Right now, when you use the cloaking ability, your timer starts draining and does not stop from doing this until you turn off the cloak or your timer reaches zero. If this suggestion were implemented, when you use the cloaking ability, your timer would be draining only while your character is moving. If you are standing still and the cloak is active, the energy (nanites?) drain would be stopped (but it would not regenerate, either). Let's say you want to infiltrate a non-empty enemy base and survive as long as possible while conducting psychological warfare and sabotaging enemy equipment.The best way to do this is to use cover and concealment, avoid contact, keep your finger off the trigger and use your cloak. You might also hack a resupply terminal and get yourself some proximity mines. Whatever you can think of that will benefit your team AND is fun to do, EXCEPT switching out to a different class (the point is to improve Infiltrator play by allowing them to live longer). TL;DR... I think this change makes the Infiltrator more fun and survivable without making it necessarily more powerful versus targets. That is, it raises the average lifespan without raising the class' firepower or armor. Also! A big thanks to the dev team(s) and SOE for actually listening to their customers on the forums. The most devoted communities I've seen are the ones that give their players a chance to be heard and included, to take ownership in the game.
If I'm not mistaken, this is/or was one of the cloaks you can cert into. I know a cloak was removed although I think that was the one that allowed you to fire your pistol while cloaked.
im surprised that this wasnt introduced from the very beginning imo,if the cloak requires the inf to stay crouched as much as possible then it should have some way regenerate itself or at least do not drain while crouched
You're thinking of Stalker Camouflage, a cloaking variant which was "available" in the beta if you spent a prerequisite 99999 cert points on other cloaking certs. This was, of course, impossible. The cloak claimed to remove your primary weapon while equipped, and the ranks were as follows: 1 - Cloak timer doesn't drain while stationary. 2 - Cloak timer slowly regenerates while stationary. 3- You may fire your pistol while cloaked at the cost of becoming far more visible.
Rather than "Fixing" cloak universally I'd rather see several cloaking options that fit different playstyles. Your Infiltration cloak should have say (Mostly made up numbers to give a general idea) 25% visibility while moving/running. 12% while standing still. 5% while crouched. Bonus perk : Cloak drains 75/90% slower while standing still/crouching. Cloak field not detectible by NV scopes (Using NV on the cloaker would increase the values of their cloak by 80-90%), heat signature reduced by 85% to IR scopes. Sniper Cloak would have 35% visibility while moving/running 10% while standing still 2.5% while crouched/standing still. Bonus perk : 50% faster cloak/decloak animation + scaling visibility reduction based on range. Up to 50ish% visibility reduction at 250-300 + meters while standing still/crouching (running remains unaffected). I.E. Standing still at 300 meters would give you 5% visibility. Close Quarter Spy would have 17% visibility while moving 12% while standing still and 7% crouched. Bonus perk : Cloak activation/deactivation has 75% noise reduction. Killing an enemy gives a cloak regeneration bonus.
This sounds a lot like how the cloak worked in PS1, and I would LOVE to see that make a come-back in this game. One of the things I had the most fun with was sneaking up as a cloaky, pulling out my chainblade, and trying to get in a kill before someone figured out I wasn't just a confused lumberjack in the wrong game.
I like the idea The stalker camo cert was exactly this but it was removed :l Maybe they'll bring it back in a future update. Of course it would lead to alot infiltrators camping on a capture point with a 95% perfect cloak, so something will have to be done about that.
Well for those of you who have played Team Fortress to, i believe it should behave somewhat like the Cloak and Dagger. Comsumes more nanites while on the move, regenerates while idle and cannot capture while cloaked
the only problem with this is that the devs think that this class is overpowered as it is right now. they will not do anything to increase our survivablity
It would be nice IMO, would encourage people to use infiltrators more often. Or at least don't drain it as fast as when you're on the move.
Slower drain, not no drain. If you make it possible for it to last forever, you'll just have a bunch of sniper kids sitting invisibly on hills waiting for that perfect shot that will never happen, making them even more useless than they already are.
That was the Stalker Camouflage. It's one of those items that were in the cert trees during beta but that has never been introduced (no one know why). That suite gave actually perma-cloak, but you had to sacrifice your 1st weapon slot so no rifles at all, just knives, pistols explosive like it was in the old good PS1. I believe we definitely need that suite. Let the basic suite for Snipers, and give us the Stalker. Real infiltrators, those who sneak behind enemy lines to spot enemies, hack terminals, backstab using knives... We need it!!