[Suggestion] Idea For New Players To The Game - Class Starters

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hamakua, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. Hamakua

    I am currently BR 67, I have a top tier Mosquito, many flushed out infantry classes, and a few do-dads here and there on everything else. When I first started out at launch, it was of course a "Race" somewhat to full fill a goal. My goal at launch was to max out my Mossy as fast as possible. My new current goal is to save up to the cert cap before spending anymore.

    One thing that I have been noticing though, with a maxed out Mosquito I don't "play to farm" nearly as much. I have "One thing" I can fall back to if I feel out-classed. Most of my tanks are stock or near stock, but I enjoy playing them... however they show their lack of certs on occasion, but I don't mind because I have my mossy!

    In the future SOE/PS2 Devs should impliment a "starter Class"
    for new Players.

    It would function like the following. During your Character Creation, you also have to choose a "Role", this would be essentially a pre-defined set of templates that fill out a decent amount of certs into ONE role/class.

    An example would be "Fighter Pilot". This would upgrade your empire's ESF to all but the last of one of the airframes, all but the last of flares, stock maingun ammo capacity, passive certs, etc. You can even have "within a class" templates so they can choose the airframe or the defensive slot to upgrade from the start, but not max out.

    The idea is to give new players something of a security blanket as the rest of the PS2 population "reaches level cap" (Not the Vanu Scum, he only should be reached with a half a salvo of rocketpods and a side of rotary). I don't think it would at all gamebreaking, it would honestly not disrupt the general population (experience of the game trumps XP in the game) and would even help individualize new players, give them a foothold, all the while encouraging them to work on other "Classes/roles".

    "Wow, if a semi upgraded Lightning performs like this, maybe I should work on the Prowler next.
    Or maybe I should get those last 1000 cert levels for the Lightning. "

    Personally, even having put in all the time and even money into the game, I wold not begrudge new players getting a bit of a boost, even if this isn't implemented right away. And if the current gaming community is concerned about "missing out", maybe SOE, when the patch goes live, adds 50% of whatever the standard "starter class" would get in certs, or whatever %.

    Is there any PS2 players out there that think this is a bad idea? Do you see a problem with it? Do you think it unfair?

    I really like having a maxed mossy that I can take out and just "play" without worrying about the next carrot. While I still chase certs, it's no longer my main priority over all others... and because of that I have been discovering a whole other side of PS2 (Yes, even after 67 ranks).
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  2. Enks

    Good idea. EVE Online did something similar. Every new player started out with an amount of skill points large enough for them to actually be able to do some of the cooler stuff. Not enough to be a handout, but enough to give them a taste of what's to come.

    I like the idea of training missions a la America's Army circa 2.0. that reward cert points. New players could learn and gain some certs to unlock something right away.
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  3. SarahM

    Ideally, instead of being thrown into a radnom batle as LA the first time around, you'd start out as what you choose for starter package, e.g. you'd enter battle as either as the infantry class you chose or as an engineer in front of (or, failing that, near) a vehicle terminal.