If ONK kinfes are not acceptable, then why are OHK shotguns accpetable

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by KO-tic, Nov 10, 2014.

  1. KO-tic

    I mean is OHK knife are OP, then PA should be WAY more OP. since they have faster fire rate and range. O_O
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  2. Auzor

    Shotguns can't be used by a stalker cloak infiltrator.

    Bringing a shotgun sacrifices any ranged potential you used to have for short range potential.
    Even then, if you (partially) miss, you can be killed by an enemy before getting a second shot of, let alone a group of enemies.

    What does switching "classic" knife to "OHK knife" sacrifice?
    Sidegrades, remember...
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  3. William Petersen

    They're not. Fortunately, I don't run into them too often.

    Until commissioners get scopes.
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  4. z1967

    Upgrade your battle rifle, by using a pistol. I fail to see the problem with this.
  5. current1y

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  6. Llamar

    Because you'd have to give up using a gun with ranged capabilities to use a shotgun. You always have your knife.
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  7. MarkAntony

    who says OHK knives aren't acceptable? and why does their opinion matter?
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  8. Xiad

    Game needs moar backstabs.
  9. z1967

    Paragon Exile

    Everyone has an opinion. A well fully fleshed out opinion is not always the case but they still have an opinion nonetheless.
  10. Goretzu

    They just have to be careful with them with Inflitrators really, for mostly the same reason as shotguns (and the reason the Mag-scatter is what it is).
  11. Paperlamp

    Because Battlefield has them and oh my god they're turning Planetside 2 into Call of Battlefield Fortressstrike ruining all of its uniqueyness and choking the life out of it.

    To be fair though, TTK is higher in this game so OHK stuff has to be more carefully balanced.

    I'd also say of all the things PS2 doesn't need at all it's this. There are so many broken and imbalanced weapons yet they keep implementing new ones almost nobody asked for and ignoring the ones they've left in the nerf pile for months or even years.
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  12. EIMR

    You can't really compare shotguns and the OHK knifes. For one you have to sacrifice your main weapon and can't be equipped by infiltrators, for the other you don't sacrifice any weapon, but you need hugging distance and risk being detected by sound. That being, I think that the OHK knife is balanced, and almost everybody who thinks that it will be op knows nothing of it.
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  13. VonStalin

    OHK knives are perfect for infiltrators. OHK shotguns are fun too.
    Go away.
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  14. AgentStark427

    What the hell does OHK mean? Is this the thing on the test server where you can wield the knife? If so, whoever thinks OHK knives arent acceptable, shut down your account, delete your game, and uninstall windows. We don't want you here.
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  15. VikingKong

    One hit kill. Don't see the issue, myself.
  16. \m/SLAYER\m/

    those "OP" Shotguns long time in game, but it's not even close to this:
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  17. AgentStark427

    Thank you. Slight change to my argument though.

    This should work like BF4. OHK from the back, possibility to counter or deflect from the front.
  18. p10k56

    I don't like OHK knifes idea and yes I don't like infiltrators.
    This thread is probably about if there are OHK knifes why not give Shootys to our beloved ones.
    Hope neither will happen.

    Sometimes I have feeling that Infiltrators being the most useless and OP class will not be happy even if they got their hands on thermonuclear farts:rolleyes:

    Only thing I fear when playing infiltrator not counting Maxes is HA and their resist shield but they are at least useful:cool:
  19. Fellgnome

    Oh dear satan no. Knifing in BF4 was awful and completely random with its little quick time event BS. With PS2's clientside/hitreg/hitching/etc. it would be a nightmare.

    I don't think we need OHK knife at all, but if it's going to be there I'd rather it be as consistent a weapon as possible.
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  20. SpaceZeal0t

    Why not just do what CS or TF2 does? 3 strikes form the front and sides, ohk from the back.

    I don't mind OHK knives but as a toggle that kills anywhere when on, that bugs me.