If you could change servers...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IberianHusky, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. IberianHusky

    Which server would you change your main character to?

    Personally, If I could change servers, my TR would be moved to Connery. Why? Because Emerald has way too much drama and tryhard culture. Fun fights on Emerald almost never last too long until redeployside shenanigans kick in to ruin it.

  2. InoxGecko

    Would switch my TR main to Cobalt. We don't really have a huge selection of servers, well at least not anymore.
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  3. RykerStruvian

    I'd bring my NC character from Connery to Emerald.
  4. Tycoh

    I still want to transfer my characters from Mathers- erh- Emerald to Connery. The community there sucks.

    Waterson was my sanctuary from Dramatherson, but as you can see now, they mixed the bucket of putrid acid (Mattherson) with my bucket o' candy (Waterson). For once i'd like to have a casual fight where tryhards are hard to find and battles went on for 40-60 minutes before the redeployside zerg pops up.
  5. TheShrapnelKing

    Connery. Emerald is basically Mattherson, and everyone knows why I hated Mattherson.
  6. ajma

    I wouldn't.
  7. Paragon Exile

    I'd switch my three Emerald characters to be on Emerald.

    Canon server, the rest are just fan fiction.
  8. sL360

    I'd move my TR back to Waterson if I could. NC has and always will be on Connery.

    Already started over on Connery as VS so a bit of a moot point rofl.
  9. Psionic Storm

    None. I already have 3 characters on Connery and 3 on Emerald. What more could I need? :)
  10. KnightCole

    No where.......I liked it better when I could **** on my Mattherson NC and when that didnt work, I could go to my Waterson TR and see what I could do.

    The server merges, mixed wiht cont locking.....it sucks so dayum bad.....
  11. Pikachu

    Yeah we dont have 14 anymore.
  12. SpaceZeal0t

    Enjoy your NC overpop

    At the moment I wouldn't move, Miller is quite fine for now. Both EU servers are pretty bad as each other.
  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    why should i transfer my character now if there's only one server left after a year and everyone is stuck on the same one?
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  14. SerasVic

    Change server for what?

    I'm on Cobalt

    Cobalt > Emerald

    don't whine and tryhard more Emeraldians
  15. libbmaster


    Emerald is Love! Emerald is Life!