If ONK kinfes are not acceptable, then why are OHK shotguns accpetable

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KO-tic, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. AgentStark427

    Then why not just an OHK backstab? It should be worth it to sneak up to your enemy and shank the guy.
  2. MarkAntony

    Yeah i saw that thread and all I can say is that he is worrying over something that won't be a problem. ever. never ever.

    Like I posted in his thread. This is something people make a big fuss about now and once it is in the game they'll die to it at most once a month.
  3. Ronin Oni

    Because you can have a longer range AR AND always have a knife.

    Taking a PA shotgun nullifies you at range.... that short range OHK is ALL you've got.

    If you want to give up your primary for a OHK knife, I suppose that could work....

    Oh, not Stalker though of course, they don't have a primary to give up.

    Oh, and after a half dozen swings you, uhm, get winded and need to rest (no swinging) for a solid 3-4 seconds while you reload, I mean, recooperate.

    Fact is PA shotguns have other balancing factors (limited ammo, slower between shots than knife swings, reloading, not available to cloaking class, TAKES PRIMARY WEAPON SLOT) that knives don't... in fact PA shotgun's aren't even all that great TBQH...

    but everyone HAS a knife. If I could have a PA in my pocket not giving anything up, yeah, that'd be OP as frack.

    But no... I can't do that. WITH REASON.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    I do. Because I'm better than you.
  5. p10k56

    Because of invisible spooks.
  6. AgentStark427

    Motion spotter, recon detection, backup, and looking behind you every now and then. And surround sound. That helps.
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  7. p10k56

    Never heard of that.
    I always think that crounch is enough:p
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  8. Ronin Oni

    Infiltrators are denied Pump SHotguns for a reason.

    So no, OHK knive's aren't in the cards.

    Get over it.

    OHK knives aren't even good for gameplay. All it will do is encourage people to run at each other ADADing and bunny hopping hoping to get close enough.

    "Oh, just make it only work from behind"

    Ok, then people will try to run past and 180 knife people. How do I know this?

    Already happens in BF4 when people run out of ammo.

    For crying out loud a knife already does 600 damage. That's PLENTY.
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  9. HadesR

    Just hope they fix the soddy directional placement before they implement them .. ... Will be nice if the person with the knife / gun is actually facing you when they kill you with it :p ..
  10. VikingKong

    Why though? I can't imagine a scenario where the OHK knives would be of any use to them. If they're cloaked with them switched on, they're not going to be sneaking up on anyone. If they decloak (which is slow and noisy enough on it's own) and then switch it on, they'll kill slower than the stock blades. I'm looking forward to all the enemy cloakers that are going to be 'hiding' in the corners of control rooms buzzing away like chainsaws. S'gonna be hilarious.
    Derpy LAs dropping into the middle of a pack for a kamikaze stabbing spree is the only place I can see it being better than a regular knife. Which won't be half as effective as a brick of c4, but it'll be a whole lot funnier.
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  11. WorldOfForms

    When these knives come out I plan on trying it out with Stalker. They key I think will be going to large battles and working the edge of the enemy front, where you are less likely to be seen, but the noise of the large fight will possibly mask the loud knife buzz (or at least enemies might be distracted enough to not notice the knife sound).

    I'm not sure it will work, but I'm going to give it a try.
  12. KnightCole

    OHK Knife+Stalker cloak infil..........the next wave of utter irritation is incoming soon....
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  13. patrykK1028

    Well, he has a lot of likes under "Say no to OHK knifes". Way more than some guys under "yay, OHK knifes, so good.change". I think leaving a like under somebodys opinion, means you agree with that.
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  14. z1967

    Not entirely, I use likes as an "I may or may not agree with your standpoint however your argument makes sense and was well researched, and does not contain misleading data" or "lol that was hilarious."

    Even so, I wouldn't base design changes off of a post's likes. Otherwise we would be subjected to rapid shifts in what we want the developers to do.
  15. patrykK1028

    But you cant disagree that majority of people DONT want OHK knifes.
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  16. Ronin Oni

    Because regular old infiltrators, without even access to Stalker, have been denied shotguns SINCE BETA because it was found to be OP.

    That's why.

    Tested and proven that OHK on a cloak class doesn't work.

  17. MarkAntony

    Completely ignoring the fact that during that time you could shoot cloaked because of a bug. Also Knife does 500 damage. Also Cloaked Infils have become WAY easier to see across all settings.

    If you are gonna argue at least get your facts straight.

    Also crossbow + knife is already in the game. That is already effectively OHK if used correctly...

    Also comparing this to PA shotguns is just ridiculous...
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  18. z1967

    Perhaps this is biased vision, but I think the majority of replies (which I feel have more weight than likes) were in favor of letting it through, while the like count was mainly in favor of scrapping OHK without even testing it :|

    TBH, I can't fathom how people are ok with so many other weapons having OHK abilities and then a knife gets it sending people into a crazed panic. I tested it with randoms on the PTS and the guy with the gun won 90% of the time. Infiltrators with a knife only OHKed me when I was afk and I tried drifter with a shotgun and got better results than the knife. The only thing the knife excels at is being silent and not having to reload. That's it. The range is worse than the auto shotgun and the only redeeming factor is that it is OHK. After they add sounds (Because it's WIP, it says so on the weapon) I have no doubt that the weapon will be balanced and less of a problem than everyone is chalking it up to be. If anything, the issue would be in the price tag and not in the mechanics.
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  19. Dramma Lamma

    Has SOE listened even once about our PTS feedback and put that to live?
    Not that I ever recall seeing, they just push X to live make the $$ they can THEN concern themselves about what people think.

    Personally I don't wan't a OHKO knife in the game at all, even if it requires you to hit in the back. That feels really wonky and unfair feeling even in halo which originated that melee design. Halo IMO has way better hit detection than this, how can you possibly dis-illusion yourself into thinking that It will be smooth and fair feeling in client / lagside 2? Spoiler : it won't.

    Cry all we want but they can sell knives for a buck so it's getting pushed to live, they will deal with the hate and backlash later, poorly.
  20. VikingKong

    I guess my next question would have to be... wtf have shotties got to do with anything?
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