If you could remove one thing...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. t31os

    Tell ya what then bud, let me provide an updated answer to the OP, so you can feel satisfied you got me to provide the *why* part to my answer. I'm going to just focus on the top answer i gave, because i'm not going to sit here writing out the *whys* for 5 different answers, as i've already exerted enough energy on this thread... need to save the rest for PS2! :)


    The what: PPA
    The why: It's the most annoying thing to be around in any fight, whether it's killing things or not.

    Peace out.. :cool:
  2. Hicksimus

    TLDR - I'd remove SOE from PS2 or Sony from SOE. I don't think they are approaching PS2 effectively.

    It's hard to tell which. I suspect Sony's massive failure as a company is weighing on game development. Progress has been slow with the exception of the performance updates which were done because PS2 would not run on the PS4 without them. With all of those server mergers I'd bet the only reason we even still see development is because if console owners heard that PS2 was a flop on PC it would damage SOE's investment in making a PS4 version. Edit: As it is I wish they just call it a flop and let it go OR give it the attention it deserves and I don't think they can give it the attention it deserves so they should hand it over to a developer that isn't tied to a sinking ship. They are the one thing harming PS2 more than anything else.
  3. KenDelta

    What's so bad about being a hypocrite.
  4. cruczi

    In other words, it is dishonest. It is assuming a moral high ground that one does not deserve.
    EDIT: just for clarity, I'm not calling you out on hypocrisy, just answering your question :D
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  5. KenDelta

    Fairly aware what it means but what's so bad about it , we all have our fair share of bad manners and bad qualities.
  6. cruczi

    If you're including hypocrisy among "bad manners" and "bad qualities", then you already think it's bad.
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  7. Bl4ckVoid

    Boring and unfair on both the shooting end and on the receiving end.
  8. Bl4ckVoid

    And I would add proper physics.
  9. cruczi

    ESF AI weapons. They promote one sided encounters, I like fights to involve interaction between players, instead of not "I kill you now and there's nothing you can do". ESF's should be AA/AV only.
  10. andy_m

    I would like the 300 metre limit on headshots to be removed.

    Why? Well, because it was a sense of achievement getting those 400+ metre headshots :D

    Ain't gonna happen though, cos the limit is there for practical (optimisation) reasons, and I ain't complaining either really, I just thought I'd join in the "fun."
  11. Abraham with Cheese

    Latency issues.
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  12. Mythologicus


    Only one Warpgate has terrain that's actually fun to fight on. Screw your south-eastern chokepoints forever. And ever. And ever. And ever. And ever. AND EVER.
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  13. Diilicious

    The overheat mechanic on repair guns.

    so that it works more like it does in command and conquer renegade, with fully sustained support being possible, increasing the importance of teamwork and the combat engineering support role as a whole.
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  14. Winfield

    Proton PPA.
  15. Saool

    Harrasers - OP
  16. Stormsinger

    The lack of protection vs headshots: If I want to put on an ugly armored hat that prevents BASR rounds from one shotting me, it should be my call to use that as a suit slot.

    Vehicle - upside down damage: If vehicles MUST be destroyed when upside down, just put a 2 minute despawn timer on it. If you can't get that tank righted in 120 seconds, you probably aren't going to, and it's less frustrating then exploding in seconds.

    Instant kill on terrain collision: Due to the way vehicle interaction with some geometry works, this would be much more difficult then it sounds. Still, detonating when so much as touching trees shaped a certain way is obnoxious.

    Massive DPS and farming capability of Prowlers. (Not really - but this is the same as all the PPA nerf screaming. It's clip size / ammo / shield penetration was already toned down tremendously. Prowlers do have a large advantage in terms of pure DPS, ammo capacity, and damage potential - I don't see a problem with that. Faction advantages in certain areas are fine. )

    Cont locking mechanics: Put these back in later when there's a linear continental progression, more regions / battle islands, etc. Right now, all this does is end good fights, and force everyone to other regions. Worse still, is that it breaks up platoons that get non-members suck in queue when being forcibly separated from their squads. All other arguments aside, I think this one provides a good enough reason to tweak current mechanics.

    Death / Map-specific chatbox: Just use the standard chatbox. If I get blown away when trying to type, there's nothing more annoying then having to wait for respawn to resume without re-typing, especially when attempting to reply to a message is the reason I got blown away in the first place. Running to the protection of spawn shields should not be a requirement for text chatting in combat.

    Team damage vs vehicles: Don't remove it entirely. Just make it impossible for one person to blow up an allied sundy with less then ~10 mines. I can stand a few vehicle teamkillers, but mining a friendly sundy ruins fights, and provides enemy factions with the ability to simply log over and blow troublesome sundies they can't reach any other way.

    Sunderer Deploy denial fields: If someone has a horribly placed sundy, and won't listen to people demanding they take it down, a better recourse then tank mining it would be the ability to actually deploy a well-placed sundy. Being 3 meters from good cover, and having it be denied by a sundy half the base away is obnoxious as hell.
  17. Kunavi

    C4 on LA. Next most suitable? MediKits. Too much InstaHealth while spaz.
  18. Leftconsin


    I would make all weapons and abilities totally modular.
  19. Kunavi

    Can I also add; NAR(Perhaps it should only work if you're still, firing, getting out of the vehicle or being Dmgd should all interrupt) and MAYBE also Fire Suppression(It should only extinguish the fire).
  20. Alan Kalane

    I'd like to remove the lack of ANTs and resource revamp phase 2.
    Because the lack of it means infinite resources = bad for the game.
    Also I'd like to remove tons of bugs and performance drops implemented in the previous patch.