If you could have any class + any weapon, what would you take?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ManyHats, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. ManyHats

    For example, your medic could equip an LMG. (feel free to go the whole hog and suggest primary, secondary, tool, ability, cross-faction, etc).

  2. Liquid23

    rocket launcher on my infiltrator?

    ... or better yet dual fractures on my infiltrator
  3. AnuErebus

    Infil + Assault Rifles. I'd be in heaven.
  4. Huishe

    Infil + tank mines.

    But better yet, TR HA + GODSAW.
    Or TR Medic with Gauss Rifle.
    Or TR HA with Lasher.

    But my biggest dream of them all is TR Vanguard with prenerf Saron.
  5. Hicksimus

    Dual Mana AV turret arms on a ZoE max.
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  6. Odin

    Sv88....that is all
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  7. Koldorn

    Any 652 or greater firerate AR on my engineer.
  8. Flapatax

    Anything with the H-V45.
  9. Canaris

    Light Assault with an assault rifle........ body dropping, bullet spitting heaven :D
  10. z1967

    Class: Light Assault
    Suit Ability: Jump Jets Level 6
    Suit Slot: Ammo capacity
    Primary Weapon: TSAR-42 with 4x crosshair scope
    Secondary Weapon: TX-2 Emperor with Laser and pistol Suppressor
    Grenade: Smoke
    Utility: Maxed restoration kits

    What would I do with this class?
    I want to be the very best
    like no one ever was
    to catch aimbotters is my real test
    to kill them is my cause
    I will fly, across the land
    searching in my scope
    hit them, in the head
    Make them all yell NOPE

    But yeah, I would just go sniping all day. And people would hate me for it lol. Alternate would be a TRAC-5 burst with a foregrip and 1x red dot sight and a suppressor on my Infiltrator. Can't wait to see what everyone else comes up with.
  11. skyN3T

    Max + Dual Zepher for AI.
    Max + Dual Titan 150 AP for AV and AA.

    Just for fun.
  12. Frazzle

    Infiltrator with a Dalton?
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  13. NoctD

    Hellfire Rocket Pods shoulder mounted on my MAX. :p
  14. eldarfalcongravtank

    magrider with titan-150mm HEAT, vulcan as secondary and vanguard shield :D
  15. Zazen

    Medic W/ Jackhammer in a Tower = God
  16. neoNEO

    infiltrator with hacksaws
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  17. ManyHats

    Infiltrator with a repair kit. Pure mischief... ;)
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  18. Liquid23

    a TR heavy with a vanu infiltrator's rear end?
  19. NoctD

    And I forgot to add, Scythe Proton PPAs for each arm!
  20. CommodoreFrank

    Dalton on a LA, drifter jet Liberator ahoy!