Then stop lurking and start posting. The majority of (bad) tankers are trying to pass a C4 nerf/increase in cost due to the planned increase in cost of vehicles. That's just two of them. And theres a dangerous high amount of people pushing for this to pass.
So the Chinese are not about to absorb the entire world's economy leaving the United states of America in the ruins of it's own shattered self? Your post reminds me of the US senate where the tankers aka the democrats are trying to pass a law where we will reduce the cost of c4 aka healthcare in exchange for the republicans trying to pass a law to make vehicles aka tanks cost more... Meanwhile the Chinese bought Africa. Personally I think C4 is fine, tanks are fine, and all the tings are good.
I wouldn't mind it. Up the cost for all I care. It will make people use it more strategically instead of the suicide C4 runs I see lots of people do.
they've been yelling for a nerf for months because they don't want to take responsability for their own inattentiveness, they get tunnel vision just like the rest of us and they are blaiming us for that. i've gotten sick of that dispute and i enjoy every tank kill i get, because some are good out there, others are rubbish. i've made multiple tanks drive off cliffsides by running towards them, even when they just saw me blow up a friend of theirs. It is like they don't realise that, i'm out of C4 by that time. they've gotten so paranoid because to begin with, PS2 was a free for all for them, us who had to cert into the C4 were pure cannonfodder and now they are pissed because we can fight back. it takes brains and situational awareness to be a tank driver. i do not give 2 flying farts about the skill level of the max, they have the highest KD ratio and they have their little monkeys following them around getting them back on their feet. remove the option to resourrect the max unit, but still ress the guy inside and i'll agree to an increase in the C4 cost, until then, it's a player problem, not a game mechanic problem. they can boot all the players who complain about the C4 killers, because they are just those two groups of people, Max and inattentive tank drivers. btw, ever noticed that Vanu tank drivers tend to have 2/2 insted of 1/2 like the prowler and vanguard usually does? could that be the reason why vanu tanks survive longer, they have 2 pairs of eyes on the situation insted of 1 getting tunnel visioned?
if maxes, esf, and tanks cost 23423423423 certs, then c4 should too. gu11 is gonna be the worst update ever.
C4 is a little bit versatile as of now. Sundy/MBT demolitions, MAX hunting, low altitude bomber imitations (LA), grenade-like using in tower fights against groups, etc. Maybe a little cost increase is justifiable. I see plenty of Mags with Basilisk/Halberd/AA rolling as 1/2. Same with Vanguard. Only Saron/Enforcers almost always run as 2/2. Personally, if on foot, I try to hop in every Saron/Enforcer available (sadly, some greedy drivers have their second gunner seat locked). I will try to hop in Prowler only if it has halberd. Because, if it is Prowler with Vulcan, it will be either: a) i have nothing to do in his second seat; b) Prowler driver will engage in close combat, I will have something to do, surely, but it will be a very short trip
Currently, C4 is fine. I love using it when I'm on the ground, and every time my Lightning has been blown up by it is it because I was stupid and deserved it. 200 resources for 200-ish resources is fair. However, if these absurd cost increases go live, it throws everything out of whack. I am then able to destroy more than 400 resources with 200. I know that I'm not going to be too pleased if a C4 fairy decides to visit me anymore. So I get to have less fun in my tank, and I get to have less fun blowing other people's tanks up because in all honesty, C4 does need a 50-100% cost increase in the resource environment the devs are proposing. Personally, I think these changes are the result of a drunk bet.
i think this means that if the C4, anti-tank mines and whatnot does not increase in cost, then it means they want less vehicles or more talented tank personal. if you (you being general) suck at driving a tank and you keep getting killed by infantry in your tank because you get tunnelvision, then it was not meant to be.
*cough* (excuse me, I have a cold) But the Devs have NEVER nerfed anything just because a bunch of people complained about it. All of the "ever so light tweaks" they make to the game are all based on statistical and incredibly mathematical data, definitely they do not just drop nerfs in the game without having any idea of how it will affect gameplay. Anyway, what they should really do to be fair and "lightly encourage" players to purchase premium memberships is just make EVERYTHING cost 400 resources. And if that doesn't set your fun alert to level five, Higby was on Reddit saying they were gonna implement a new way to acquire resources! Color me excited! I don't know for sure but I'm guessing he means instead of passively gaining from territory control, each player will have to actively grind for resources in-game! This will definitely solve the problem with the meta-game (I mean if there was a problem, there isn't, it's the best!) and the problem with zerg > skill, loadouts, etc. and also be waaaaaay more fun for everyone! I mean who wants to run around Auraxis not having to constantly worry about resources? And with the current resources system I think it would be a lot more fun every now and then...or just sit in the warpgate for an hour or two until your score per minute reaches zero waiting for enough resources so you can spawn a piddling flash to drive 1000 meters. I think it will make standing in the warpgate and staring at the screen way more fun and a lot more of a social hangout.
I think a lot of you have no clue what resources are meant to do. Yes you could use 200 to blow up 400, it's never meant to be an even trade. The resources pay for what you are getting in return. An armored mobile platform capable of engaging any target on the battlefield and taking a great deal of damage (and ignoring small arms fire) does not compare to a small explosive device that requires a lot of effort and disappears when you die. Resource cost is a 2 point prong. It's meant to add value to your purchase, so that you pay more attention to what you do with it and struggle to keep it up longer. It's also there to prevent spamming it, so that when you do lose it, you aren't immediately out there with another one. Coupled with the respawn timer, it's over kill IMO. I'd rather see the respawn timer completely removed in favor of higher resource costs. Resource costs serve a much better role for restricting re-use then timers do. I'm really curious what SOE will do.
as an NC max (implying CqC C4 fodder) i think its ridiculous that c4 one shots maxes with the insane cost of max suits now. though i hate nerfs so instead i'd rather maxes receive a survival buff to warrant the huge cost rather than c4 receive a damage nerf.
And I think it is ridiculous, that MAXes refuse to take the "anti-C4" suit option (Flak armor) and instead choose to complain on the forums about C4 one shoting them..... Sounds almost like Vehicle drivers complaining about AT mines, yet refusing to take Mineguard (only to have AT mines nerfed, so the only use they have now is deployed Sunderer suiciding, which was the major reason they were complaining about, oh the irony).
The only change I would make to C4 is to have it send tanks Critical instead of instagibbing them. Just carry an UBGL if you want to hunt tanks as a LA, it wouldn't change that much. You could still kill the driver when he got out to repair. A single, jetpack-wearing infantry shouldn't be able to instagib a tank, that doesn't make any sense from a balance standpoint. I drive a tank AND C4 is my highest-scoring weapon, I'm seeing this from both sides. Not even a tank can instagib another tank, why should that tiny little infantryman be able to?
Has MAX flak armor changed? A maximium level it used to prevent C-4 from OHKs. Your suit would be in critical condition. Besides, your MAX potentially can be revived for no additional cost to yourself.
In roughly 50 hours of tanking I've been killed twice by C4. Both instances I was idling near a base and not paying attention. On the other hand as LA I dump my C4 every chance I get. As for it OHKing Maxes...Great! No ones going around getting huge kill streaks with C4. If you are, please post video.
if you pile 900 certs into maxing out flak armor a c4 will still take 89% of your health off, a couple of bullets and you're dead. sure flak armor halved the damage it could be worthwhile but currently nano regen is far more useful than surviving c4 for half a second longer. hence why i said i don't want your c4 nerfed, i want maxes to be made worthy of the colossal cert and resource cost.