has the least armor (shared with Prowler) and a front only mounted gun which means for a Mag to disengage it needs to find suitable cover (if there is any), turn around and then try to escape in the slowest tank. Now why would not the enemy tank at that stage move forward as theygot better armor and equal damage (Vanguard) or equal armor but higher damage (Prowler) and start shelling it in the back as it tries to escape (with out being able to return fire with the main gun)?
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  13. PastalavistaBB

    Isn't that a buff if they reduced the cooldown? 6s is still more than enough to kill an enemy tank.
  14. Aesir

    The cooldown changes are the same as live.

    On live you gain longer duration and shorter cool down per rank.

    On PTS you only gain shorter cool down per rank. But the duration is now always 6 seconds.
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  15. PastalavistaBB

    So nothing really changed. 6 second God Mode isn't that much different from 8 second God Mode.
  16. NovaAustralis

    Yeah... except for the 2 second difference... wait, what? :rolleyes:

    But then, that is like only half of a Vanguard's main gun reload time... so we've got that goin' for us, which is nice.
  17. Aesir

    Like I said in the PTS discussion ... the duration change of 2 seconds will not fix the issue that the people have with the Shield ...
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  18. Deggeh

    I swear that no dev has actually talked to anyone that drives a tank.

    It's almost like they think tanks in PS2 can act like real tanks. The disconnect is pretty glaring.
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  19. Calisai

    Meh. That AV turret nerf... classic. When you have a weapon that is designed to be effective past the effective render range of vehicle base shields... and stays that way for months. Ya got to love it.

    This right here. Never had a problem with the shield in a Front-v-Front fight at any appreciable distance. My only issue is when you completely outplay your opponent by taking however many minutes to flank around, get a nice juicy shot at his backside, he pops the shield, whips his turret around 180 degrees and does 1/2 to 3/4 damage to you before you can even do 1 more hp of damage to him. Now you're left limping in a bad situation or dead, if you miss a shot or he was able to rotate fast enough.

    Oh, we shouldn't be trying to exploit the rear weakness because of the shield? How bout we stay at range... oh yea.. we were too good at that... had to nerf both strafe (increased velocity) and the Saron because of it, while leaving the mainguns slow and with massive drop... so now what? We should attack from the side? Oh yea... vannie has the best side armor in the game.

    So because the vannie sucks at AI, means the Mag has to fight Vanguards 2v1 or be twice as good skill-wise in order to beat them. Meh, fine, whatever. Doesn't matter anymore with the amount of Libs/ESFs/Gals roaming the air... this after finally having the supreme rule of Harassers ended by a nerfbat the size of texas (where a much smaller one could have sufficed)

    TL;DR: if you can't tell... i'm pretty frustrated by the way the MBTs have been treated. So yea... I don't ******* care about the damn shield anymore... leave it alone for all I give a **** about.
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  20. Klypto

    I personally would have gone with slower turret rotation speed and a very significant reduction to hull rotation to the point of barely turning at all when activating the shield. You could still drive forwards and backwards fine making it a commit or fail ability.

    But 6 seconds is better for me.

    I strongly believe that.
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