I want to hit that Q button, i really do.

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Village, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Village

    But when my character screams at the top of his lungs into a microphone so everyone within a few hundred metres can hear me, i don't often do it. Do future soldiers lack the ability to whisper? Can we get a cert or something for silent or quiet spotting?
  2. DeadlyShoe

    "Enemy heavy tank spotted!"

    *turret rotates, fires*
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  3. RobotNinja

    Well...OBVIOUSLY...you have to yell really loud so everyone can hear you.
  4. Grizdale

    lol does get annoying when infiltrating but I can understand it from a balance perspective.

    The number of times I have accidentally pressed it though on reflex though...
  5. Mibeshu

    I do the same. Trying to be quiet, hiding from tons of infantry and suddenly 'ENEMY INFANTRY SPOTTED' while everyone turns around and I'm there looking sheepish thinking '...oops'.
  6. Daejin

    Wouldn't be so bad if each faction didn't have their own voices... Though the veriety is nice.
  7. Teshrrar

    "Hey, you!!! I can see you!".

    "Há! Now I can see you too!".

    But I like the feature the same way. When I'm with friends in a VoIP, we use that only when enemy is far enough or he can't harass us.
  8. Dead

    The best is when you are in a deserted base hunting down 1 guy trying to back-cap and he gives away his position by spotting you even though none of his team is around.
  9. Kerrigan

    This Voicething is very very anoying...i agree :) They Should use the FactionRadio or sm.
  10. Vitality

    I think it adds a fairly large trade-off for people in smaller fights. Makes people think twice about mashing that Q key like it's a Heavy Punch button in Street Fighter.
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  11. blzbug

    On the "realism" side, everyone is running around with battle helmets on. Don't they have radios built in? It is 2012 and nerds playing online shooters have microphones and headsets. Surely by 2454 we have a better way to communicate than SCREAMING. And how does our magic SCREAMING make a red dot appear on a friendly's radar? If the future tech is good enough to translate our SCREAMING into red dots on a HUD, can't we do it by just whispering? Or just by hitting a button on our weapon? We could even label the button with a "q" :)
  12. iller

    @1hr:16:50 -- Infiltrator currently shares the same spotting with everyone else. ... Devs want to change it to longer lasting Spotting / Global (the entire pub force of your factions in the area) instead of just to local-nearby & squad players.

    IE: bigger reward for sacrificing your own safety -- Speculation: Maybe after that's the new reality, there can be whispering perks added that reduce that number of allies it's reported to again, but prevents you from revealing your Loc??