[Suggestion] I want my Certs back... Another Striker Thread...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mhorlok, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Keiichi58

    Actually, the Decimator is only 'go-to' for the VS and NC for short range hard hitting. At longer ranges, the Lancer or Nemesis/Hades is a better choice. For the NC, the Phoenix is good for certain situations, otherwise, it is the Hawk or crow if they are not sporting the annihilator. The Striker before this was, at least, following what the Planetside 1 Striker was designed, same with the Lancer and Phoenix.

    Actually, as a player of all factions, I tested the Striker in the VR room... (since this recent patch has hosed the live combat with hitching after a while)... I posted a video here:

    In these test conditions, where the most 'ideal' situation is shown... In a live fire situation, this is hardly going to 'go well' in comparison to the current Lancer and Phoenix. While I hate being the only Phoenix user hitting targets and not downing them, the Striker is even more underpar than the Phoenix and at close range, the damage output is even further underpar. The earlier argument someone else made about how this is suppose to be good against MAX armors is also a joke... 150m, either near or direct hits 13 rounds to achieve one kill from a STATIONARY target. Lancer users and Phoenix users don't get nearly that many shots off even with a charge or reload delay and that is against even moving targets, so the striker for that purpose is stupid to begin with.

    With the hitching going on, I've seen horrible use of it even at moderate range and the use of it against ground vehicles is worse than a fracture, as you can only fire 5 rounds versus 10 and given you only carry 25 rounds to begin with compared to the MAX carrying about 100 rounds per arm... The tuning of the striker is subpar for where it should be.
  2. MasterDk78

    Ok fair enough the striker only deal 100 dmg, but its ammo cap needs to be raised from 5 to 20. then dumbfire will be fun :)
  3. Ztiller

    The Spikers damage needs to be raised up to 500 per shot. Then it will be fun.
  4. MasterDk78

    roflmao :D

    Yea.. the spiker sux.. not excatly the gun you guys where hoping to get..
  5. Goretzu

  6. a-koo-chee-moya

    What? It does 150 per rocket to vehicles and on direct to infantry (pretty useless, but yes, that's how it works).
  7. gualty

    Trying to fix a broken concept only makes it worse.
    I don't know how to give a good faction ML to Terran, but the Striker never worked properly.

    I would like to see the Striker firing like a Katiusha, or a Nebelwerfer. Once you pull the trigger, all missiles are fired, letting devs balancing pros and cons of this (speed, damage, rof, etc). Something more deadly, a bit erratic, and more difficult to control once firework starts.
    Of course my idea don't contemplate lock-on.
  8. Flag

    Not everyone has a descimator.
    In which case the S7 works just fine.

    I didn't bother much with the VR testing and took it straight to actual fights instead, where vehicles move and stuff.
    I also don't really consider it an anti-MAX launcher, but more an anti-vehicle and point defence one.

    More to the point, I really don't see how the Phoenix is that much better in close range, as it leaves you standing completely still while with the Striker you maintain basic movement controls.

    Oh and for the ammo thing, if you were to compare single lancer shots to the striker missiles they're remarkably close both in damage and ammo count.

    Anyway, I liked using it. And it didn't feel anywhere near as problematic as a lot of TR makes it out to be.
  9. Flag

  10. fdykn


    • Up x 1
  11. RadarX

    As we do have a number of Striker threads we are going to close this to help consolidate.
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