If you could remove one thing...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dieter Perras, Sep 23, 2014.

  1. Dieter Perras

    If you could remove one thing from the game, be it a weapon, ability, vehicle, bug or whatever what would it be and why?
  2. ZBrannigan

    players who think kd is the be all and end all.
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  3. Eltirion87

    Vanu !
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  4. KMFR

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  5. DFDelta

    Players who have never played more then one faction and are obviously faction-biased but try to talk balance. (Or rather cry about balance)
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  6. Person7man

    I'll show myself out then.
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  7. Juno


    Imagine what it would be like, for one day, to have a big ground pound. No ESFs, no Libs, no Gals, no Valks.
    Just people on the ground, slugging it out. I think that would be amazingly fun. :D
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  8. Elrobochanco

    Vehicle weapon splash damage to infantry (traded for massively increased armor)
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  9. ZeroRyoko

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  10. vsae

    Id dump maxes
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  11. Atis

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  12. Auzor

    Aircraft hover.

    Force aircraft to fly instead of hover. (and add mouseyaw..)

    Imagine how different the game would be if aircraft can't lolpod/banshee/ppa a base popping up and down a stupid ridge or a base wall.Nooo, you want to avoid crashing that precious fighter? You gotta move at 100 km/h baby. (speed picked at random.. 50-100km/h would work as minimum speed I think, but 50 km/h is actually quite slow for an aircraft: that is slower than tanks maximum speed). Landing an aircraft could be made actually difficult.

    Also, the above also means no galaxies hovering over a base outside of ground-range, liberators having to fly around,
    no 'turn on the spot' (well, not without stalling and taking a closer inspection of the ground)

    In that scenario, picking of infantry (/farming) would require more skill than currently IMHO.
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  13. DrPapaPenguin

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  14. Moonheart

    Flashlights on secondary weapons.
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  15. t31os

    Top 5 choices, based on most annoying/frustrating first.

    1. PPA (all variants)
    2. Lancers
    3. Reployside
    4. Implants
    5. Faction Switching (within a short period of time on the same server)
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  16. pnkdth

    Anti infantry ESF weapons. Re-release them as weapon which cannot deal with any vehicle, other than flashes, harassers, and ESFs.

    If you decide all you're going to do is farm infantry, you should be utterly helpless against tanks and the larger aircraft in the game.
  17. Skooma Lord

    Aiming Cone of Fire Mechanic- (or at least reduce it by a bit for many weapons)
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  18. Vixxing

  19. cruczi

    The people quoted below have failed to answer the OP.

    Basically, ITT: mass fail of reading comprehension.

    EDIT: and the guy below.
  20. KenDelta

    1-Every nerf that was put into the game.