Interlink Facility! I know a lot of people would argue otherwise for resource revamp, armour 2.0 and meta but it just kills me to know that we were so close to having these and then poof!! Half the reason I was so excited for Hossin was because of these bad boys now look, Hossin is one of the most under popped maps in the game right now at least on Emerald. How ironic is that! At least if they had released them across all the maps we could have had varied facilities to play with. Please DBG bring back our Interlink Facilities! #bringbackourinterlinkfacilities
Balls to interlinks, all I want is a Skyguard with dual Walkers instead of a tickle-me-elmo flak cannon of lag. Let me guard the sky dammit!
I want to be able to stick C4 to allies again i miss the days of being able to cordinate with an infiltrator friend with 2 bricks of c4 lobbed on him to blow up groups of enemys.
I want directives to count partial points. If i do 95% damage to an AMS, it should count as 0.95 points to the AMS kill directive. I hate the current directive killsteal "last hit" mentality. Its understandable that people do it because thats how the game works, but its completely wrong in a game that has "massive teamplay" as a gimmick. 0 credit for helping out. 100% credit for being a human reproductive organ. Edit: ********* is censored? Mildest insult ever.... Guess ill go with human reproductive organ
I would like Planetside 2 to become a global conflict like it should have been from the start. So, intercontinental lattice please.
I would want the lightning returned to it's original role as a tank with 2 firing modes (in same way ESFs have two guns) But remove/reduce it's anti - aircraft power - return the anti air variant down to the level of the single walker at the same level as the anti air variant of the MBTs. Move the anti air capability back where it belongs to a buggy and make the anti air variant of the buggy EXTREMELY weak but powerful on par with the dual walker skyguard variant of the lightning. It should be susceptible to die within a single volley of rockets. At the same time it should be strong enough in a straight shootout against a single air target at medium to close range that a poorly executed strafing run or missing the target would result in the death of the aircraft.. not just light damage. Only reason primary AA was put into the lightning imo was that the buggy model wasn't ready and they needed to put the AA counter into the game during early beta/initial release. The AA gameplay of PS1 was far more exciting - AA in a slow lightning is extremely boring and unrewarding. If that AA gameplay was moved to a fast moving extremely weak but effective buggy the role would be far more enjoyable for both AA crews, aircraft and ground vehicles. The AA buggy would have to be hunted and defended on the ground and in the air. Miles more exciting than the plodding, static AA gameplay with a single person driving on the ground whilst looking into the air rather than a two man vehicle with one person aiming up and the other actually driving. It is just a better gameplay experience all around.