If you guys don't want C4 to be nerfed...

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Thrustin, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. WookLordz

    You must have me confused with someone else. If you can find a post of mine anytime back to my 1st post where I've seriously whined to have something nerfed on this forum I'll shave my head.
  2. WookLordz

    Absolutely well said, well spoken.

    Quit whining, stay aware, run scout radar, have infantry backup. These are the things tankers should be doing.
  3. jak

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  4. Daibar

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  5. illgot

    I love C4 and I love the fact that most MBTs I hit are 1/2 people. And they wonder why they are killed.
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  6. Village

    I hope this passes and C4 is nerfed againced MBT's only, so they put them in the red instead of destroying them outright. At the moment it is far too unfair, and i am never on the receiving end of C4 because i never use tanks due to C4 being so powerful, and easy to place for any decent light assault, especially with Drifters it becomes ridiculous and feels cheap, even though i do it every chance i get and with great success.

    Tankers need this, and Heavy Assaults will hardly notice, since they can follow up the 2 x C4 with a rocket.
  7. HeadshotVictim

    less QQ nore PewPew.
    No c4 nerf needed
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  8. Wolfwood82

  9. WookLordz

    The question is.... Does it feel a) less cheap, b) equally cheap, or c) more cheap than 1-hit-killing dozens of infantry with AP rounds?
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  10. Village

    No. A life does not cost any resources. A tank costs plenty. I choose A. If you're skilled enough to get direct hits on many infantry with the AP cannon, or they simply don't move you deserve it.
  11. WookLordz

    Yes, just like if your skilled enough to get close to a tank unseen and deploy and detonate 2 bricks of C4 over a 5 second period, or they simply don't move, they deserve it.

    Resources have nothing to do with it.
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  12. HeadshotVictim

    let's say the general kill streak you get in a tank is 10.
    That means you pay 45 resources for 1 kill, right?

    A frag nade costs 45 and won't give you any kill without a sh!tload of luck.
    You need around 4 grenades to get one kill out of them -> 4*45 = 180 resources
    C4 costs 100 resources and gets you 1 kill (a tank with 2 ppl, need 2 bricks) so you pay 100 resources for the kill AND you get killed sometimes multiple times to achieve it. So to kill a tank with C4 costs a single LA around 400 reources anyway. -> stop crying, learn to play and **** off! :p
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  13. Village

    I know well enough how to play, and if you look at my stats you'll see i almost never use tanks, yet i have taken out many many tanks with C4, probably 1000+ (even though C4 kill tracking is bugged), and i can confidently say it is far too easy for Light Assaults to C4 MBT's for easy cert farming, especially once you max Drifters. Even the devs seem to agree it is an issue since they have replied to this thread hinting that a change is incoming. C4 should be subject to the tank armor mitigation.
  14. HeadshotVictim

    It's a sad day, when bad tank drivers can just start cry until they get what they want -.-
    Before the DrifterJet rework there were very few people using DJs. Now that DJ are more commonly used suddenly C4 gets overpowered and must be nerfed.
    It doesn't matter that an almost godly player can kill 20.000 people in an hour with C4.
    Question is:
    How many C4-runs are actually effective?
    How many people charge into a tank and how many of them are actually able to destroy it?
    For some LA players it may be too easy. You are welcome to do something else with your C4.
    But I think that a lot of LA die horrible deaths trying to achieve something for their team. And these guys get punished for trying it.
    LA is the most bashed class in this game. Now take away C4 and what is left of this class? Mobility without use.

    A class that gets OHK by PA or Snipers with BASR, shot to pieces by tanks without a chance to retaliate.
    Everyone can use C4 it most used by LA because of the nice synergy between mobility and blast-power.

    It is like the synergy between Engi and Tank Driving. Take out the ability to repair your own tank - what will be left?
    Engineer is one of the most used classes because it has its nice synergies with MAXes, HA, AI, AV.

    But LA has very little use in this game.
    1) PA-shotgunning in a BioLab
    2) blasting away tanks that are invulnerable to other things (like rocket launchers or AV-Turrets)
    3) jumping around like a three year old on speed and nothing to do
    pretty short list.
    Please cut all things away that you don't like.
    Please take away Smoke and Flash grenades and the overpowered jetpack.

    But okay, just nerf C4. Or remove it completely. The unstoppable Zerg will continue with or without C4.
    LA will always be the most useless class in the game and people will still cry when LA are only allowed to use Six-Shot-Pistols without Suppressor and 84 dmg per shot.
  15. Village

    You play Light Assault a lot just as i do, and i understand that you're upset but all that post sounds like is despair that this change is coming. As i said i am not a Tank driver, i haven't touched a tank since before Game Update 5 or before but i have blown up many as light assault and i can safely say that tank drivers have no chance versus someone who knows what they're doing. As a heavy user of C4 i think it is overpowered. I think C4 should do less damage versus both a Sunderer and MBT in my opinion but it'll likely only get nerfed versus tanks.

    If you want to instantly blow them up you should have to get to up close and personal with an Engineer and 3 blocks of C4, or 2 Anti-Tank mines. Not float 100 metres overhead dropping the C4 from complete safety and repeating until you either run out of C4 or tanks. Play with a friend Light Assault and happily take out tanks with 3 blocks.
  16. WookLordz

    I don't expect one, but I'm sure as hell gonna call out a baseless one when I see it. Thanks for.... nothing?
  17. WookLordz

    Where did this strange notion that you should only be able to destroy something with something that costs an equal amount of resources come from? It's straight nonsense, and frightens me that some of you are voting.
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  18. HeadshotVictim

    this means that a MBT is only destroyable by another MBT
    but not by AV-Turrets or RocketLaunchers.

    He is absolutely right. MBT should be invulnerable to everything.
    Only people who paid more resources should be able to destroy your vehicle. When you got the most expensive vehicle it is therefore indestructable.
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  19. Doggzor

    I'm happy with a C4 nerf if MBT's get full location damage, that means one brick to the turret disables the turret, one brick to the tracks disables that track and you can only drive around in circles, two bricks to the rear/underside blows up the tank.

    Now we have a tank that can survive a flying light assault from 2 random dropped bricks of C4 but most likely the turret will be disabled meaning the tank will have to eff off and repair to become effective again, smart players will still be able to destroy tanks from attacking the tank at the rear or laying C4 on the ground for the tank to run over.
  20. RogueComet

    Just wanted to let you know you are full of it. Saying that "the devs seem to agree it is an issue since they have replied to this thread hinting that a change is coming." is not entire true.

    Problem 1) It was another thread that the devs replied to, not this one.
    Problem 2) Maggy said, "Just stopping in to let you know that the dev team is aware of your concerns." This in no way implies that they are going to make changes. They may be aware people think it is an issue, but not make changes. You are reading into something where you probably shouldn't. They never once said anything hinting that a change is coming.
    Problem 3) You are posting your ideas in the wrong forum and thread for MBT vs C4. Try this 53 page thread: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/mbt-vs-c4.135670/