I was talking to my friends about PS1......

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. toxs

    They told me about weapon lockers. In PS1 you were able to loot the primary weapon of a character you killed. You could pick up this weapon and use it. Or you could place in in your weapon locker located in the sanctuary to save it for a more suited battle. You were not able to get ammo for this weapon.

    Is this accurate? Also would anything like this be introduced to PS2? (maybe our weapon locker could be placed in the warpgate)
  2. Tyfon

    The short awnser is NO. Reason: Consol

    That´s one of the reasons so many things R so simplified or just not there in PS2. U know every game nowadays has to be playable on consols as well. I called it in Beta and well it´s coming to PS4 so....
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  3. axiom537

    Yes, it is true. But that would mean leaving loot drops all over the ground and it would cause serious performance issues...
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  4. Metalsheep

    It is accurate, but with some weapons you could get ammo for them. The Jackhammer and Mag Scatter Pistol, used standard Shotgun Shells, and the Gauss Rifle used standard 9mm bullets. The Phoenix used special rockets exclusive to NC.

    The Cycler, Repeater and MCG all used 9mm, striker used special rockets exclusive to TR.

    Van weapons used special ammo that all was exclusive to VS, but all their weapons except the Lancer ran off of universal energy cells. So you could carry any combination of weapons. The Lancer used special energy cells though.

    Later they added 10mm pistols exclusive to each empire but they all used 10mm ammo.
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  5. toxs

    :( but I wanna be a scavenger!
  6. toxs

  7. toxs

    Roger that.
  8. Ohmlink

    Yea game has enough performance issues without a ton more things to take up space. I played PS1 I recall being able to get ammo for them, maybe I'm confusing common pool ammo with the standard ammo's of other factions. I do know for a fact that VS ammo was much more difficult to come by if you weren't VS.
  9. Regpuppy

    Pretty much this. Imagine a battle with 200 people. Now imagine how often people are dead and laying on the ground. Even if the drop vanished as soon as someone respawned, it'd still be a pain for the engine to create and handle all those entities on top of what it's already doing.
  10. BoomBoom4You

    The real reason is they want you to have to buy the weapons with SC (or certs) to use them.
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  11. Mighty_Neckbeard

    I remember this...It was kinda awesome. There was nothing better than having the console dead at the base from a blown gen or low NTUs and then reaching into your locker for your backup weapons that you put aside for a rainy day. You could also drop them on the ground...I remember a dead console in the spawn room and then unloading my collection of Jackhammers (i was playing VS) for folks to use. Didn't have enough ammo to be useful, but it still has worth it for a last stand.
  12. SolLeks

    I remembered this was stashed away in my old old old imageshack account, This is my PS1 locker.

    I bet there is a way it could have been done in PS2, assuming 90% of infantry kitting is different.
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  13. Verisimilituder

    My PS1 locker is almost entirely Phoenix ammo (and a few Phoenixes). PS1 NC were easy pickings with that baby since they were used to being able to safely retreat behind the nearest rock.
  14. TheAntiFish

    Man i miss the old days, I had a locker full of MCG's and Lashers. Great stuff.
  15. Kirbs

    Standing on a battlement spamming plasma grenades down at the enemy running too the door, the equivalent of noob tubing from a spawn room, those where the days :)
  16. UberBonisseur

    The "loot" was just a blocky backpack.

    Heck, we already have corpses. I don't see the problem with looting
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  17. axiom537

    Well then I guess you should discuss this with the developers, because that was the reason they gave us back in tech test. FYI, it is more then just the bag, the server also needs to determine what is in the bag as well and also manage the player inventory. So I think it is a bit more complicated then you think.
  18. Rhapsody

    What your friends told you is true. In PS1 we had no 'classes'. What you used was determined by what you 'certed' into. And you had a LIMIT on how many total certs you could ever have, which was LESS than the total number of Certs required to unlock everything.

    What you carried with you into battled and what vehicles you used was determined by the armor you wore. Heavy armor let you carry 2 'larg weapon' types at once, and 2 'small' weapon types, and had the biggest 'inventory' space. Light armor had 1 'larg weapon' slot, and 2 'small' weapon slots. And Infiltrators had 2 'light' weapon holsters. (there was also the 'underwear' armor class (default spawning armor) which had 2 'large weapon' slot and 1 'small' weapon slot, but it had the smallest inventory space and armor values.)

    The types of ammo used for certain weapons were also of different sizes, and to maximize your inventory space you had to shift the ammo around like a game of tetris (which to me was actualy kinda fun, trying to sweeze out every possible 'block' of space)

    And you coudl pick up and use the enemy's weapons. TR and NC weapons used the same ammo types, so you 'could' get ammo for those weapons from your own faction's terminals (except for the missle launchers). Its the VS weapons that we all had to scrounge for ammo for.

    The reason we dont have 'lockers' or any type of 'inventory' system in PS2 is actually quite simple.

    PS2 was designed for the Call of Duty, and Battlefield players. Not the old PS1 vets.

    SOE wanted to boost their sales and try to 'increase' the playerbase of Planetside by specifically targeting the Console players.

    CoD/Battlefield both have 'classes' with set items and weapons each can use. These are decided on BEFORE you spawn, and they are the only weapons you use while alive (with the exception of picking up a dead enemy's weapon, which i'll touch on in a moment). There was no inventory system because those games are based off "arena" fighting. Your not expected to live long in a small map with 12-32 people all shooting at each other, so there's no need to make it were you can edit your loadout in-game. Your expected to die and make changes from the character select screen.

    As i said, PS2 was made in a way that specifically targeted the CoD/BF players. Its the only reason why we have hot-swapping of seats in vehicles, Its the only reason why MBT's are 1-man-army machines instead of vehicles that require both a gunner AND a driver. And, its why there is no inventory system.

    As for not being able to do one thing from the CoD/BF franchise, the picking up of the enimy's weapon, Thats a performance thing. Early on the Dev's were going to try to let us do this, but in order to do so the weapons have to be a 'solid object' in the world for us to interact with. This caused a hit to the games performance with all of the extra 'objects' having to be drawn per player. So instead they turned the weapons into 'sprites' (basically a picture) that our characters hold, and did away with the idea of picking up the dead guy's weapon and using it yourself.

    Thats pretty much why we have no inventory system in PS2.
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  19. WorldOfForms

    Another example of how PS1 was a deeper and more complex game.

    Even if you didn't haul a weapon back to a locker, it was such a cool rambo moment to mow down so many enemies that you ran out of ammo, so you'd loot your last victim, kit yourself out with his weapons, grenades, and medkits, and then continue to murder people, but now with their empire specific weaponry adding to their humiliation. Nothing that badass happens in PS2.

    As an infiltrator you could only carry limited Boomers (C4) but you could stock your locker with them, then sneak into the enemy base (through a maze of underground tunnels that put PS2's "indoor" fights to shame), use your REK tool to hack into an enemy locker, thus accessing your own locker and a treasure trove of Boomers, thus giving you the explosive power you needed to destroy massive amounts of equipment in the base.

    PS1 also had Alien Tech weapons, which could only be pulled from an Equip Terminal if you had a special Module installed in the base (or linked through lattice), but while you had that Module, you could fill your locker with alien tech weapons and then save them for a rainy day.

    There was also just something personal feeling about having the locker. Opening it up and seeing enemy weapons in there made you feel more like your character - it was like a trophy room of conquests. People on the PS1 forums would have "show the contents of your locker" threads.

    Good times.
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  20. Kirbs

    I wasn't all wonderful though, PS1 had just as many problems as Planetside 2 has in its first year. I don't know anyone who could run that game beyond 40 FPS within the first year, and it had memory leaks coming out of the wazoo.

    And who remembers the tears of this weapon: