If you could remove one thing...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. a-koo-chee-moya

    I like how nobody has ever said anything should be removed from their faction. Great balance ideas guys!
  2. RHINO_Mk.II

    0.75x ADS on LMGs
  3. miraculousmouse

    I'd remove low aim players who complain about things that killed them, because of the fact that they spew the same baseless **** over and over again.
  4. Ronin Oni

  5. z1967

    I voted to remove A2G on all ESFs. I guess that sorta counts.
  6. t31os

    Actually that's a healthy thing, it's to say, i know this isn't the right thing to do, despite the fact i may do it myself. A smoker is allowed to say it's not healthy thing to smoke...

    The word hypocrite has bad connotations associated with it, but it's not bad in and of itself..

    .. just saying ..
  7. MaxDamage

    Female lower body armour.
    C'mon people this is a fantasy game.
  8. a-koo-chee-moya

    lockons are everything but NS, so no.
  9. Dracorean

    I don't know about you, but I can never hit crap with those things, sometimes I shoot at someone and 'accidentally' kill another person behind the target but that's with just the NC ones, never used a TR, but the Vanu ones are just so horrible i can only hit someone if they are standing still.
  10. Moonheart

    That's not what I wrote.
  11. z1967

    Air to Ground, not Ground to Air silly :p
  12. a-koo-chee-moya

    Whoops, bad reading on my part,
    Anyways, that's not really an objective buff as all A2G is pretty much the same on ESFs. You could argue about Banshee vs PPA vs AH, but none are so lacking that removing A2G would nerf their faction ESF less.
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  13. Redderic

    Tank Buster - Because apparently I need to L2P, but obviously because nothing can kill a Liberator in 3 seconds that's completely balanced. Literally the destroyer of all fun in PlanetSide 2.
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  14. Cest7

    Raven missiles
  15. Yeahy

    I thought you were replying to axehilt saying that nobody explained their choices.
    Might have been a confusion sorry.
  16. cruczi

    It's not hypocrisy if you admit your own involvement in the behavior you're criticizing, and recognize that you're equally worthy of that criticism. Hypocrisy is when you have double standards whereby others are subject to the criticism and you yourself are not
  17. Dieter Perras

    So after reading many replies I have to say I am surprised by the results.

    a) including bugs as an option I would have thought that more people would choose things that completely break the game, like latency or render bugs.

    b) the shear amount of people who posted there one thing as multiple things, sometimes without even a why.

    Thanks everyone for indulging my thought experiment it seems that players seem to concentrate more on negative things in the legitimate game mechanics then breaks in the game itself.
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  18. NoctD

    Alerts! - They're an abomination and totally pointless. End of an alert causes the death of good fights and the unnatural movement to another continent that gets unlocked. This nonsense has no place being in an MMO. PS2 shouldn't be another BF4.
  19. NCDaniel

    Vanu Sovereignty. That is all.
  20. GhostAvatar

    Can I choice social media sites, so the devs actually use their own forums?
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