^Title. I play all 3 factions and I don't see why people pigeonhole themselves into 1 specific faction. Here's some of the main reasons why I think people stay. 1) Time / Money investment. 2) Outfit / Friends. 3) Stats / Character progress. I would like to know why you stick with your empire even though you don't like it.
Not everyone likes an Empire for the same reasons. In my case though, I stayed for a long time but recently finally left TR for NC. I like TR's ideology and aesthetic better, but NC just has too many guns I like considerably more than anything on TR along with a MAX that's more fun to use and has better AV options. That said I'm losing interest in the game, maybe I should've stayed. I prefer NC's stuff by a large margin, but it doesn't feel like I'm playing on "my" faction so there's a bit of a hollow feeling. I'm an RP nerd at heart I suppose and it's like playing a character you don't identify with at all.
4) not so much of fear of change but the hassle of starting a new character is a pain. 5) This is definitely something I considered but didn't want to put down because of all the negativity it brings.
The most practical reason is because I already have a ton of time and certs sunk into my TR character. Starting all over is not something that sounds fun to me. Otherwise it's a holdover I have from PS1, back when you could only choose one faction per server. It created a sort of faction pride that lead me to more or less instinctively hate both the NC and VS. Even today, I can't look at a pair of spandex without a twinge of rage.
I didn't, although I've been back and forth between all factions a few times by now. Ended up on VS 'cause: they became underpop on my server + Pulsar C, Orion, Blueshifts are quite a nice change from T5 AMC, MSW-R, Mercies. Magrider is also the most fun tank for me, albeit I understand some VS's frustrations with it at times. Pounders are the only thing from TR I genuinely miss. Well, that and the players/outfits on TR had a better balance of fun and serious in my experience anyway. VS has more obnoxious players.
So why not play both, I started out as TR back in beta and switched to NC because I liked it more, but now I play all 3 even though I can't stand the Vanu Aesthetic [not a big spandex and girdles guy] and don't even get me started about the Vanu announcer voice, but none of that stops me from playing VS. The trick with not getting burnt out in this game is to diversify your play style, play some tanks, then some lasher light shows, then go for some Jackhammer tower stomping, etc. and you won't get as frustrated or burnt out as fast.
I don't Got a fair old way with VS before discovering I enjoy TR more. It was kinda fun starting back from scratch, though not having stuff like light assault C4 or maxed medic tool was occasionally frustrating. If there was a reason that'd make me hesitate to move faction, it'd be the loss of gear and certs. *EDIT* That's not to say I don't enjoy or play VS any more. Also, I have tried NC a few times, but couldn't get into it.
im only 140 ish hours in but i feel this kinda loyalty to my fraction.. ive never had this kinda feeling in an online game before and it really adds fun dimension to the game play.. i have made alts 4 the other 2 fractions now but only on other servers as i refuse to kill my brothers in arms on miller and i ve not even spent an hour on the alts combimed. For me this is one of the things i like about ps2 the fractions and the some what tongue in cheek bickering between them, i know no other fps that creates this feeling.