If your K/D was under 1:1. Would you quit PS2?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JasonVoorhees, Jan 10, 2014.

  1. TsubasaKuroi

    Didn't quit when my KDR on my first character on Mattherson was around 0.81.

    EDIT: Gotta admit though, if I had a subpar connection to any server I don't see myself playing at all
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  2. JokeForgrim

    If my connection was sub-par I would look for a closer server, Failing that I would test my ping to all the servers (really easy just google "testing ping in ps2") and look for the best one out of them. Failing that I wouldn't play. It's not about KDR though.

    Most client side FPS games are horrible due to ping variables. Packet loss causes the lagger's bullets to all hit you at once, Making most people scream "aim bot" or "B.S. I was 1 shot".

    Packet loss also makes people warp and teleport, lots of players deliberately throttle their connections. Due to the client side nature of this game it means that while the server isn't updating the whole map stands still, Yet people with a good connection will see someone stuttering weirdly (thanks to the servers ping predictions). This leads to "teleport hacks" and "ADAD warping".

    I have become rather Xenophobic since starting playing client side FPS games. I dont understand why people choose to play on servers on the other side of the world. Its no fun being laggy or getting killed by laggers. I can't wait for a game that ping restricts servers, Then it will be fun and competitive and 90% of the weird netcode problems would disappear.

    Never gonna happen... but I will keep on dreaming. Good luck with finding something better :)
  3. XMatrix5X

    My K/D is like 0.4 and I still love this game to death.
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  4. DramaticExit

    Good point. I had forgotten that.

    Although it would be interesting to see what the difference between "true" K/D and "medic influenced" K/D actually is. It would give us a pretty good clue as to how many of the vast number of medics out there are actually doing their job, rather than messing about with the best infantry weapons in the game.

  5. Vinakis

    My average K/D in Planetside 1 was around .3-.4 or so, since I was one of those individuals who didn't mind running into the brick wall of a heavily reinforced enemy position, as long as we kept chipping them away.

    If it came down to it in Planetside 2, I would do it again.
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  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    i've seen someone with a k/d of 0.01 once, and i would wish him good luck and not discourage him at all from continuing to play this game as long as he enjoys it
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  7. WorldOfForms

    Those two statements completely contradict each other.
  8. WorldOfForms

    I specifically said that you have to have your own rules, and keep other areas consistent for K/D to matter.

    In your case, imagine you manage to maintain your SPM, but at the same time improve your K/D. How is that not an improvement? How is that worthless information to you?

    If you know that you're not sacrificing the things that are important to you, and yet your K/D improves, that can't be anything other than a sign you are becoming a better player.
  9. leoroids

    if it was because of connection issues than yes.
  10. Sathayorn

    What if you triple your SPM, but drop in K/D? Does that make you a worse player?
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  11. Heretic

    K/D doesn't matter in any game, as long as you have fun.

    Its pretty much impossible to get a sub 1.0 K/D ratio in this game anyway. If it does matter to you then just snipe as infiltrator or drive a tank for a while.
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  12. sindz

    No, since K/D doesn't mean anything.

    Now go back to COD you small kid.
  13. gregfox89

    I know a bunch of people who play medic as their main and have a K/D below 1 and are definitely very good players
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  14. sodopro


    Look at my KDR.

    I still play.
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  15. Boildown

    My Forumside L/P is less than 1.0 and it bothers me greatly. I'm thinking of quitting Forumside because of it.
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  16. GhostAvatar

    KDR != Fun
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  17. SinerAthin

    Well, this is why I'm saying KDR has a negative effect in objective based games.

    Imo, if I was playing COD Deathmatches and had a KDR below 1.0, I'd quit.
    But KDR doesn't matter squat in Planetside 2 as long as I can capture the point or keep my Sundy alive :p

    ... who's bright idea was it to introduce KDR in this game anyway?
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  18. Liberty

    Some of us entertain this crazy idea that the "Combat" Medic, who has a weapon in their primary and secondary slot can also kill still while still supporting their squad.

    There are two kinds of "bad" combat medics. The first who run around with their med tool out 24/7 and are pretty much target practice for the enemy. The second are the ones who ignore their AOE heal + med tool all together.

    Believe it or not there exists a third kind of medic who will actually shoot and kill stuff while being able to revive their whole squad.

    Engineers even a more extreme case as they have the primary and secondary weapon slot along with the turret and explosives. 2 out of their 5 abilities / slots revolve around support, the other 3 are for killing.

    There is no real reason to hide behind the guise of "support classes" as they are more than capable of holding their own and success in those classes comes from a balance of taking out the enemy while aiding your allies.
  19. The Rogue Wolf

    I like to keep track of my K/D, but only as a gauge of if I'm improving in actual combat. There's enough things to do in Planetside that don't involve direct combat skill so that even those who lack success with it (whether due to external problems or a dearth of skill) can still enjoy the game and contribute to those who are better shots.
  20. IPLAYTF2

    if my kills/min was under 1 i would quit. that would be way boring. luckily for me keeping it over 2 is pretty easy