I was talking to my friends about PS1......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Rhapsody

    I soooo miss being able to do something 'beyond' being forced into following the Zerg (curring PS2 gameplay). Gen Holds were fun, so were draining of bases behind the lines to open up a second front if the enemy didnt realize what we were doing in time....

    Hot-dropping ants to refill facilities, tossing Jammer Grenades at the Silo befor an ant comes screaming in threw weapon fire to make sure no mines or boomers were placed.....

    Sooooo many things in PS1 i wish were in PS2..... Just sucks they made it as a MMO version of CoD/BF, rather than "Planetside" 2.
  2. Goretzu

    I loved ANT runs, I know many found them pointless, but they were fun when you saved a base and they added a significant amount of depth to the game.

    The problem with PS2 is that I think Air being so massively strong would make ANT runs very hard, they'd need to be as fast and tough as composite Harrassers I think.
  3. Chebasaz

    Not really, if you actually balanced the weapons as they were in PS1. Ants by themselves always were easy targets for air, and they should be. It's basically a rolling gas truck. If you wanted to get them there reliably, drop them in a Galaxy and transport them there... Ant bombs ;)

    Which brings up a host of other PS1 vs PS2 differences....

    • No bound matrixes - I mean really? What's the technical hurdle here? How hard is it to assign a spawn point?)
    • Galaxy small vehicle transport - Again... How hard, really?
    • AV Weapons - You had three, functioning, empire-specific AV weapons in PS1, and yet you go and change them completely in PS2. They have the same name, yes, but you've changed how they work and all three have suffered either in usefulness (Lancer/Phoenix) or balance (Striker). Why??? Speaking of the Lancer... Seriously, fix that thing. Get rid of the five second charge and lower the damage accordingly. The old one worked perfectly with it's 1'sh second pause. Same with the flying football of the current PS2 Phoenix.
    • This stupid vehicle/max timer added with personal resources.. I know it may have seemed like a good idea, but you had a perfectly working base resource system in PS1. It added tactics and strategy to the zerg. Why did you stray from that?
    • Sanctuaries.... I'm so disappointed at this. Once again, screw rotating warpgates. If you had empire sanctuaries and home continents again, you wouldn't have to rotate warpgates. I miss Cyssor battles..
    • Water - Speaking of which. For all that is holy... Where is our water? Bridges should go across something besides huge chasms in the ground. Bridge battles were absolutely awesome in PS1. It's a natural choke-point, and one you should be using. Vanu hovering should be a tactical advantage, and I say this as a TR....
    • Base design - Meh, I'm not a designer. I do know that I'm having less fun taking bases here than I did in PS1. Where are the underground corridors? Gen rooms that are actually part of the base? Spawn rooms that sucked to get into and destroy the tubes, but you COULD GET INTO THEM, even if it hurt. Not this "Safe room to shoot from behind our magical empire shields." we have going now. What ever happened to everyone having to park their vehicles/air in the courtyard in order to do the dirty fighting inside before a base could be taken? What ever happened to CR levels and orbital strikes on those courtyards? Those huge walls around the bases are horrible, especially on Esamir when they really seem to serve no purpose but make the bases seem like a tin can.
    • Infiltrators - Do I really have to go into the difference here? And where are the boomers/C4 for infils? Why does a medic even have the option of C4? Real life logic aside, even in the warped PS2 world the medic should be in the back, not solo-charging a freaking MBT with his trusty C4.
    • Inventories - They really, really need to be brought back and the classes axed. I know others have chimed in on why they were left out and the reasons behind them, and I doubt they'll ever get returned, but it allowed *gasp* useful customization of your character that had nothing to do with fancy helmets and other fluff.
    It goes on and on, but why are you struggling so much with balance and new features when you had something that worked?
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  4. Rhapsody

    The simple answer to that is that We (the PS1 Vets) were 'not' the target audience for PS2. The CoD/BF crowd were. So, SOE simply grabbed the name, faction names, faction 'look'... and nothing else, from PS1, added in all the CoD/BF features that the consolers liked, and threw the two together.

    Nothing we loved about PS1 will be found in PS2 sadly, and i doubt it ever will be because the PS1 vets are NOT the target audience. We all just need to go back and re-install PS1 again (or have they taken it down fully yet?)
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  5. Liquid23

    it's simply common sense tho... Why target the small left over audience of a game that didn't do so well over targeting the audience of games that objectively did and still do do extremely well? ... I mean honestly aren't even enough overzealous PS1 fans left to warrant adding some new content or quick update to polish up the original ... haven't been for years

    not to mention if you all really liked the way PS1 did things so much you can still go play it... tho you will be rather lonely... lol
  6. denial

    lol @ "it would cause performance issues" that game was amazing for the technology at the time, and here we are in 2013 and you're telling me the technology isn't good enough to implement that? Give me a break
  7. denial

    This guy absolutely nailed it.
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  8. DeadliestMoon

    That's subjective.
  9. DeadliestMoon

    By that logic you don't actually "conquer" continents in PS1 either because they can just come back.
  10. Liquid23

    I don't know if PS2 can ever match the depth and complexity of endlessly standing in a hallway and spamming thumpers
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  11. DeadliestMoon

    Now that's just not true, for the most part devs have been working towards making more complex games.
  12. Rhapsody

    They have to fight their way back 'to' that continent. Its not like in PS2 were they simply walk 300m and take a base after loseing 'everything' on the entire continent.

    in PS1 you had to go all the way back to your santuary, or to a neighboring (connected) continent, build up a force, then go threw the warpgate and 'fight' your way to the nearest base. If you lost vehicles durring that attack you had to go BACK to the Santuary, or the other continent to get another one, and if you had no connections to that continent, well, you couldnt do squat to it (unless you drained a base neutral to open a door, but that wont work in PS2 as there are no NTU Silo's).

    In PS2, everything you need, even if you have 0 land at all, is found at the warpgate 'on' that continent. Your never fully 'kicked out' of it. Your only pushed back to a 300m buffer-zone in which you can get all the equipment you need.

    Thats the difference in 'conquering' a continent (PS1).. and simply pushing the other guy back to his warpgate (PS2)

    The problem is that there are quite a few of us PS1 vets that came over to PS2 the instant we could Hell entire outfits transfered over. Hopeing we'd see an 'upgraded' Version of our loved game. Not a MMO CoD/BF Clone with 'our' game's name stuck on it.

    And whenever we ask for systems from PS1 to be added in, or comment that we 'like' the way some things are in PS2, the CoD/BF crowd all but falls over themselves in an attempt to make the game even MORE like CoD/BF than it already is.
  13. DeadliestMoon

    Fixed. Also, that's hardly a difference. Your enemies still can get back their land just as easily as you can in PS2.

    Stop saying this game is like CoD/BF, because it's not and I'm pretty sure if you were to say that to the devs, they'd take it as an insult.
  14. Liquid23

    if you expected or hoped to see an upgraded version of PS1 than you either were completely oblivious since every bit of material released even before the tech test made it pretty damn clear it wasn't going to be like that or you ignored common sense and reality to fool yourself into thinking a company would invest in such

    there are also a bunch of PS1 Vets who are wearing nostalgic tinted glasses and do the same exact thing the fans of other Shooters are and have been doing just in favor of PS1 instead... but there is absolutely nothing wrong with that on either side... people all have a right to their opinion after all and unfortunately for the handful of die-hard PS1 vets they are simply vastly outnumbered... it's just a fact of reality that business is going to follow what is more popular and makes more profit

    I mean I thought PS1 had a some great concepts (tho they dropped the ball on a lot of them and arguable the game as a whole) and would have absolutely no problem including some of the better elements from it if they will work and are enjoyable... and there are a bunch of PS1 elements in already and some are still comming
  15. Rhapsody

    Actually, they wouldnt. It was actually STATED by them that they were specifically targeting the CoD/BF players. And how is it 'not' like CoD/BF?

    The only thing 'similar' to Planetside 2 are the sizes of the maps and the general 'look' of the empires and equipment. Everything else is taken from CoD/BF, and given a Planetside look.

    • Classes: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1.
    • Lack of Inventory: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (We had inventory's to use in order to play as we 'wanted', not in a cut-n-butter prescribed way. Our choice in armor determined how 'much' we could carry, but our playstyle determined WHAT we took with us.)
    • 'Fixed' loadout options for Classes (limits on weapons and equipment): Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (excluding the armor 'slots' from PS1, i dont consider that a 'fixed' loadout, but a simple balancing limit)
    • Hot-swaping of Vehicle positions: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (we had to get OUT of our vehicles to change seats)
    • One-Man-Army Main Battle Tanks: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1.
    • Holographic 'capture points' you stand next to in order to magically 'capture' it: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (we had to actualy bring along a special tool with us to 'hack' a terminal in order to start capturing a base, not simply stand still for 30 seconds).
    • Ability to Unlock EVERYTHING and use it all at will (within the boundry of your prefered class): Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (PS1 we had a set limit on the maximum 'certs' we could earn, which was LESS than what the total number would be needed to unlock everything. If you wanted to use something, and were out of certs to use, you had to 'drop' the ability to use something else in exchange for the ability to use the new toy you wanted.)
    • Shotguns... EVERYONE has Shotguns: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (PS1, there was only 1 shotgun that 'everyone' could use. Only the NC had a 'speical' One in our MAX's and our Heavy Assault weapon.... in PS2?... every single empire has ... whats the total up to now?... 5? different shotguns to chose from)
    • TTK's in the 1-2 second range: Found in CoD and BF, Also found in PS2. NOT found in PS1. (in ps1 you actually could take a hit or two and have time to 'react' and take cover to try and figure out were you were being shot from. In PS2?... less than 2 seconds, your dead... TTK's similar to CoD/BF in order to keep the consolers happy)
    • Infiltrators: Not found in CoD and BF, Also Not found in PS2. FOUND in PS1. (infiltrators in PS2 are just another guy with a gun, who just happens to be able to cloak for a few seconds at a time... in PS1 they were a Armor option, and danger unto themselves with Actual tasks and 'jobs' they could perform better than anyone else)
    • Supply Resources at Major Facilities which acted as a 'catch-all' on Last Stands: Not found in CoD and BF, Also Not found in PS2. FOUND in PS1. (NTU Silo's anyone?... im sure plenty of us can think of times weve made ant-runs threw heavy fire, or been the one shooting at those ant-runs that tried to, and sometimes did, save a base.)
    Want me to keep going?
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  16. DeadliestMoon

    By all means, please do. Because we all know that no other FPS can have classes or short TTKs. Also the infiltrator class is fine, I really just think that you want something to complain about and the resource system is making a comeback, shows how much you keep up with the information they put out.
  17. TheBloodEagle

    Just to make it clear CoD =/= BF3. They're different enough. PS2 was modeled after BF3, not CoD. I'm not supporting this just trying to make it clear as almost everyone tries to make a generalized patronizing comment saying CoD/BF3 when arguing their point.

  18. Rockit

    Man how I would LOVE to see an updated version WW2OL.
  19. Rhapsody

    Like Planetside 1. WW2OL came out years ahead of its time :(.

    Imagin what they'd be like if they both came out 'now' rather than years ago?
  20. denial

    Damn I completely forgot about ANT runs! That was another thing about PS1, there was literally something for everyone. Someone could be absolutely AWFUL at FPS but still have a great time because there was so many things that were needed